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<br /> _� 1-4 �AMILY RIDER __
<br /> AssCgnment of Rents 00200275�3
<br /> 'l'HIS 1-�3 NAMILY RIDER is madc this �TH d��y uf MARCN `
<br /> nnd is inrnr�rsitcd inta und shall be dcemed to nmcnd and supplement the Mortgngc, Deed of Trust or Sccur�y
<br /> Decd (thc "Securiry instrument") of thc sume dutc given by the undersigncd (the "Harrowcr") to sccurc
<br /> flarrowcr'ti Notc to
<br /> The Equitable Building and Loan Associ�tion of Qrand Island�
<br /> Nebreska� A Federal Savings eank (d►e•�L.enda,•�'� �
<br /> of the suma date nnd covering the Propeny described in the Security Instrument and located at:
<br /> 809 W CHARLCS ST, QRANp YSLAND, NEBRRSK� 88801-8�29
<br /> �Propcny Address�
<br /> 1-4 FA.MILY COVENAN7CS.1n nddition to the cn`�Enants and ngreements z�a�le in the Security Inst►vmez�t,
<br /> Bano�ver anc4 L.ender further covejia*et�nd agrce as follows:
<br /> A. A�D�bAtl'fIONAL �1��?pF�'T� :IIJf3JECT TO T� SGC�.�'TY INST�tIl1�i�NT. tn additlon ro tho
<br /> Property desc•ribed in the Secaiity T;7s'.nan:Lnt,thc follawing items are Add4-�l to e5c 7'roperty descripti�n,und shall
<br /> ;ilso constit►�t,the Propeity cn��ered by the Srcurity Instrument: building tn��titr.s�s,appliances on�gauds of evcry
<br /> r.ature whatsoever naw ar I�ereaftcr lacuted in, on, or used. or inten�4ed to bc used in connection with.thti
<br /> Propeny, includinq, but not limited to, thosx for the purposes of suQplying or distributing heating, coaHng,
<br /> cicctricity, gas, water, air and light, fire prevention and extinguishing appuratus, security nnd access contml�'
<br /> app:u�atus, plumbing, bath tubs, waten c�utcrs. water closets, sinics, ranges, stoves, refrisera.tur�, dishwashers,
<br /> disposals, washers,dryers. awnings. storm windows, stonn doors. screens, blinds, shades, curteins and curptin
<br /> rods,attachcd mirrors, cabinets. panelling und u►tached floor coverings now or hereafter uttached to tho Rrqpr.rty,
<br /> all of which, including replacenients ana AdditionF ti�ereco, shait be deemed �v 'ne and remain a pan ai,zne
<br /> Property covered by tha Security Instrument. All of the foregoing together with thc Property describtxl in 9ira
<br /> Security Instrument(or the leusehold cs&�te.if thc Secnrity instrument i�an a leasehuld)are refcr.�cd to in diis 1-4
<br /> Family Rider and the Security InstrumQm.ns the"Property."
<br /> B. USE OF PROPGRTY; CONiPLIANCE WITH LAW. Bdrrower shala not seek, agree to or make a
<br /> change in the use of tlie t'roperty or its zoning classification, unless Lendcr has agreed in writing to the change.
<br /> Aorrower sht�ll comply wi�1i all laws. ordfnances, rcgulations and requirements of any govemmental boely
<br /> appli:able to tF:c Propeny.
<br /> C.SiJ130RDINATF LIENS.Except as perniittcJ by federal law,8orrower shall not allow any lien inferior
<br /> to tlie 5ecurity Instrument to be perfected aguinst thc�saiperty wtthout Lendex's priar written permission.
<br /> D.RENT I.OSS 1NSU9iANCE.}3orrower siiall rnai�unin insurance against rent loss in addidon to the othor
<br /> huzards for which insurance is required by Uniform Covennnt 5.
<br /> E."BORRO�VER'31tIGHT TO�i�;INSTATE"DELET�D.Untforn�Coveniuu I8 i:<<aleted.
<br /> F. iul�titnWM',R'S (1['f'UPANC'Y. Unless T.e:uder and $orrnwcr otheruvise aaree in wrirrng thn fircr
<br /> sentence in Uniform Covenant 6 conccrning Borrower's occupancy of tl�e P►nperty is deieted. All remaining
<br /> . eovennnts and agrcements set forth in Uniform Cuven:u►t G shalt remain in effcet.
<br /> MULFIE7ATE'! •4 FAMILY fi1DEH-Fannf�MMlF��ddts Mac Untform Irqt�um�nt fam 3170 3f83
<br /> �•57 18904I.0� VMP MORTGARE FORMS•16001641•7?91 � Printetl on R�crcNd P�par
<br /> �
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