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<br /> 7'hc iFunds shnU bc hcl�l in an institution whusc clr.niysits urc incured by a�fcdc�sagcncy, instrumcntn�ry, nr cntity �-
<br /> (h�cluQing Lendc•r, if Lend�r if such Ern im�tintliun)or In uny�eiteral Home[.cmn Bank. i..ender tihall iip�►ly the F�uuct,to pay the
<br /> t?�;c•�u�� Itcm4. I.cndcr muy not rl�ne�;: llurr�►�s�r f��r holding wid n��plying tl�c I�unil+, nnnmdly iumlyiiu�t�hc cxraw ucruunt, ur -_
<br /> vice�ifyhi�3 Ilic 1'.tic��nw Itcin�, unlc�,ti I.�:t�ticn•��t�yr�liurrmvcr imc�•cst an�hc 1'ui�dti imd apI�licablc linv p�rmitti IAntl�:r iu niukc nuch G-
<br /> n chnrF�c. Fii�wcver, f.�udar iuuy rc�uiru f3��►ru�vcr tu pay ii unc•Ilmc chnrFc liir am imlepcndcnt rcul rstatc tnx rcpnrtin�t:;crvirc
<br /> used hy I.�.�ndcr in r�mnecN�m �vii�i Ihis loan. unl��s u�tipilt�ithlc Inw pruvidcs OLIICPWISL'. UIIII'titi un uflrciment 6s mude eir
<br /> ��pri���blc In�v rrqu�res in�crc��tu I�c piud, Lruiicr rhuli ��+�I bi rcquired ti�pay f3:irr+�u•cr any intcrc,!ur rt�iuluE;,on tbc ��un.ic,. �
<br /> Itar�au�e�•nud I.cndcr inny n�.rcc in�w•fibil:,, h�rwevrr, th�U Intcrest hhnll bc �aid un ihc I�unds. l.�ndcr+hnll glvc i�� linrruwcr,
<br /> �vUhuut chnrKc, un unnunl nrcnnnUug nf thc I�unds, shuwlnk� l'1'ClIlI4 II�1lI /Il`I7{IH (U IIIC 1'un�is iind thc pur�xisc i'or �vhlch c.icli
<br /> dcbit in d�r I�un�lti wnti mude. 'Plu�I'and�iirc plc�l;tcd ns izdditi�mnl ticcurity fi�r ull sums-.ccwrd hy tl�is Sccurity Inyuduncnt. ,
<br /> If ihc ['unds I�al�l hy I.cndcr exrccd titc rmu►unts�xrmiucd�o {�e hcld by uN�IicnUlc Inw. I.ender hhnll ucc�,unt ti�liu�rowcr
<br /> for ihc cxccss I�untl�:in n��;orduncc with Ihu rcyuirement�� ��f uppllcnblc Inw. !f t�c amnunt of thc Funds I�cld by l.cndcr at any
<br /> timc ly nnt tiuFtirlant to pt�y tt►u E:ticrow Itunn�vhr.n dua, l.endur nu�y sn n�tify 8ormwor fi��vritin�, m�d, in such cn+c Borrowor
<br /> shull pay tu Le��dc,r tho nntount nocessary tci mako up thv deticiency. Bcumwer yhr.11 �rnike up the deficiency in no mnre tbnn
<br /> twcivc manthly psyments,at Lcnclor's solc,diccretinn.
<br /> Upan puyment in full af'ull sums sesumd by this Saurity Instrumcnt, Lcndcr shnll prumpily rct'und to Borrower nny
<br /> Funds held by Lendc:r. If, uttdcr purabmph 21. Lcudc�shall acquire or scll Uiu Propeity. Lender,prtor to thc ncquisition or sale
<br /> of the Property, Ehidl upply un}� Funds held by I.cndcr at the timc of ucquisitian o�•sale as n credit againyt thc sums securcd by
<br /> this Security Instivment.
<br /> 3.A�pli�tiain of Paymeu�s.Unless upplicablo lmv provides atherwise.nll payments received by L.ender under parugrnphs
<br /> 1 und? shali ot::ppliul: first, to any prepayment cii�vats due undcr dir Note; second. to amounts pnynble undcr puragraph 2;
<br /> third,to in[eres:due;fourth,to principaJ�ue;and IusG,to imy lnto ci�r.r�es duc under the Nute.
<br /> 4. Citnrges; �.tens.8orrower slis�ll�r.y all tar,•s,•W�yessrneut;;, c�tnr�Zes, fines and imposit[ons attributnble to the Property
<br /> �vhich may nttain priority over this Security Instcumen4, und Icasehold payments c�r ground rents, if uny. 6orrower shAll pny
<br /> thcsc obliQations in the ma��r.er pm��ided�ce Faragra�h 2,or it'n�t R�.id in t��ae mr.nr��sr,T�orrower shall puy thcm on time directty
<br /> to the persan owed pAyment. �arrower shnii promptly furnish to C.endeti•�,11 notic�s o1'�n�ounts to be�paid under this paragraph.
<br /> lf Borrower m�kes these pnyments dinec'dv,l�orrower shall promptly furnis�i co�nder rc:ceipYs e��i�!encing thc paymonts.
<br /> Borrower shnU pramptly discharge�np lien which has priority over this Sz:etirity Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees in
<br /> �tisi.ting to d�d payment of tdz�obligation secured by thc lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contcsts in�uod faith the lien
<br /> by, or defends against enfbrc�ment of the lien in, �cG.i1 procccdings which �n the I..ender's opinion onerate to prevent tho
<br /> enforcemcnt of the Ilen;cr Zr)secures from the holde;o�F the lien an agreement sntisfactory to l.ender subordinntin�the lien to ry
<br /> ihi4 Security Instrument. If'Lender determines tht�t any�nnrt of►he Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority over
<br /> d�is Securit���nstrumcnt, I.ender may give IIorrower a notice identilying t}ie lien. Horrower shall satisfy tl�c licn or tulte ono or
<br /> mU�L of t?at�:�etions set forth ebove within 10 days of the givin�of natic�.
<br /> 5. �7�ear�l or Pcro�.rerSy Insurnnce. Borrower shall keep the impravements n�w existing on c�rcaftar erected on the
<br /> �'rape�. it�stu•ed againss�oss 6y fire. hazards included within the tesm "extcnded coveroge" and any other h:�auYls, including
<br /> �floodr or tlooding, for vf�ich�J.endcr requires insurancc. 'this insurance shall be n�aintained in thc umounts and for thc periods ::.
<br /> u`ini i.27�ai�i iCa'�ii�I�S. �aryii:% :il"o'«T$Si�C«:'i�:�^.!Q:':fi:l:^p�:L' lnci�r�n�a ch�l hv�hncr!n hv Rnrrower�ub�ett to Lender's Qpprovul
<br /> w3�lch ratill ,noY be unre.nsonnbly withheld. If Borrower fails to r�rt�intain coverage described above, l.ender may, at L.ender's
<br /> option.a'otn:n coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Property im uccordunce with paragraph 7.
<br /> All insui�nce polici�s and renewals shall be acc�ptable to Lender anci shAlt inelude a standard mortgage clause. Lendor
<br /> sZ�nil huve the rigt►t to liol:�the policies and renowuls. If Lendcr requires,Borro���e.r shnll prompdy glve to L.ender all rcceipts uf
<br /> `��id prmniums and renewul natices.In the event of loss, Borcower sh�ll give prompt natice to tha insuranc�cnnricr and Lendor.
<br /> I.ender may make praof of loss if not made prompUy by Borro�ver.
<br /> Unls�s i.endcr und Borrower otherwisc ugree�n writing. insurance proceeds shnll t►e upplicd ro restnratlon or repa3r af thu
<br /> Properry Qamagod,if the restoration or repair Is economically feasib(e and L.ende�'s security is not tessenod.if the restoratinn or
<br /> repair is not economtcnlly feasible or Lender's security would be lessenod, the ir•surance proctxds shAll t►e applial to the sums
<br /> sccur�d by this Sesurity Instrument, whether or not then duc,wlth any cxcesy paid to Borrower. [f Borrower abandons the
<br /> t�roperty, or does not unswer within 30 duys a nottce from Lender that the insuru�ce canier has offered to settte n clsim,then
<br /> Lendcr may colleci the insurance pracceds. L.ender may us� the proceals to repair or restore tt�e Propeny or to pay sums
<br /> �ecurod by thi9 Security Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lcndcr pnd Bonawer ntherwise agrec fn writing, any applicatton of procads to principal shull not extend or
<br /> �wstpono thc due date of the monthly paymcnts ref�ncd to in parnEraphs 1 und 2 or change thc anwunt of tho paymcnts. If
<br /> an�er{�aragraph 21 the Property is acqwred by ix.nder, Surcower's right ta nny insuranoe policies and proceeds n�ulting from
<br /> ��ranage to thc Prop�rty nriar to the acquisition shall puss to Lender to tt►e extent o��he sums securod by this Secut�ty Instrwnent
<br /> i:nmedintcly prior to�te acquisition.
<br /> 6.Occupuncy,Prc�.;ervatlon,Matntenunce and Protection of the Pr�perty;Borrower's Loan Applicatfon;LeasehQlds.
<br /> Bormwer sits�31 occupy,estebllsh,and use the Nroperty us Borro�ver's priacipal residence within sixty days after the execution of
<br /> Lhls Se,curity Instn�mr.nt�nd shall wntinuc to occupy the Property as�3nrro•x:r's principal residence for at Icast one year af'tcr
<br /> ei�Q dute of occupancy, unless C.ender othenvise abm�es in writing. which consent shall no1 be unreasonabfy withheld, or unless _
<br /> extenuating circumsruues exist which arc beyorr� Borrowes's c�ntrol. Borruwer shall not desiroy, damagr. or impnir the
<br /> Yroperty, allow tlie Property ta deteriorate, or curYUnit waste un ihc Property. �ono�ver s�all be in default if any torfciture
<br /> action or proceoding, whether civil or criminal.is Fiegun that in�C.endet's gaod fuith judgment conld result in forfeiture of the
<br /> Ptr��rty vr otherwise materially impair the lien cn:attci by this S�*�arity Instrument or l.ender's security interest.Borrower may
<br /> cure such u default and reinatatc.ns provided in pw�.3nph 1B. by causing thc action ar procecding to be dismissed with a ruling
<br /> thut, in l.ender's sood �aith determination, precludes forfeiture of the Borrocrer's lnterest in the Propecty�e�other materi;� -
<br /> �]rnpairenent of the lien c..�.ated by this Security Instrument or l.e;ndtr's security intorest. Bonower shall also Ue in default if
<br /> �3orrowcr,during the loan�pplication proccss.gave materially false ar inaccurate information or statcmcnts ta Lendcr(or failed
<br /> ¢o pruvide L�nder with any material informacion)in r,onnection�vith the lonn evidenced by ti�e Note, including. but noi limited
<br /> co, representuYians concerning Bmrower's cwcupancy of the proporty ns a principal residence. If Yhis Seeurity Instn►ment is on u
<br /> �esisehold. Eonower shaif. comply witl� all tho provisions of the Iease. If Borr�ower ucqui,es fee title to the Propeny, the
<br /> let►schuld nnd thc fec titfe shnll not merge unless I.e�x3er.agrces to the merger in�vriting.
<br /> 7.Protectton of Lender's Righte in the Prope�y. If Borrower fails to perform the covenants nnd agreements contained in
<br /> thls Sccurity Instrument, or there is a legal praceedin�2 that may significantly uffect Lendcr's rights in the Property (such as a
<br /> nroceeding in bankruptcy.probate, fur cumlemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations), then Lender may do and
<br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Propeny and Lender's righes in tlee Property. L.end��•'s actions may
<br /> �nclude paying any sums secured by u lien �vhich has priority over this Sccurity instn►ment, appearing in court, paying
<br /> -�--•�'-- --�
<br /> re:uonabte tiltmneys' t�;es and entering on tite i�ro�.ny io maice rzpairs.i+iinoubn ixt►ucr ntay iiii�c ixciiCni iinuc�w:�pma�•n�...
<br /> 7.Lender docs not have to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by I.ender under tl�is paragruph 7 shall becomc additional debt of Bormwer sccurecf by this
<br /> Security [nstniment. Unless Borrowcr and Lendcr a�rce to other terms ot payment,ti�ese nmounts shall bear inte��est from the
<br /> date of disbursemcnt at the Note rste and sliall be payable, �vith interest, upon noticc from Lender to Barrower rcquesting
<br />- payment.
<br /> S.Atortgage IttsutYtncr.If Lender required mortgage insur,�nce as a condition of making the loan secured by tNis Security
<br /> Instrument. Bormwcr st�all pay the premiums reyuired to maintain thc mortgage insurancc in effcx2. If, for any rc:tson, tlie
<br /> mc+rtgage insurance covemge requirecl by [.ender lapses ar ceases to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the pmmiums requitod tu
<br /> obtain wvcragc substantially equivalent to t{ie rnon�age insurance prcviously in effect,at u oc�st substantiully equiv:�lcnt to the
<br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect, from an nitemate monga�e insurer approvcc!by Lender. [f
<br /> Noqa z of 4 . Form 3028 9/80.
<br />