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<br /> sulistnt�tially ccjuivnlent murtga�c in:�urancc covcr�+�;c is not nvuilable, Horrowcr sh►�II p.�y to I.cndcr c:�ch m�mth u sum cquul to
<br /> c�nc•ttiuclftli of'thc ycarly au��rtgngc insunuicc prcmiuin hcin�;paid by Horrowcr�vhcn tiic inrttr�mcr cuvcra�;c lup�c�l c�r cca�:cil t��
<br /> hc In cffect.I.c�i!Icr�vIU.�cccpl,ir.+c uttd rClul�l II�esC p��ynit:llls titi n In�;x rc�crvc in licu ��F nr�rr���al!c in�urc►nc�:. In�ss rc�:c�ve �_
<br /> p;iymcros�u�iy n��lu�i�sr!�c reAiulrrd. u�dic u�j�fun nt'I a:nilc:r, if mui�1s;a;;c Intiuranrc�:uvcru!tcr Iln the umnunt und fur thc�z��rin�9 t,.
<br /> �hat i.endcr rcyulr�:s)n�•ovidr�i hy uu inyurcr upprova�d by I.cndc�a�;i�fn Incui��cv irvnllciHlc und i� ahtnh�c�l. Hnrruwcr�,hnll �my _
<br /> tirc premiums�•cquf���!to mninmin m�►n�;u}�e In�urancc in cf'i'ect,or tn provldc n In.r.r rescrvc, (IIIIII III!'P�i�11IYL'llll'lll(i11'I111�A'l�;u���:
<br /> intiuranec�nJ�lu ar:+�rtku�r6:�Ittz�my wrUlr•n�n�rccment Ixtwccn liurr��wcr ui�d I.cndcr nr npplic;ddc lu�v. .
<br /> 9,Q�iy{�tlan. LA:uder ur f�s u�cnt m�+y ntnkc rrasunnhic cntries opnn tutd Inti�kcUuns nf lhe f'ruperly. I�:u�ler ti{�ull µlve• E_
<br /> Dnrru�vcr no�tcc ut�ho Umc of or prfor to im Inti�►cctl�m s{x:cifying rcm�mablc c,�u�;c fnr U►c InspccNon.
<br /> 10, C:ondinmulloc�. 7�IIC �1P�tCCC1Iti OP IUly aw�u�d or clnim fur didma},cs, dl��cct or canscqucntlnl. In cunnccUnn wl►h any
<br /> condenmi►ti�m nr uther tukin� of any pan at thc 1'ru�n;ity, or fi�r�uitivwyuncc in Ileu nY c��ndemiiutitm. ure h�rrcl�y��,�;igned und� �__
<br /> shidl bc puid to l.cndcr.
<br /> In thc cvcnt��f n t�itul takin���f'thc Property.thc pnuccda shnll be nppNcd to thc sums sccurcd by thix 5ccw•ity Insuumcnt _
<br /> whcthcr or nnt thcn duc, �vith any cxccss pnid to Borrowcr. In�hc cvcnt uf u pao•tlul ti►king of thc pr�iperty in which tl�c fni
<br /> mnrket valuc of thc Propcny immcdfutcly beforc the takins is equal to ar srcictcr Ihnn d►c�imount af thc sums sccured by thi
<br /> Security Instrument immediately before the tnking,unless Bormwer and Lender otl�erwise i�gree in writing, the sums secured b
<br /> this Securiry Instrument shc�ll be reduced by the amount of the proceeds muldplie,�l by the follmving fruction: (c+) the totu
<br /> umount af the sums sccured immediutcly bcfore the tuking, divided by (b) thc fair tnarket value of the Property immcciiatel. __._
<br /> before the taking. Any balance sh�ll be paid to Borro�ver. in t(�e event of a partial taking af the Praperty in which tl�e fnir
<br /> market valuc�f the Propeny immediately before the taking is less than the amount of the sums secured immeciiutcly bcfore the
<br /> taking,unless Qorcower und L,endcr othcrwise agrec in writing or unl�:ss applicable la�v othcrwisc providcs,thc procecds shall
<br /> be applied ro ti�e sums secured by this Security Instrament whether or not the sums are then duc.
<br /> If the Property is ubandoned by Dorrower,ot if,after notice by Lender to Borrower ti�at tlie ccndemnor offers to muke un
<br /> a�card or settte a cluim for damages, Borrowcr fails to respond to Lender within 30 d:�ys after thc dutc the notice is given.
<br /> L�r•cller fs authorized to collect and upply the proceeds,at its option,either to restaratian or repair of the Property or to the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not dien due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any a��lication of proceeds to t�rincipal slv»tt nat extend or
<br /> postpone the due da�te of tlie monthly paymentw referred to in paragrapMs i and 2 or clt�:��e the;:�rEnuns of suc?�payments.
<br /> 11. Borrwa•er IVot Releas�d;Forbemrcau��By Leude;•Not n O��it�.nr.Exec.?sior,of the tirerr f.'c�r payment o�modific;itinn
<br /> of rintortization of the sums secuYed by this Security Instrtemz;tt grnnted b}�1Lt,r�er�:o F:v successor i.n int.rtst of Aorrower sliall
<br /> not uperatc w release thc liabitity of the ariginnl Borma•�-r�r Horro«•er's snc.:�st�rs i,�interest. Lender sha3l r,:at Ge•zequired to
<br /> con�mence proceedings nguinst any successor iu interest or refuse to ext�d tim:f�ar;���ment or otherwise�nc�iFy�mortization
<br /> of the sums sccured by this Securiry Instrument by reason ot any �::emand made by the origin:.► Borro�v�r or I�orrower'�s
<br /> successors in interest. Any forbeurance by Lender in exercising any r',pht ot remady shall not he�� waiver of or precluda the
<br /> exercise nf eny cight or remedy.
<br /> ]t. Success�rs and A,sstg�s Bound;Sofnt nnd 3everal f.iability; Go-slg��exs. The covenants and ngreements of this
<br /> Security Instrument shall bind and benaf.it the successors and assigns uf Lender ac�d ?�urrower. subJect to tl�e ptovistons af
<br /> �n�ar.�h t7. Aor�•ower's covenunts attcf atxreements shalt be jolnt and severnl. Any Borrow�r who co-signs t}�is Security
<br /> Instrument but docs not execute the Note: (1)is co-signing this Securiry lnstrument oniy co mc�ri�,aue,gru��i �iu ����.ey t�ao
<br /> Enrrowcr's interest in ttte P�•aperty under thc ta�ms of this Security Instrument;(b)is not per.:ou311y abligated to pay the sums
<br /> secuzed by this Sccurity Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lcnder and any other Bono�ver may agr�e to exte�zcP.inadify,forbeur or
<br /> make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Bormwer's oonsent.
<br /> 13. I.oan Chargww.If the loun securcd by tlils Security Instrument is subjcct ta a law which sets maxi�uum 1o1n chargES. _
<br /> and that lnw is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan eharges collected or to be collected in connection with tha
<br /> loun exceed the permitteci fimits, then: (a)any such loan charge shal��ba reduoed by tha amount ncxessary to reduce the charge
<br /> to tho permittal lim{t; aixl (b)any sums alnrady collected from Bonov�er which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded ta
<br /> Harrower. i.ender may choose to make this refu►xi by reducing the principal owed under die Noto or by making a dircct
<br /> payment m Horrawer. If u refund reduces principal, the recluctio� wiU bc treated as a p�rtial prepayment without miy
<br /> prcpayment chargc undcr the Note.
<br /> 14. Notices. Any notice to Bonower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be gf��en by deUvering it or by mailing
<br /> it by first class mail unless upplicable law requires use of anotlter m�thod. Th�notice shall be directed tu the Prapecty Address
<br /> or any other addrtss &�rrower designates by notice tu Le�xier. Any notice tu [.ender shulf be given by frst cluss mail ta
<br /> l.endcr's address statetl hem,in or any other address L.endcr designates by notice to 13orcozver. Any notice providcd far in tliis
<br /> 5ccurity Instrument shall be dcemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender whcn given as provided in d�is parugrnph.
<br /> 15. Gowerning i.aw; Severability. This Security Instrament shall be govern��d by fodcral law nnd the Inw of th�
<br /> jurisdiction ir� which the Property is loc:lted. In the event that any provision or�elause of this Security Instmment or the Note
<br /> . conflicts witla Applicable law,such umflict shall not affect other prov�sions of this Security Instnmient or the Nnte which can be
<br /> given efFect witlic�ut the conflicting praviston.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrumcnt nnd the Note nre declarud
<br /> to�c;severnble.
<br /> 16. Boribwer's Copy.Bc�rrower shall be given one conformal c�py of the Note and of this Sex.uriry Inst�ument.
<br /> 17.Transfer of the Property or a BeneCclal Interess In Borrower.If all or any part of the Piroperty or any interest in it
<br /> is s�ld on•transferrcd(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferral und Borra•,vcr is not a natural person)without
<br /> Lcndcr's prior writtcn wnuunt, Lender may, nt its optian, require immodiate payment in full of nll sums secured by this
<br /> Security Instrunrent.However,this option shal{not bc exercised by Lender if exercise is profiibited by falerAl law as of thc dnee
<br /> ' of this Securiry Instrument.
<br /> [f Le�xier exercises this option.Lender sttall givo Barrower notice af acceleratiai.Tl�a notice shaU provide a period of nat
<br /> Icss thsn 30 days from the date the notice is delivcrcd or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums sccured by this
<br />- Sccuriry Instrument.If Borro�ver fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this per[od,L.ender may invoke any remcdtes
<br /> permittcd by this Sccurity Inst�ument�vithout funher notice or den�ancJ on Aorro�vcr.
<br /> 18. fbrm�ver's R(ght to Reinstatc. If Borrower mcets certain conditions, Horrowcr shull havc the right to hnve
<br /> enforcement of this Security [nstrumcnt discontinued at mi�r time prior to the carlier of: (a) 5 days (ur such other period Ns
<br />— applicable law may spec:ify for �•einstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of s:�le contained in this
<br /> Securiry instrument;or(b)entry of u judgment enforcing this Security Instrumcnt.Those conditions are that Borro�ver:(a)pays
<br /> I.t:nder MIl sums which then would be due undcr this Security Instrumcnt and the Note ns if no acceleration had occurtnd; (b)
<br /> cures nny default of any othor covenants or c�greements; (c) pays all expenses incurrod in enforcing this Security Instrument,
<br /> including,but not limitcd to,rcasonable attnrneys' fees: and(d)takes such uction us Lender mny reasonably require ta assure
<br /> thut the lien of this Securitp Instrumcnt. Lcnder's rights in the Propc;rty und Borro�vcr's obligaeion ta pay thc sums sccurcd by
<br /> .._i._. �_�_._�... _�...0 ....w:....o ...v.{�one.vl i(nnn rrinctntnnu+nt f1V 807iOWCP. I}I1S .S`CCLLf1IV Instrument AIl1� ��C1C
<br />. uri� uc�uutY nt�aua.....• o. . w...... .�.._.o�• _�_'• '---'---'- . .
<br /> obligations secured hereby shnll remain fully effective us if no acccleration had occur►td. However. this right to reinst��te shall
<br /> not apply in thc casc nf accc:leration undcr parograph 17.
<br /> - 19. Sale of Nute; Change of Lo�m Servlcer. The Note or a panial interesc in the Note (together with this 5ecurity
<br />— Uistrument)may be sold onc or more t+mes without prior noticc to Borrower. A sale may result in s�change in the entiry(kn�wn
<br /> aS tS�e'"Loan Servirer")that coflccts momhly payments duc undcr the Note and this Securi¢y(nstrumcnt.Thcre�ilso may b:ane
<br /> or more changes nf the Lo�in Sr.rvicer unrelut�to n sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Lot►n Servicer,Bonower will 6e
<br /> given�vritten notice of the change in lccordance�+ith p�ragraph 14 above and applicable 13w.Th�rcotice will st�re the name<i��
<br /> � address of th:new I.oan Servicer and the ttddress tu�vhich pnyments should be made.'The notice �vill ulso contain any o���er
<br /> infonna.tion require,ci by applicublc law.
<br /> ZU. li�turdous 5ubstances. Borrower shall not �:ause or permit the presence, use, disposa7, �tor7p,e, ot rcle;isc of any
<br /> Ha�a��1�v� Cnh�tcmrPS nn or in thc Property. $nrrowcr shnll not do, nor ullaw anyonc clsc to do, any2hing affccting thc
<br /> Property that is in violation of any Environmental L.aw. 'Clie preceamg t�vo semence��i►u;i ��.�.uNNiy t�,�I�c prc��iscc, ;:oc. ��
<br /> storage on thc Property of smull quantities of Hazardous Substanccs that are�encrally reco�niz�d to be appropriatc to norntal
<br /> residcntial uses itnd to maintenancc of the Propcny.
<br /> Pag,3 a,a • Form 3028 9190
<br />