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<br /> , " Borrowar mny curo such e dr,tault end relnstete, ae provlded In parnA�ph 18,by causing the nctlon or proc�eding lo be -_-_-.
<br /> ;, , dlsmlosod v�ith a rul'.ng thst. !n Lendor's good fafih dote:minatlon,precludes toAeitura oi iho Bortower's Interost In tha PmpeAy or
<br /> olhcr mntoHnl Impalrmcnt ot the Iic�n creatod by thls Security Instrument or Lenders.ewdry intero�t. eorrowor ehnll otso bo In
<br /> dct.�ull if Dorrov+cr. during lho lonn opplicntlan proeea:�, �avo m�4cH�ly falso or Iniiccur�la Intormntlon or stnicmcnta to Lcndcr (or
<br /> lailed to p►ovido l.ender with any mnterinl Intolmetlpn) In conncctlon vrith Iho loan evldenced by lho Nota, Includlnp, bui not �
<br /> Iimited to, reprosentations conceming Dortower'e occupnncy o1 tho ProperPy as o pdnclpul resldonco. If thls Socurity �
<br /> Instn�ment Is on a leasehotd, BoROwF:rr ahail compty with all the provlslons of the ICHSa. li Qarrowcr acqulres te�title to the
<br /> � Property,tho I�useho!d and the foo tltle shall not morqo unleas Le�ider egrees to iho mergar in writing.
<br />•; '��• . 7. P►�otsct9on of i.ender's Rlehto In the Proporty. l}BoROwer feu9 �o perlortn the covenente and aflreemcnis �
<br /> � contalned In thls 8ecu�lty Instniment, or there Is e lt�pal proceeding that may signlflcanlly aflect Lender's riphtn in the Property � ,
<br /> (such as A proceedin(� In b�nlwptcy, probnte,tor condemnotion o►tortefturo or to en�orca lnws or ragulntlono). lhen I.ender may � .
<br /> ��•�Is1� do and pay for whetever Is necessary to protect the value of tho PropeAy and Lender's dghts in tho Properly. Lender's actions � _
<br /> .�;.�:
<br /> ,•;��--° may (nclude paying nny sums secured by a Ilen whlch hes priority ovor thls Secu►Iry InstrumenL eppearing In court, paying 4 •
<br /> .��� reanonnbla nttomoy3' tees and ent��ing on iho Proporty to mako repalrs.Although Lender may Wko nctlon under thls paregraph -y
<br /> 7, Lnndar does no2 have to do so. �..
<br /> �" I My nmounts disbur�ed by Lendor under parogreph 7 ehnll become additlonel dcbt o1 Bortower sacurod by thl� Secudry
<br /> �,� Instrumont. Unless Bonower and Londor agree to othor tertns of pnyment, theso emounts ehnll bear fntorest lrom the date oi � .
<br /> • disbursemant at the Note rate and shnil bo paynblo,vrilh Interast,upon notice hom Lender to Bortower regunaUng payment. ;_;���
<br /> . ' x'� 8. MOrt�]itg9 II15UraDCe. It Lender requlred mortgag� Ineumnce as e condiGon oi making the loan secured by thls l:,.�-�
<br /> � Secudty Inetrument,Botrower shall pay tho premfumo requlred to maintaln the mortgago Ins:�mnce In eftect. If,tor eny reason, the r__e._„z
<br /> mortgngo insumnce aovemge required by Lend¢r lapses or ceases to be In ettect,Bortower shell pny the premlums requlred to ��___
<br /> °y�` ,;�,..a,,,t • olotaln coverage substantialty �qu(valent to tho mortgage insurence prevlousty In ellect,et a cost substantinlly equlvalent to tho {
<br /> ��°a.•..•:•�: cost to Bortower o} the mortgac�e Inourence prevlously in eftact, from nn a4Emato mcrtgage insurer approved by Lender. It �,;; ^
<br />;'�4,�.�.. substantinlly equivutent moRgage Inaurance coverage Is not avafleb!e, Borrower she� pny to Lender eacN month e sum equul to __
<br />:-�ru�n°:u';,._ onatwelfth of tho yParty mortgage Insurance prem(um betng patd by Eiorrower when the insurance coverege lepsed ar ceased to _
<br />•,;fi"..�5,:;�_, be In eflect. Lender wiil accept, uae anrJ retaln these paymants as a loss reservo in Ceu ol mortgaga Inaurance. Loss roscrvo �-�-
<br /> =����'y�S payments may no longer be requlred, at the optlon of Le�d2r, ii mortgage inaurance corerago pn the emount and tor the pedod �;�+:_
<br /> ,,:; x:�- �1a_ __:��
<br /> i�����',';'::� thet Londer requires) provided by an Insurer npproved by Lender agaln becomes evailebte nnd is obtainod. Borrower shail pay �_�
<br />- ° th¢premlums required to malntaln mortgage Insurance In efiect, or to pravide a loss reservo, un4il the�•equirement }or mortguge �'x�-���
<br /> J�`'t'��`�� � Insuranca ends In acaordence with an wdtten agreement between Bortower and L��dcr or upplicable law.
<br /> .: w,r..:�� Y
<br /> •��:-;;;;i- 8. Inep8Cti0�. Leodar or Its sgent may make reasonable antrles upon and Inspectlons of the Property. Lender 5hall gNe ���;--_
<br />--�� :':�_tyh, BoROwer notice at the tlmo of or pdor to an Inapectl�n spedtying reasonable cause tor!�e Inspection. �
<br /> �+���•' 10. Gondemreatlon. The procaeds of any sward or clslm tor damag9s, direct or consequentlui, fn connectlon with nny -
<br /> :;;,��;; condemnatlon o► other taking of any part ot the Property, or (or conveyanco fn Ileu of condemnation, are hereby asslgned and y
<br /> ->_„;��"� shall be pald to Londer. _
<br />_ - In the event of a totnl taking oi tha Property, the proceods shall be applied to the sums aecured by thls Secudty -
<br /> �'"`="�-"'•� InsWment,whether or not then due,with any excess paid to 8orrower. In the event oi a partlal telcing o}the Properlyr in whlch
<br /> -W�����!� �t,.,}Alf MAf{fP1 VAIUO o1 the Pronertv Immediatelv betoro tho tnhing is oqual to or grester than the omount ot the sums seaured
<br /> :-:vk�;� by this Secudty Instrument Immediately betore the taking, unless Borradver artd Lender otherwlse agree In wdUng, tho sums
<br /> Y '-`�°`1"� secured by this Security Instrument shall tre reduced by the amount ot the proGeeds multiptled by the toilowing frnctlon: (a) the
<br /> �-°��--�� total amount o9 the aums secured Immediatey t�ebre the taking, divided by(b) tho falr matkat value of tho Property Immodiatelyr
<br /> —'"'`�� botore the teking. My balanco shall be pnid to Bonower. In tho event of a partial tnking oi ihe Property ln wh(ch tho fair mailcat
<br /> — vaiue ot the Property fmmadVately before the taking Is less than the amount of the sums secured Immedlately before the taking,
<br /> - ..�..�= unle�s Bortower und Lendor otherwise agree In wdting or unless applicable law otherwise provldes, the proceeds shail 6e
<br /> � epplied to the auma aeaurad by thls Securlty Instrument whelher cr not the cuma ere then due.
<br /> If the Froparly Is abandoned by Borcawer, or if,after nottce by Lender to Bortower that the condemnar oHers to make en
<br /> award or seflio a cialm tor dnmages, Bor►ower tefls ta respond to Lender withln 30 days eRer the date tho notice is given,
<br /> __— I.ender is autho►ixed to coHect end epply the proceade, at Rs optlon, elther to restonllon or repalr of the Property or to the
<br /> -- sums securad by thls Security Instrument,whether ar not then due. _
<br /> — Unless Lendor and Borrower atherwiso agree in writing, any eppltcatlon ol proceedo to prtncipal shnll not extend or
<br /> pnatpone tha duo date ot the monthy paynnents reterted to in parngrephe 1 end Z or chengo tho amount ot euch paymenta.
<br /> ---- 11. Borro�er Not Relmased; Forb�arance By Lend�r Not a Wafver.EMenslon nt the tlmo fot peyment or __
<br /> ..�_ _ .,,a�...ti�.. o....,�.++.. �..ve���.o..r�.�.�tnrt hv i�an�w fn nnv n���r.enanr In tnter�st ot
<br /> � mod. ..�_ ...,.,.
<br /> u?wiiun vi umu�i�u.u�r� o� ���o .,����......,..:�......� .�.... ..........., ...___..........- _.- . . _ _
<br /> --- - Bortower shall not oporate to release the Iiabflity of the origlnal Borrower or Borrowesb successore tn interest. Lender shnll not
<br /> �`�`--� be required to commence proceedings against any successor In Interest or retus5 to extend timo tor paymcnt or othenvise -- . -
<br /> modHy amortizatlon of the sums �ecured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the origireal Borruwer eir
<br /> Borrnwer's sucoessore in Interost. My torbearence by Lender(n exercising any rtght or remedy shall no4 be n waiva o!or
<br /> --- A— preciude the exerclse ot any right or remedy.
<br /> — 1Z. Sucaossore and Aasigns Boun�; Jof�t and Severel LI�biIKy; Co-signers. The covenents and
<br /> agreemente o}this Securfly Instrument shail bind end beneftt the successors and essigns o}lender and Bortower, subJect to lhe
<br /> provfsiona of paragraph 17. BoROwer's covenanta end agreomertts sh�ll bo Jolnt end snvv,ral. My Borrower who ca-signs thls
<br /> Sacurity instrument but does not execute tho Note: (a)is co-signing thls 3ecurity Ine;tmment only to mortgage, grant and convey
<br /> thet Borrower's Interest in the Proporty under the terms of this Secudry Instrument; @) is not pereonal!� obilgatod to pay the
<br /> ---- sums secured by this Security Inatrument; and (c) agrees that Lender end any other Borrower may agrea to extend,modity,
<br /> torbear or make any accommadations with regerd to tho teims of thls Security Instrumant or the Note without that Borrower's
<br />— ---�-= consent.
<br /> :;�;�;�;�, . 13. Loen Chargt9S. tl tha loan secured by thls Securiry Instrument le subJect to a law whlch sets maxlmum loan ___
<br /> -�"��� charge9, and that law is finaliy Interpreted so that tho Interast or other loan uhargcss eollected or to be coliected In connection =-_
<br /> ,.:;�.;,w��_y� wrih the loan exceed the permitted ifmtts, thon: (a) any such loan chargo shttll bn reduced by the amount nece�sary to reduce �
<br /> --_--�=� She charge to tha pwmltted Ilmit; and (b) any sums olready collectad irom Bortower�vhlch exceedad pertnitted Iimits will ba -
<br /> -_ _N� � retunded to tiorrpwer. Lendar may choo3o to make this rotund by reducing lhe pdnc�pal owed under the Note or by makin4 a ___
<br /> = v.�= dlract payment to Borrower. If a rotund reduces princfpal, tha reductlon wfll bo treatod ss a partlnl prepuyment withaut eny �
<br /> �„j;�� prepayment charge under tho Note. �`
<br /> : . . �,��Y� n.►rroy.
<br /> - z-- 14. Not(Cee. My notice to Bortov�er providud for in 4his Socudty Inatrument sh�l be given by dellvering it or by malling It ��::
<br />�'��� by tirst class mali uNess appllcabte law raqulres use of another molhod. fie noUce shvll bo dlr�rcted to the Property Addross ==:rr.c_.
<br /> ="*�R�S°"� ur any other flddrass Bortowar dosignates by noUco to Lender. My noUco to Lender shall b� given by Orst class mail to �;=�"s�
<br /> �-_� � ;r� _���_,. .._.�., �e..�, .. ,.e►..,.edd.aao i a„dnr dneinnnfua bv nntlr�te�,Anvrnwar. Anv notlen nrov(ded tor In thls ���--
<br /> :.o;�:.�'� a....�.,�.. .......... .....,.... ..s�., _..._ ---•--- --••--• ---. ..--- -
<br /> l`•���� Sacuriry Instrument shatl tro doemed to heve been given ta Bortower or Lender when pNen es providad In this pnragraph. -
<br /> �'�������'. 15. Gov�rning L�vv; SeVel'ablllty. This Securfty Instrument shnli be gorerned by federai law end the law ot tho
<br /> ::,!;�,1'_;;`'.`�' judsdiction in whlch the F'roperty Is locnted. In tho event that any provislon or cl3use af this Security Instrument or the Nota .,,}.
<br /> .;�a`•,'•;":�', contilcts �iith app�cable Iaw, such contllct shall not sttect other provisions of 4hls Soarity Instrument or the Note whlch cun bo
<br /> � ��:r i?i�r. gNen eftes.without the canliictfng provislon.To this end tho provislons of Ihls Secu�iry Instrument and tha Note ere dacisrod to
<br /> =: ,��r�t�. be 88YCfAbIB.
<br /> .Rr",' f
<br /> �� "�'' 16. Borrower's Copy. Borruwer ehall bo given ano confortnod copy o}the Note end ot thls Securlty Instrumont. �"
<br /> .�..��� . .V.rK_.: .
<br /> ,. :k.
<br /> _, � •�.
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