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<br /> ' Oorrowsr may curo auch a dotault nnd retnstnto, nc provlded In pnrnprc�ph 10, by causln4 Ihe actlon ar procoedlnp ta bc�
<br /> • dlsml;sed w111� a rul;nn thnt,In Lender's qood fallh dotertntnatlon, procludos foAolturo ot lhc�Borvower'�Intcrost In tho Prapc:rty or �
<br /> othcr matnrlal Irnpnlrment ol!ho Ilcn r,rcated by thla Soeurily Inatrumcnt or Lcnder'a securlly Intcrest. Bprtower sholl also bo In f�
<br /> " dolcull If Horrowcr, durin{� tho loan apFllcntlon procos�, gavo matcrin;ly lalso or Inc�ccurato inlurmailon cr ot�tcmcnis to 4cndcr(or
<br /> tslled to provldo I.c�ider wlth any mstedAl Intorrnatl�n) In conncctlon wlth thn lonn evldenced by tho Noto. Includlnp, but not �
<br /> _ Ilmlted to. repreaenletlone cnncemint� �oaower'e occupancy ot the PraDerty a9 s pdnclpnl resldenca. II thlo Secudty � �._:
<br /> - '.��` Instniment la on a losinehald, BortoHer ehell compy wlth sll the provlslons ol 4he leaso. II Borto�ver acqulres fee tltlo to the °' ' �;
<br /> Property,the leasehold and Il�e tea tllle aha!I not mer�o unless Lendar aprooa to !ho marp�r In wd�nfl. E
<br /> '�� `� 7� PYOtoctlon oi I.end�r's Rlghtll (1� 4h� Prop�lty. If eorrower tells to pr,dorm►he covcmants end epreements � �11 --
<br /> contalnoci In thls Secudty Inatrument, or lhero 13 a IegAI �rocoodinp tht�t may oi�nl0cnntly efloct Lendcr'� tlghta In tho Proporty � _
<br /> •� (auch es e proceodlnp In bankruptcy, probete, (or condemnotlon or fortniture or to entorce lew� or rapulatfona), thon lender may � �_
<br />_:T Y� do and pey for whntever Is necesaery to proieet the value of tho Property and Lender's dghte In tha Properry. Lendei s actlans �
<br /> may Includa pnylnfl eny sums aecured by a Ilen whlch hns prlorlty ovor thls 9ecuriry Instniment, appoaring ln court, peyfn4 �
<br />:,��;� reasonnble attomeys' tees end entering on the Property to make repalrs.Nthough Lender may take acllon under thls peragreph � —
<br /> �•� ;�� 7,Le�ider does not have to do so.
<br /> Any amounta dlsbureed by Lender undor paragmph 7 shall 6ecome addltlonnl debt ol Bortowor securod by thls Securlty
<br /> �""''��' Inetn�ment. Unlaas Borrowm and Landnr aprne to other terms o} payment, theso amounts shell bear Intares4 frum the dete of
<br />��:'{''�. '� dlshursement at th�Noto reto end shttll bo pnyable,wlth Intorest, upon notice iram Lender to Sorrower requestlnfl psyment. -
<br /> :;__„•.:��
<br /> .,;�,:�y �. 6. MO�t�JsgY II�SUfiltt�R. II Lr,nder roqulred mortgnge Insumnco as a condttion oT msking the loan secured by thls
<br />•:,,�:�5;;�., ,. Secudry�nstnjment, BoROwer shaN�ay the pramlums requlred to maln?aln the mortgac�e Insu�nae In ettect. If,for any reason,the
<br />� "f'�>`� mort n o lnsumnr.e covara e re ufrud b� Lendr,r lapses or ceasas to ba In eNe:,t avrrower sP:a1 pey the premlums requlred ta
<br />:;;.Y,;i,• 90 9 9 I
<br />:.�,r� obteln cavomgo su6stnntlaly equlvalent to lhe moRgage Insurance prevlousty fn eS�r.ot, at e coel substenllelty equlvalenl to the
<br /> _°---- cost to Borcower ot tha mortgage Insurenca prevlousy In ettect, trom an aAernnta mortgage Insurer npproved hy Lender. lf
<br /> ;."1;-� substantl�ly equhralent mortgags insuranco covereQa Is not evallable, Sortower shail pay to Lender each month a sum equa!to
<br />:r--3�"�`� one-twoYth ot tho ycarly mortg�go In�uranco prem(um be!ng Fy!d�;Bnnower when the fnsuronce covern�e Inpsed or ceased to
<br /> �yp,,y� 6e in eftec6 Lender wllt accept, uso�nd retaln these rayments ns a loss reserve In Ileu of mortgage Insumnce, Loss reserve
<br /> � payments may no longer ba requlred, at tha optlon o4 Lander,H rnortguge Inaurance coverege (in the amount a�d for the perlod
<br />:�:��� that Lender requlres) provlded by en Insuror appravod dy Lender agaln becomes avnllable end Is obta!ned. Borrower shall pay
<br /> the premlums requlred to malntaln mortgage Insurance In ettect, or to provlde a loss reserve, ��n�l the requlrement tor mortgage
<br /> ,�«�� Insumnce ends In accordanco wlth any wdtten agrecment botween Hortower end Lender or eppSi„Mhlo Inw.
<br />-:�;�•�'±.. 9. I,�apectlon.Lender or It� 3gent may make reasonable�n4ries upon end Inspectlona p4 the Proper:y. Lender shall plve
<br /> -- '��'"�'`�,��� Borrower notica at the time of or p�lor to an Inspectfon specitying reaoonable cauae tor the InspocUon.
<br />--.xi�t�x�.
<br /> 10. Cond�mnxtlon. The proceeds of nny award ur clalm for damages, dlrect or consequentl�, In aonnectlon wlth eny
<br />�� condemnatlon or other taWng o}any part o}the Property, or for conveyance In Ileu o1 condemna9on,are hereby asslgned and
<br /> -._,�� shall be peld to Lender,
<br /> - In the ovent of e totel tnklnp o! the Property, the proceeds shall be applled to the sums secured by thls Securtty
<br /> -- Instrumnnt,whethPr or not then due,wfth any excess peld to Borrower. In the event ot a perttal taking of the Rroperty In M•hlch
<br /> �� � tne tatr marKet vaiue ot the i�roperty immediaieiy oeioro tho iaicing is equai io ov greaier innn ine amou�.i o4 ii�o su�a s�+�u
<br /> "`�"� by thfa Secu�lty Instn�ment Immedlntety betore tha taking, untess Borrower end Lender otherwlse ugree In tvriting, the oums
<br /> securad by thls Secudry Inatrument shall be roduced by the amount ot the proceads multlplled by the toUowing flxctlon: (a)the
<br /> total amount of thw sums securad Immetlt�tely botoro the te�king, dlvldod by @)tho falr market vafue► of the Property Immeciletely
<br /> --- before 4P�o lekk�p, My balence sh�lt bq pNd to BoROwer. In the ev�nt ot a pertlaf teWng o1 thp Propeiiy In wMch the felr ma�4;+5t
<br /> --= value of�hn Properry Immedlatety�ofar�the taking Is less thn� iho amount ol the sums securrd Immediatey betore the tnking,
<br /> --=---- unless Bortower dad Le�der othonvlso agree fn wrking or unlass ttppltceble Ia�M OtI18IWI98 provldes, tho proceeda ahaq 6e
<br /> applled to the euma aecured 6y thla Secudty Inatrument whelher or noi ihe auma are thexi d�io.
<br /> It the Propaty Is abrndoned by Bortowor,or fl, after notice by Lender to�orrower that the cond9mnor attero to make an
<br /> uwwd or settte a clalm tar damages, Borrower falls to respond to Lende► wRhfn 90 daya atter the dete the notice Ia ghren,
<br /> Lender la euthodzed to coAect �nd appy the proceeds, at Ite optlon, Nther lo rostoraUon or rap�lr ot the PPOpaty or to the
<br /> _ euen�secured by thl�3acurlty In�trument,whether or not than due.
<br /> Untess Lender and Borrower othawtae apree in wrkfng, any appYcstlon o} proceeda to prMdpnl chafl not extend or
<br /> pos9pone the dus date oi the monthly psymrnts retared to In paregrophe 1 end 2 or change the unount cl such payments.
<br /> 11. Borrow�r Na►t R�I�as�d; Forbsoranc� By I.�nd�r Not• W�Iv�r.Extenslon o1 the tlme tor p�yment or
<br /> - modiAa►tlon ol�modlx�tlon of the sums adcured by thls Socuriry Inatn�ment gnnted by Lender to nny successor In Interest of
<br /> Barrower ehell not operate to rdease the Ilabl6ty o}tt�e odgtnat 13ortower or Borcower's s��ccesuora In Interest. Lendar ahall nut
<br /> - =- be requireJ to cou„�ience proca�t�ngs agafnst cny aucccr�or !n Interost or refuse lo extand tlme tor paymmt or otherwlsE `
<br /> modity amartfzatfon o}the auma secured by thla Security Instrument by reason nf eny demmd mnde by the orlginat Borrowor or
<br /> Borcower's successora In Interust, My forbearance by Lender (n exercls{nq nny dght or remedy ahdl �ot be a weNer ot or
<br /> preduda the exerc(se of sny dght or remedy.
<br /> 12. Suca�ssors �nd Asslpns Bound; Jalnt and Sev�ral L.Iabtllty; Gaslgeera�.The coven�nta end
<br /> agreemanta o}thls Sacurtty Instrument ehsll bMd and benelft the successors �nd esstgns o1 Lender end Borrower,subJect to the
<br /> pravlstons of peragrepli 17. Borrowcr's covenants and agraemente shall be �olnt and several. My Bonower who co•slgnB thls
<br /> Secuitty InsUument bu1 does not execute the Note: (aj Is co•slgning thls Securfty InaVument ony to mortgege, grant and convey
<br /> th�t 8onower's intetest In the Property unda the terms of thls Securfty Instmment; (b) la not personnlly abl(gated to pay the
<br /> sums eecured by thls Socurfty InsUument; and (o) ngroes that Lender and any other Borrower may agreo to extend, mo�Ity,
<br /> ---- torbcu or make eny nccommodaUons wlih rogend to the terms o1 thfs Secudry lnstrument or the Note without that Borrowar's
<br /> "�' conse��t.
<br /> _�__� 1�. L08t1 Charges. If the toan secured by thfs Secudty InsUument Is subJect to a I�w whlch sets maxlmum lonn
<br /> __�_"'� chargaa, and thet faw Is i(nel:y Inte�reted ao thet the Interest or other loan charges collocted or ta bo collocted In connectlan _
<br /> __-� wfth the torn exceed the permltted limlts,then: (n)nny such loan cherge 3hall ba reduced by the emount necessary to reduce
<br /> - the cf�erge to the peimttted Ilmlt; end (b) any surns alresdy callected irom�orrower whlch exceeded permltted Umfte wll!be _
<br /> ref�cndod to Borrower. Letider may choose to make thls retund by redudng the pnc�fpal owed under the Note or by makln� e
<br /> -- dt�^d pnyment to Bortower. U a relund reduces pdndpal, tho raciuctlon wi� be treated ee a parttal prepayment wlihout nny
<br /> - - prepa��en1 charge under the Noto.
<br /> __—� 14. NOtIC9s.My noUce to Bortowsr provlded tor In thla Secudty Instrument ahall be glven by delWering lt or by malling k
<br /> by finst ctass mall unlau3 appltcnbte law requUes use oi anolher method. Tho notic,e shall be dvected ta tho Property Address
<br /> __= or any other Addresa Bortawer doslgnates by noUce to Lender. Any notfco to Lender shall bo glvon by first class maN to
<br /> ----— Lender's nddress stated hereln or any other address Lender deslgnatos by nottce to 8ortownr. Any nottco provlded tor tn thls
<br />—�_„� SeairiYy tnstrument shall be deemed to liave been glven to Oortower or Lender when glven as provlded In thls paragraph. �
<br /> -° — 1b. �3overnic�g L,awr, Sevel'eblllty. Thls Sacurity Ins4rument shatl 6e govemed by federel Iaw anrl tho Ibw of the -
<br />_____ Jurisdiction In whlch the Property Is located. In tha ovent thet nrry provlslon or Gauso ot thls Socudry Inswment or the Noto
<br /> - ___ contllcts with eppllcahte law, such contllct ahall not etteet other provlatons ot Ihis Secudry Instrument or 4he Note whlch can be _
<br /> .�_-a.� �_ flNen eftect withoat the contOcting provlsfon.To thls end the provtslons of ihls Socudty Instrument end tho Note are declared to -
<br /> -_
<br />