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<br /> _ U�tan rccdpt oP payment of tiir price btd, Trustcc sbnll dclivcr to thc purehnser 'fr�str.�'s d�cd conveytng the _
<br /> F��oEar�iy. TIc�rcrltal^r In the T�•ustec'�deed shall hc ��rima Pnete evlclenee of tl�e t��uth of ti�e stuiements mc�cte ti�erefn.
<br /> 'C��ir�tc2�,6�al1 �p�ily tiz�E7PItCC:d+a�P t6tL s�ld IEi tlia follv��int;ordcc•:(u)to i�ll cort5 ond expcoiscs uf exc�c0y(n�,tlic�iatvci•c�P ��
<br /> rale, nnd the,nle,i�icludl�zg the p�yme�it n�Y tha TriEStee'S fees aet�ially incurred.uot to exeeecl
<br /> of the princlpul amouut nf thc notc at the Ilme of the declnrutlon of dcfnult, nnd reusonal�lc uitorncyx' Pces nw permltte�
<br /> ny tnw;(b)to ull hum�secured by this Security instrumcut;u�iu1(c)Any c�cess to tt::�:r,u��aj•{�:so�2v�c�!��tY enlltled tu
<br /> It.
<br /> 22. Recanveyanee. Upon puyment nf all Eums secured by this Securiry Instrument, l.endcr tihnll er.qunst rustee to
<br /> rcconvcy the Prnperry and shnll �urrender this Sccuriry Instrument mid nll notcs cvidencinB debt sccuecd by this Scc:uriry
<br /> Inslrunxnt to Trustce. Trustce shall reconvey the Property withrnu wnrranty und withuut chro�be tu ihe�x:rsun ur p�rsons Icguliy �
<br /> entitled tn it.Such person ar persuns shall pay nny recordntion costs.
<br /> 23. Subslitute Trustee. I.ender, at its option, mny from time to timc remave Tn.►stee ancl np�int n successor leustee to
<br /> nny Tmstee nppoint�d hereunder by an instrument recorded in tlia county in whir.h d�is Security Instrumcnt is recorded. Without
<br /> conveynnce of the Praperly, the successor trustee shall succeed to nll the title,pnwee and duties conferred upon Trustee liereln
<br /> and by upplicablc Inw.
<br /> 24. Request fRr Notices.Sorrower requcsts thnt copies of the notices of defs�ult nnd sule be sent to Horrower's addmss
<br /> which is the Property Address.
<br /> 25. Rlders to thls Seeur�ty Instru►nent.If one or ntore riders are cxecuted by Borrower and recorded tngether with this
<br /> Security Instivment,the covenants and a�reements of ea.c{i s�tch rider shnll be incorpc�rated into and shnll amenct nnd supplement
<br /> the cavenants and a�rcements of this Securi.ty Instrumen2�s if'the rider{s)were a psut of tliis Security Instrument.
<br /> [Check npplicable box(es)]
<br /> Q AdJustable Rate Rid�c ❑Condominium Rider X�1-A Fami�y Rider
<br /> U Graduated Puyment Ricler C�Ylanned Unit Deveic*pr.rnent Ctid�i �L'iwcc�:ly 4'ayment Rider
<br /> ❑ Hulloon Rid;r �Rate Improvement�:icl,.>r Q S�cond Home Ridm•
<br /> ❑ V.A. [tider O Odior(s)[specifyJ
<br /> BY SICiNING HELOW,Borro�ver sccepts and ngrees ro tho terms and wvenants contuincd'sn this Socurzty Instrument and
<br /> in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recordeci with ic•
<br /> Witnesses:
<br /> � ��G--� ._(Senq
<br /> mZC�;MEL u r+..� :vTCNSG�I -Dortnwcr
<br /> — r�"�r-3�� ��s�.�����1��Jt'At�
<br /> MICIiA�L K BROWN -Borrower
<br /> �.--l C`� 'q 'r'r'" (Seul) (Sexl)
<br /> K R I D BI�OWN •sorrowcr -Borrower
<br /> STA'TE 4F NEBRAS�, County ss: HALL
<br /> 'The foregoing instiume►ii wss uckno�vledgetl before mc tl�is 8TH day of N�ARCH 1996 :
<br />- ., n��M�I�TPAtQG� ��,,n Iu1T�_`.NA�i_ K F�R6WN AND KARI [f ��taW�
<br /> °. uy iyiE CriF�cL n �nn..,� ..�...��. tn sttid County,thc date aforesaid.
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial seal atQ���� I�LAND, NF�.�RASKA�
<br /> My Commission Expires: �"� �
<br /> ������«�� Notary PuUIlc
<br /> QW�VIO F.DOHME1r
<br /> MY Cap�.Ex0.AW.4.1996
<br /> v.y.e of o Form 3028 9190
<br /> r . �
<br /> __— '�-.�..� -- -
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<br /> -- -- --'�°°s'Il1tV`Y�l�fm�711�+�iLA.VrL�'i.�iGi.'Vmn-�' '-""--
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