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<br /> '*-°�•� '�� ' YOQETHER WITH s�l the Improvemente now or horeafter ttected on 1he property, snd all easements, uppurtenances, end `-
<br /> �� • Iixt��rQe now on c�rcaitcr n part o1 tha propr,rty. All rcplaccmente a�tid additlona ahnll also bo covcred 6y thls Security In3trument.
<br /> A!I o1 the forofloln{�Is reterred to In thls Socurity Inetn�ment ac tho "PropeHy.'
<br /> BONROWER COVENANSB thot ��rrowcr I� IavAuily oclzed o} Iho ostalo licrcby convcycd end has tho rlpht to prnnt nnc!
<br /> , convay tho Property and that lho Properiy lo uncncurr�bcrcd, cxacpl lor rncum6rnncea o} rocord. Dorcnwcr �vn�rnnta nnd vrlll �
<br /> .. datond 4onerally tho tltlo lo tho Propeiry agninat ull clalms nnd dcmrands, oubJoct to nny encum6ranco� of racord.
<br /> - - THIS ��r.uRlTV IR9TA�IMF.NT rnmbinesf unllorm covancnts lor natlonal use and non•uNtortn cavenanta wlth Ilmit�d �
<br /> • . ; vadetlons by Juriadictlon to conetltute s uNtortn securfty Instrument covarinp real property. `r;'
<br /> UNIfORM COV�NANY9. Bortower end Lender covenant and apree ns followa: ���A E;.
<br /> . . :��, 1. P�ym�nt W Principd snd int�r�st; Prapeym�nt snd Lats Chargee� Barrower shail promptiy pvy v�hen � =
<br /> y duo the p�Inclpal of nnd Intaraat on tho dobt evidenced by tha Noto and any prepayment and lata cha.rfles duo under the Note. � �
<br /> - 2. FUiif.�a fOP YW(ni a AfiE� IiiGUi'iiiiCe. SubJect to c+ppucablo !aw or io a wrlltcn vr«Ivcr by Ltnd:r, Borro�vcr shall pny i o
<br />:,�,,,_,..:�. , to Lendor on tha dey monthly paymente �ra due under lhe Nole, uniil the Note Is pRld In tull, a sum ('Funds') for. (e) yeeriy � ^�
<br /> -,;,��� texos end �ssesnmenta which mey altaln ptlority over thls Security Instrument an a Ilun on th� Praperty; (b) yearly leasehotd �
<br /> pAymenta or ground rents on the Property, I!any; (o) y�arly hetard or property Insurs�nav prem!ums: (d)yenrty flood Insurance �.
<br /> ". - premiums, H any; (e) yeAry mortgage lasurance premlume,It any,end(Q eny sums payablo by Borrower to Lender In eccordance ,,-
<br /> ' with Ihe provlslona of parngraph 0, in Ileu �i the payment oi mortpnfle Insure�nce premlums. Theso Items are called 'Escrow �'`�
<br /> ; �"� .. Items.' Lender may, at any timo, coilect and hold Funds In an emount��at to exceed the mnximum nmount e lender for a _
<br /> • iedsraly rclatad mortgngo loan may rCqulre tor 8artnwers escrow eccount u�df+'ihe federnl RoAI �ctc�ta 3etilemant Procedures _
<br /> �`�'� ��� ' Act o1 197A as emended trom time to time, 12 U.S.C.�Z&Ot et eeq. ('REBFA"), unless another luw that e�plles to the Funds
<br />;�:��'•, ,���.� � sets a lesser amount. If so, Lender may, et eny Ume, coVect end hold Funds In an nmount nat ta oxceed the lesser amount. _
<br /> 'f" � Lender may estimate the amount o} Funds duo on iha basls o1 curtent d91e and rossont.ale estlnu�tas at expenditura�oT luturo
<br /> .��»:;ry���` Escrow Itoms or othcrwlso In accordance w(th applicable law.
<br /> • `�''" The Funds shall be held In fln fnatftutlon whoso deposits nre insured by e tederel agency, Instr�iment�rlily, or entity(including
<br />�_4�t...
<br />:,:,,*�,� Lender. If Lender Is auch an Inat(tutlon) or In any Federel Home Loen Ben!c. Lendar shRll apply the Funds to pay the Escrow
<br /> +°-?��"=�'�1 Items. Lender may not charge BoROwer tor hold(np end eppfytng the Funds, snnualy analyaJnp the escrow account, or veritylnp
<br />_G.;�j���� 4�a Escraw Itcm:, unlosc Lcndcr p�ys Borro+xet Interest on the Funde and applicsAl� I�,w �ermitg l,ender ta make such a
<br />-:�'i�r�;r;,� churge. However, Lender mey require Borrower to pay e oneaime ch4rna for an (nd2pendtnt real estete tex repon(ng servlce
<br /> ==_�— used by Lender In conn¢ctlon wfth thls loan, unless applicable law pravicPes otherwlse. Unless sn sgreement Is made or
<br /> ;'''TS�. applicable Ic�w roqulres IntPrest to be pald, Lender shalf nol be requYad Sa Rey Borcowef Any interest or eamings on the Funds.
<br />-'.ti�'�'�►d� porrower and Lender may sgree In wdting, however, that interest sh�.11 be �ae!ci on the Funds. Le�ider shall gNe to Bonawer,
<br />,��, -- wlthout charge, nn annunl eccounting of the Funda,shovtlng aedite and d.�latt,a to thv Ft►�da and the purpose tor N•h!ch each
<br /> ;�::' dabit to tho Fund�was mado. fie Funds are�Sledged ao ad��tlonal securtty tor nll su:�ns��ured by the 9ecurity IneMir,;�rnt.
<br /> ���,��, I(the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts pem�itt�to be held by eppfiunbio 4,.w, Lender shall eccount to Bonower
<br /> �L•.� 4or the excoss Funds In eccordance with the raquiremenis oT appttcable law. If the amaun7 of the Funda hetd by Lender at any
<br /> =s��.� time Is not ouiflclent to pay the Escrow Items when due, Lender may so notHy 9o�row.�s tn wdting,end. In such case Barrower
<br /> _ ehall pwy to Lender the�mount necessar� to make up the detldency. Borrower ehaU mpka up the deficlency In no more than
<br /> _ °° twetve monthy p�yments,at L��nder's sole dlscretion.
<br /> �� Upon payment in tuA of�II suma aecured by thls Securfty Instmment,Lender ahall�i�mptty refund to BaROwr.r any Funds
<br /> :i:�xuP�� held 6v Lender. If.under pn�apraph 21, Lender shell acqulre or seG the Property, LP,IIQCP,�odor to the acqulsition or aeta of tho
<br /> _�:�� Property, sheM apply eny Funds hNd by Lendor at Iha tfine oi ecqulslHon or aate as a credit agalnst the sum9 aecured by thls
<br /> ----=- = Securfty Instrument.
<br /> - — 3. Appllcation of P�ymente. Un9oas eppiicable law provides oUierwiae, all payments receNed by Lender under
<br /> ---- paragnpha 1 and 2 shall be applied: flrst,4o any prctpnyment charges duo under the Nota; eocond, to amounte payable under
<br /> - paregraph 2;thkd,to intereat due;fourih,to ptincfpal due;and Inst.to any lete charges due under tha Note.
<br /> -:;����0 4. Charg�s; Ll�ns. 8arrower sheA pt►y all tnxes, asaessmente, cherges, ftneo and Imposklone nttdhut�t,e to the
<br /> _-___ - - P�opdty which rtuy attein pdodry over thls 3ecu►iry Inatrument,nnd leasehold payments or ground rente,M eny. BorrawcY ehall
<br /> p�y theso obltgetbns In the mannar provlded In pemgraph 2,or H not p�id In that manna, BoROwer shaN pey them on Umo
<br /> dkectlyr to the person owed peyment. Bonower ahaA promp:ly furnleh !o Lender ell noUces of amounta to 6e peld under this
<br /> paragreph. It Borrower makes theso paymenta dPectly, Borrower shall prompty tumish ta Lender recetptn mridencing the
<br /> payments.
<br /> = Borrower shah promptty discharpe any Ilan whlch h�s prioriry over this Security Instrument unless Borrower: (a) agraes(n
<br /> wrMing to the payma�t at 4he obNgaUon aecured by tha Nen in� mennar acceptable to Lender; (b) conteats in gaod faith the
<br /> = Iien by, or dMenda ny�inst mtorcement o1 the Nen in, lepel proceedirtgs which In the Lmde►'s opinbn openRe to prevent the
<br /> enforcemoi�t of tha Ilen; or (c) aecu�rea trom the holder of the Ben en apreer�nr�t sstisiactory to Lendor subordinating the Ilen to
<br /> --- - thla Security fnstrument II Lender determines thnt eny part af the Propertyr is nubJec2 to e Uen whlch may attafn priority ovn•thls
<br /> SeGUrlty Instn�ment, Lender mny givd Qnrrower a notice identityhg the Iten.8orrower FhaB satlsty the Ilbn or tAke one or more of
<br /> - --- tt�e acUons aet fo�ih�Dove wRh{n 10 days ot the Qtdng of notica. __
<br /> 5. H�zard or Proporty Insursnc�. Barowa ahaY keep the knprovementa naw exist(ny ar here�Rer ereala�! an the
<br /> P;operty insured agafnat loss by flre, hAZards lnr.luded within the term 'extended covet+�fle' and�ny other hazards, Mciudk�g
<br /> Aoods or Aooding,for whlch Lmder requires fnsuronce. Thfs Insu�anco ahafl be melntained in the nmounts and tor the pedods
<br /> that Lender requlre9. The Incurance cartfcr �rovicyng the Insunnce ehetl be chosen by Borrower subJect to lendar's approvel
<br /> wh�h shaN not be unre�son�bly wNhhetd. B 6orrowtt 4ails to matnteln covarege desaibed ebove, Lmdx mey, at Lender'e
<br /> opUon,obWn cover�ge to protect Lenda's dghta tn the Roperry In occordence wfth paragraph 7.
<br /> - AN Insurance po{icles ond renewals shaJl be acceptable to Lender and shall IncJude a standard mcrtgaga ckusa. Lender
<br /> shdl have the dght to hold the polfdes end renewals. 11 LCIIdCf fOQU{fe9,BoROwer shell prompUy give ta l.ender eU recelpta of
<br /> _ - pald premiums and renewal notices. In tlie svent ot losa,Bortower shgU give prompt notice to the Insuranco cartier end 4ender.
<br /> ----- I.mdcr may mAke proof ot losa H not mnde prompty by BoROwer.
<br /> Unless L�nder and 8ortower otherwlsn agree In wrtling, inaursnce proceeds shaN bo epplled to rostoratlon or repeU of t�e
<br /> Roperly dmuged,H the�toration ar repak Is esconomic3Hy tensible ond Lender's scsctuity is not lessened. If tho rostorsUon or
<br /> repak Is not ec�nomlulry fe�alble or Ler►der's securiry woutd be lessened,the Insumnce proceods uhalf bo appNad to 1he sums
<br /> securod �y this Securtly InsUvment, whether or not then due,with any oxcess paid to Bonownr. tf Oorrower abundons the
<br /> Praperty, or does not answer withfn 30 day�e noGca from l.ender that the Insurance carrier hss offerrcl to settle n cinim, then _
<br /> - Lcrider may coNect the Insurence procooda. Lender may use the procoods to repalr or restoro the PropeAy or to pay sums
<br /> ' —�•' secured by this Security InsWmmt,whether or not Ihen duo. The 90i9ny period will begtn when the nulica Is gYe�i. --
<br /> -- Unless Lender and Bortower otherwise agree In wdtinfl, n�y appllcatlon ot proceeds to pdncipal shall not extend or
<br /> -' gostponA the due date of the monthy payments rotcrrecl to fn pareg�+aphs 1 and 2 or chango the artwunt of tha paymente. H
<br /> �' under paragreph 21 the Property Is acquired by Lender, Borrawer's riflht to any Insurance poAcles end proceeds resulUng Uom
<br /> ' damage to the Prope�ty pdor to tho acqulslUon che11 pass to Lender to the oxtent of the sums by thls SecurKy Instrummt _
<br /> �—=__� Immedietnty pe�ar to the eayulsWon.
<br /> �.._�'d e ^---._��- z___—._u� u��..._..� ....a e_�a�_.t� �t �t.� n..�.��.a... n--------�� ��
<br /> --_-__-- v w+nu�fotur� r�aa����av�q TOO�LYttY�tHY o�v ��va�vwv�� v� a��v r�v���» w��v�v��o �.va�i --
<br /> -_,.._„__�--.:�,:; Appllaatton; Leas�holda. 8ortoxcr shall ocapy, estdbVsh, and usa tha P(OPMLyI A3 BUtTOWCf�S PfII1C{pAI�09IdCI1CQ 1YI�f1It1 -
<br /> - -_-� slrcty days atter tha execuUon ot thls Socudty Instrument and shaE contlnuo to occupy tho Property es BOROWCP9 principal —
<br /> —_=�� resldence tor et least one year after tha date oi occupancy, uniess Lcnder otheYwise agrees In wrfting, which consent shall not _
<br /> ba unres$onabhj withheld, or uniess oxtenueUnti ckcumstences e�sl whlch are beyond 9orrowc�r a control. Borrower ehall not
<br /> - �-_— - - destroy, damsge or Impalr the F'roperly, aHow the Properiy to detetforate,or commit wests on the Property. Qorrowcr ahall be In °
<br /> ______.._�_=a-._ deiauit it eny;odoHure action or Froceeding, whather dvll or a(minal,Is begetn thet In lender'e good lalth Judgmenl cauid result
<br /> ._��rsatiaei� In forfelture of the Proporty or othervdse matc�tally Impak the Iten crt�ted by this Securfty Inetrumnit or Lend ec rity Interest. _
<br /> ---�tr�..
<br />_":L`ti:'.JC.•i v2�L : _
<br /> " - F1316.LM0 pf S) Pnga 2 ot 5 ✓ d � -.
<br /> ___-
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