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<br /> � ' �' TOQETHER WITH ull the Improvomanto now or hereafter eracted on the property, nnd ell ensements, appurtonances, and -:�
<br /> � (I�turos naw or hereaftar o pnH ot tho properry. All roplaccmenis nnd addlllort;shall alao bo covered by thl�Security In�tn�ment. �Q
<br /> All 01 tho forcpolnp lo rr�tarred to In thta Socudry Inntrument ns tNo 'Properry.` (�/
<br /> �ORflQ�H COVENANTE3 ihat Borrawcr lo IavAulty aclscd o1 tho esinto hcrcby convuycd nnd has tho ripht to gront and 0 �
<br /> � convoy Iho Property nnd liiat tli� Praperty lo uncncumbcrcd, onccpt lor cncumbronr.os of rccord. Borrowcr warrnntn nnd v+lll
<br /> detend p�ncralty iho litln to lho Property a�nlnat �il clalmn and dcmands, �ubJect to ony encumbrancos of record. �
<br /> THIS SECUAITY IN3TRUI�wNT eombinea unllorm coven�nts for natiQnnl use c!nd non-unitortn covenants with limlted �
<br /> varlE►Ilone by�urisdictlon to constitute e unitorm eeauriry Inetniment covering real property. �
<br /> � UNIFOflM COVENAN78. Borcow�r¢nd Lendor covanant and agrco eo lollowa: �
<br /> °� �� t. P�ym�nt of princlp�l e�d Int�r�at; Pr�paym�nt pnd L�t� Charq�ss. Botrower shull promptly pay when
<br /> ` ` duo tha principal ol nnd Interost on!ho dobt svldoncad by tho Nota and uny propayment and lato chnrgcs due under the Nota.
<br /> 2. �Utld� for i�uc�es �nd I�aurMnce. SubJect to eppllcablo law or lo a wriRcn walvcr by Lcndcr. Borrovter shall pey d!] _
<br /> t•-%'���� to Landor on the day monthly peymente are due under the Note, untll the Nate Is pald (n tull, a sum ('Funds') tor. (e) yeariy •,�;r.
<br /> J ,,..,-•-
<br /> :��,;�� texos and assossmonte whlCh may attaln prlotlty ovnr thls 9eauriry Inettument ns n Ilan on the Property; (b) yearty leusehold
<br /> �„ paym�fnts ar ground rente on the Property, II eny; (c) yearty hazerd or properiy fnaurnnce premlums; (d) yearty tlood Insurence .y
<br /> - ,. premiums, U eny; (e) yoarly m�rtgaqe Ineurence premlums, If eny;and (Q any sums payable by Bortower to Londer in accordance � ,
<br /> � with the provlsiona of parapraph U, in lieu oI the peyment o1 mortgape Insurenco premlums. These Items ere callad 'E9Crow �'�;
<br />, � � Itoma.` Lender mey, et any time, collect and hold Funds In an emount not to exceed the maximum amount a Iender for u t�.
<br /> . tederulty related martgago losn may requlre tor Bortowcr'a oacrovl acr.ount under the federxl Real Estete Settlnment Procedures
<br /> � a � Act o}1674 ae emended trom tlne to time, 12 U.S.C,�2601 ot seq. ('RESPA'), unless another Iaw that appllos to the Funds _
<br />�' r.��+i�." , sote e lessnr amount. If ao, Lender may, at eny timo, collect end hold Funds In an amount not to excead tho lesser amount. �-,-
<br /> _ � ':..i,'; Lender may estimate tho amount of Funda due on iho basis of cunent date and reasonable ostlmatea oi expenditures ot tuture ���
<br />- � " ^ Escrovr Itema or othenvise In accordnnae wHh aPpllcuble iaw. "'�'"
<br />� �� � ��•'� The Funda shail be hold In an InstituUon whose depostts aro Insured hy a tederal agency, Instrumentality, or entity(including
<br /> • � . �"P
<br />- `-`���,{;��+`.s'.•- s Lender, I} lender is suah an Institutlon) or in any Federal Home Lonn Bank. Lender shall appry the Funds to pdy tha Escrow _
<br /> -'-°,'!��,� �� Items. Londer may not charge Eiortowor tor holding end applyfng the Funds, annually enaly21ng the escrow account,or ve�ifyfng Q_�
<br />'?:i�:`..:::,.. �—
<br /> ° �n��' the Escrow Itoms, unless Lendor pays Dotrower intcrrost on thn Funds and r-�eplicahle law permite I.ender to make such a
<br /> .::•,w�,�:. F�,�;;
<br />- -•w,�s! charge. Howover, Lender may requlrn Borrower to pay n one-Ume chargo tor r.� independent real estate tex reporting service
<br />--`�r.;��,;:;�",
<br />° ��-;��..;;,;�,,% used by Lender in connectlon wfth this loan, unless applicable 4:w provides otherwise. l,�nlass an agreement is m¢de ar �___.
<br />' uppllcaUle law requ{res interest to be pald, I.ender shall not be raquired to pny Borrawer any tnterest or eamings on tho Funts. `,_
<br /> `�;,�+`;����'��`;���� Borrower and Lender may agree In wdflng, however, that Interest shall be pald on the Funds. Lender shall glve to BarcowE�,
<br /> `;��'�A;i�: -
<br /> K� wlthaut charge, un annual acaaunting ot the Funds, showing credits and debite to the Funds and thn purpose for which each
<br />�:,�r_:.:�r. debit to the Funds�vAS made. The Funds aro plodgod as addiUonal secudry for all sums aecured by the Secudty Instrument.
<br /> �.:�;:`"�'��� If the Funds h21d by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by epplicable law. Lender shnll account to Bort�wer
<br />;�;;�, • Tor the sxcess Funds In aecordance vrfth tho rcquirement� o}appiicable iew. If the amount of the Funda held by Lender at sny ._
<br />-:.#�.��5��� timo is not auf�clent to pay the Escro�v Itoma when due, Lender may so nottty BoROwer In writing, and, In auch case Bortower
<br />-;-:,�-•� ahaU pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deflcioncy. BeROwer shall make up the deficlency In no moro than
<br />=-�:'�''' twelvo monthly payments, at Lender's sole dlscretion.
<br /> `z�'??`?_... Upon payment In full of ofl sums secured by thls Secudty Instrument,Lender shall prompUy refund to Bortower any Funda
<br />_._ •°-Y-*% ��.d b�Z�:3e�, !�� Lni�nr�ara�ranh 91,Lender shsll flcq,ulre o�sell the Propetty. Lundor,prlor to the acqulaitlon or salo of tho
<br /> '"�"�` Property, shail eppiy any Funds held by Lender at tho tline of acquisitian or sale as s credit agalnst the suma eecured by this
<br /> m-'� Z Securiiy instrument.
<br /> °^"'�''�t� 3. Applleation of Paymantg. Unless applicable law provldes olhorwise, all payments recelved by Lender undzr
<br /> .�'t;;,1 � paragrapha 1 and 2 shall be applled: firet, to any prepayment charges due under the Note; second,ta amounte payabte under
<br /> --- paragraph 2; third,to interest due;fourth,to prfnclpal due;and last, to any late char�es due undor the Note. —
<br /> -- 4. ChAtgtl8; Uene. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assossments, charges, flnes and ImposlUons ettributable to the
<br /> �-_° Property whlch may attaln pdortty aver thls 3ecurity Instrument,and leasehold paymenta or ground renta, if any. 6oaower shell
<br /> - pny lhese obligattons In the manner providod In paragraph 2, or if not pald In that manner, Dortower shall puy them on time
<br /> direotiy to the petsan owed payment. �or►ower shail promptiy fumish to Lender all notices oi amounts to be pald undor ihls
<br /> �--'°"'�i� pa��agreph. ff Dorrower makes these paymenta dlrecity, Borrower shell promptly tumish to Lender rece'pts evldencinfl ihe
<br /> -- -° paymenta.
<br /> - Bortower ohnN prompty discharge any Ilen whlch has priodty over thls Security I:►strument unless Borrower: (a) egroes In
<br /> - writ(ng to the pnyment of tFie obligatlon securod by tho Iien In e manner acceptable to Lender; (b) contests in yood fafth the
<br /> - -- Iien by, or do s�da ag�In�t enforcement of the Ilen In, logal procoedings which tn the Lender's opinlon operate to prevent tho
<br /> - enforcement ot the Ilen; or(o) cecures from tho holder of tho Ilen an agroement satisfactory to Lender subordlnaUng tho Ilen to
<br /> _a_a�.
<br /> --—`r� thls Secudly Inatrumerlt. Ii Lender detertnlnes that any pan ot tna t�r�ope�ry is sunjeci iu s iian wi�iui� way niwii��.uvu�r L�'vi inio - �
<br /> &ocurity Instrument, Lender may give Borrowe►e notica Idontitying the lien.BorrowAr shall satlsiy the Ilen or take one or more of
<br /> - -"'" _= Gie actlons set toRh ebove wlthln 10 days ot tha givinfl of notico.
<br /> ---��-� 5. Hazard or Property Insurance.Bor►ower shall keep the Improvements now exlsting or horeafter erected on the
<br /> Propertyr Insured egelnst losa by flre, hazards Inaluded wlthin the term 'extended coverege' end any other hazerda, Inniuding
<br /> -;st� flooda or flooding,for which Lender rnqulres Insuranco. This insurance ehail ba mulntelned In ihe amounts nnd tor tha p�riod3
<br /> _—= that Lender requlres. The Insurance cenier providing the Insuranoe shall be cho:,en by 8orrower subJect to Londer's epproval
<br /> which shall not be unreasonabty withheld. If Borrower tatls to mainteln coverage described ebovo, Lender may, at Lender's
<br /> option,o6taln coverage to protect l.ender's dghts in the Property In uccordanco with paregraph 7.
<br /> � - All fnsurance pollcles and renowals shail be accoptnble to Lender flnd shall includo a etandard mortgago clause. Lender
<br /> - shall h¢ve the right to hotd tho poilcies end renowals. If Lender requlres, Bortower shaA promptly give iv Lender ell recelpts of
<br /> ---- = pald premiums ond renewat notices. In the went ot loss, Borrovler shall give prompt noUce 4o the insurence cartier and Lender.
<br /> _ _--= Lender may maka prooi of loss It not made promptly by Borrower. __
<br /> --_
<br />