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<br /> payraes�t�n�_�y no lon�cr�ar,r�a���lecd,nt Uic a�tlo�of I.cnde�,IF iilOYl���C IfiSllPtT51GS:C(1VCft1�E tYil lll0 f!fil�lAill('_Flf� �Q�1jiC�TLS'�Q�
<br /> thnt Lcnder requires)provideA by un insufer app:oved by l.endcr�qain becomes ovailGGle nnd is oUtalnecl.l3orrower shr.11 pay the
<br /> a ,:3_�.
<br /> nrrmi�ima renuire�tn m3intain enor4gace Incurnnce in effACt; nr tn�rnvfdn A Inss rascrvo, undl th� rcuuirement for mnrut�ge �`
<br /> '_ ���i'j insurance ends ln a�cordance wdth any written ngrecmcnt bctwoen Aarrower and I.ender or applirablo lew, °
<br /> =:-,r;;.`'- 9.Inspectbn. L.G�ler or its agetn may maka neasonablo cntries upon and inspecdons of tho Fmperry.Lcndcr shall givc �;�.
<br /> � "�� Bonawer notfca at U�e dme of or pdor to an inspocdon spocifying reasonabie cause for the inspoctian.
<br /> _,,� 1Q.�a�ides��a¢ta��. 'Ii�a peocc�:tls of atty awwd otr Clalti� t'oP d�i»ges,dieect or cons;quentlal,in connection ��ith t►ny �"
<br /> ---- candemnatlon or other taking of any pazt of tho Property,or far conveyance in Ileu of condemnadon.are hcreby assigncd and ��__
<br /> .,r� sha�1 be paid w Lender. '
<br /> In the event af g totel taldng of the Propeny,tho procccds shall be epplicG m tho sums securcd by this Secur[ty Insuument, ��.�
<br />' �•��"� whethu or not then due,with any wccess paid to Borrowec.In the even3 of a particil li�king of tho Property in which►.�he fair mQrkes r
<br />' "'°'�` pe,�ty y �' eq greatcr than tho amaunt of the sums sa�ured b ty
<br />-:.,.. ..� value uf tho Pro lmmediatel before tho takln �s ual to or y this Securl f�'v.
<br /> 'y.'f. Instrument irnmedlately Ueioee the Ft�cin$, unless IIarrawca and Lcndor othcrwisc agrcc in w�ibng, the sum� secured by Wis �`
<br /> r:;;t.��, Secur.+(y Irstrurrtant shall be rediico�by tho emount of the proceeds muldplied by tho foAowing fracti�n:(a)the total amount oF �-
<br />-��� �he sar�a s�cuned immediately befo�c tho taking, divided by @) tho fair murkct valuc of the Peoperty immedi.�tcly bcfore Q►a __
<br /> �� __
<br /> ��,� t�ng.Any halance shall bo p.ad to�4flTrower.In the event o£a pardal taking of ttie Pmpetry in which tha fair market value of th4 _ -
<br />�°�t;.�,�.;� Propnr►y immediately bc1'ore tRc t,�s�ng is less th�n thc amount of thu sums secureti fa�mcdintely bcfare tha talcin�, uR�ess ,:.'
<br /> ===----= Bona�er nnd Lepder otherwlse ag��in writing or unless applic�bla L�w oth�as�provi,des.th��ruceeds shell 6o appu.r.d to thc
<br />-�'`�;,„; , sums secured by thl.a Security i�ssirumcat whether or not tho sunQ�a:�@�e:i duc. _
<br />,�::s+"�, If th�Property is abr�edoned b,y�lortower.or�f,ufter noBc�by Lcndes W Bt�otivrx¢lv�t tlt4 condemnor offers W mako an "
<br />� ,�`�;%.' award or settle a claim for damages.Horrower fails w respond to Lendar within 3D days aRer the date tha nodce Is given�Lender
<br /> :°�:'��.st;j . is uuthorized to co]l�ct and apply 4'�e procee�ls.ai ita opdnn.either to restoration or repair of ths Propeity or w the smn:;stcured =
<br />���''��;`% by thls Security Instr�mer.t,whelher or not then dua.
<br />'`��`�� Uc+iles9 Lender end Barrowet othe;rwise agrce in wrltin�,any upnlication of proceeds tn principal shall not extend or postpona _
<br />-`"ri�il'__ the duc date of the monthly paymcnts refcrrod to ln poz�grapiis 1 and 2 or ch��ge the amount of such payments.
<br /> ___- 11.Bnrrower Not ItekACed;Forbesrance By L+ender Not a WAtv�r. Bxtension of the dme for puymens or modil3cxtion
<br /> �� of amordxa�pn of the sums sec:ured by th;s Securlty In�tntment granted by Lender to eny successor in interest of Borrower shall �
<br /> __�`�'�`� not operate[o release tha liability of tha ortginel Bormwec or Bormwer's successors in interesG Lender shall not be required to
<br />=__�_ commence procoedings against eny succe.4sor in interest or refuso to axtend tima for payment or otherwLso modif'y amortizadon of —
<br />________- the sums secund by this S�curiiy Instniment by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Bomower's successors
<br /> .--_�� in intrresL Any forbeArtmoe by J.andu In oxercising eny rtght or remedy sra!1 not be a waiver oi or prrxiu�tna eae�ise oi any
<br /> --= righe or remcdy.
<br /> __=== 12.Successors and Assigns Bound;Joint rtnd Severn!&3�b'�ty; Casi�erg. 'Ilia covenants end agrecments of th�s
<br /> —= Se�urin Insorument shall bind and ben�fit the successo:s a�d �ssigns of Lendca and Borrower, subjoct w tho provisions of
<br /> - para�rt,ph 17. Rarowu's covenazits end agra,ments shall be joint and several. A�y Borrawer who casigns tl�i:, Security
<br /> Instrucacsnt but daes not eacecuto the Notu: (a) ia co•signing this 5ecurity Instrument only to mortgago,grnat and convuy tt�at
<br /> Sarrov+tx's interrst in tha Pro�Cyr under the tesms of ih�s Secur[ty InsWment; (b)is not pusonally obligoud to pay tha sums
<br /> se�c�red by this Soc�uity Instrument;ancl(c)agrees that Le.nder end any other Aoirowu may egree co extend,malify,forbear or
<br /> - make any eccommodallons with cegard to the trama of this Securlry Instrument or the Note withcwt that Barower's consen�
<br /> - 13.Lo�o CWrges. If the loan secund by thLs Securiry Instrument is subject to a law which sets maxlmiun loan ctu�rges,
<br /> ancb that law is finaUy interpceted so that the intcrest or ather 6oan eharges colle�ted or W be collected in a�nnection with tha lcwn
<br /> wcceed the pem�ittzd limlts,tFen:(a)any such laan chacge shall be roduced by tho amount ncces.sary to red�ce the charge to the
<br /> petmitted limit;end @)aa�sum9 alneady wllectod from Bormwer which exooadad perntittod limits will be :funtled w Borrower.
<br /> --- Ix�x msy ehoose w m�uce titia r.aunti by ratuctng tne pru�cipsi owed unciex tno Y�iaa a oy mai�ing a�iiioc�payma�i w
<br /> ; _ Horrower. If a rafund rod�:ces pri�nciQal, t}w rodustkn wW be treated at a pa�al pnpaymer►t without anY Prepayment chargo -
<br /> - ondar Ihe Note.
<br /> 14.Notice�. My notice W Bonower provided for in this Security Insurumcnt shall lse given by deUvering it or by mailing it
<br /> ___ by first ctass mail unless appUcable law requires use of another method.'Ihe noiice shall be din�ctod co the Propaty Address ur
<br /> - , any other addcess Barrowu d�esignat,esi by notice to Lender.Any notice to I.cnder shall be g6vcn by flrst cla�s mail w Lendtx's
<br /> arWress staud huein or any otha addres.s Ltndu designntes by noGCe w Homowa. My notke provided for tn this Securlty
<br /> --_ Insuument sl�all be deerned w have been given W Bomowu or Lendu when given as provided in this pazagraph.
<br /> - �,5.Governing Lxwi Severnb[lity. 'Il�is Security Instrument shaal be govcmed by fedual iaw and the law of thc
<br /> - jurisdiction in which th�Ptopeity is locatal. In�e event that any proviston or clausa of this Securiry Inswment or the Note
<br /> = conflicts witU epplicable law,such contlict shall aot affect other provisions of this Secutlty Instrument or dio Note which can ba
<br /> _-- �' given affoct without tAe oonflicting provisian.To th�s end tho�mvisions of this Security Insuument and thn Nou aro declazed to
<br />_-=--
<br />