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<br /> p:lylll^.1119 IIli1�J 1lU IIIf1�C1'Di:rcyuli'�d� ut iltc:��ptl�+n��f I.e��dcr•,if murtl,a,c instaeience covcrii,je(In ti�c nntounx nncl fin•ihe��cria�i �,`
<br /> thut l.cndcr reqaires)providcd by a�i ins�i��:i'npprovc�f by l.enacr ugnin I�ecomes uvailablc nnd is obtainecl. Barr��vCr sFiail p:ry
<br /> �he premiums reqiEircd ro maintnii�mo�7gn�;a insurna��e in efiect.m•to provlde n loss reservc,until thc requircmcnt for�»orignge
<br /> insumnce ends lu uccur�lnuw witli imy�:'dtten n�rt;;,tnent b;t�vc`'n L�orro���er nizd L,c�tder or npplicuble luw. _
<br /> 9. 1n9�xxtlon. Lcndc+r or its agcnt m�+y tna4;a��c;aso�iablc enu•ics u�wn iind inspcctions of tlic F�ro�c;rty. L,�ndcr shcdl give
<br /> Borcower nntice at tha time nf nr prlor to an Inspxtiun��uecifying rensoaable cuuse for the ins�ctian. _
<br /> lU. 4ondemnAtian� 't'tw N►ucecx1s uf auy �w:,s�1 ar clnim for damages. direct or con5ec�+�PnUui, in rnnnection with t+ny ,
<br /> condemnation or othcr tnkin�;of uny part.af ttta Pmpcn.y,w•for convcyunce in li�u of condemnation, use hercby assign�d tuid
<br /> shall Uc puid to I.endcr.
<br /> G�th�event of a tatnl tnkin�}of tha Pmperty,tiiu proceeds shall be npplied to thc sums secured by thi5 Security Instnrment,
<br /> whether or not then du�, with any excess paid to Borrower. In the event of u purtial tuking of t�ir, Praperty in which the f�ir
<br /> �nnrket value of tha Prope�ty immedintely 6ofc�rc:ths tnking is equnl to or grenter dinn the amount of the sums secural by this
<br /> Security Gistrument immrdiutGly�efara th�tnktn�, pnlcss 8arro���er nnd L.endcr atlienvise a�ree in writiny,the sums sccured by __
<br /> Ihis Security Instrument shali bo recluced by tttp atnrntnt of the praceeds mul►iplicd by the followir►B frccction: (a) the total
<br /> amount of the sums sc:ur�d immo�ifltely befares tftu 4aki►ig, dividcd by (b) the fsiir market valu�of the PropGrty immediatr.ly
<br /> tx:fore tha taking. Any 6alttnce shAll be pnad to�orrowcr. In the event of a partial taking of the Peopeny in which die fair
<br /> mnrket v,,{uq of thc Property immtxlintnlp hefore the taking is less than the amount af dte sums secured irrunediately bcfore the
<br /> taking,unlcss�rrowcr and I.endAr otherwiFw agr�:In writing or unless applicuble law othenvise provides,thu proceeds shall
<br /> bo applieci ro the sums socurc:d hy this Security Insttvment whether or not tl�e sums are thcn due. `_
<br /> rf dae[?cnperty Is nbundantxl by Bnrrower,or it;atier notice by Lender to i3orrowor that the cundeiurivj�offej�s to ntake an
<br /> awairi or��.'?'+�a ctaim for.d�mt�e,es,Qc►rrower fnila ta respand to I.ender w�thin 30 cL�►ys ufter the date the notice is given.
<br /> Lender i��r�w'N��•i�ed to caflcx;t und np�pl;t r_�te proce�cis,at its optlon,either ta restoration ar n.�ais af the Property or to ch�s►�nu
<br /> secured b}tr:t:s Security�nstrument,wi:�t�:er oc not then due.
<br /> Unle,s �.encler und Barr4wer otherwise ngm: in writing, �ny application of procce►is to principnl shall not cxtend or
<br /> t:>ostpcm�the due dnta af,tita�nonthly payments mt��t�eti co in parngrs�phs 1 artd 2 nr chango the amount of such paymcnts.
<br /> 11,�'a;e�ower i�Int IK��iez.�.et1i T''ort'+=arancu Sy&xnder Nat a Waiver. Ext�nslon of tne time for payrrient or mcxlification
<br /> of amorFSZ���cau of tha sums sec:ured by ttaas Security Instrument gra�ted by l.�nder to any suscessor in interest of Borirower shall
<br /> not operuti�to rcleusc the liubiliry of the original Etvrrower or Sorrower's successors in interest. L.ender shall not be required to
<br /> �ommence procxedintts against any suocessor in iric�:rest or refuse tn extend tin�r for payment or otherwise modify arnortization
<br /> of the sums securu.i br titis Secur3ty Instrument by reason of any demand made by the orl�inal Borrower or 8oreower's
<br /> successvi�i s.i interest. ���n�r forbr.aranese by Lenaer in exercising any righi or remaiy si�uii iioi `ve u Wa��ar of�;�;�r:udc tlia '
<br /> exercise of�ny right Qr re�nufy. '
<br /> 12. �uoaESSOtB a�d Assigns 1�.�u•nd;Joint and Several LiabUtty; Casigr,ers. The.covQnants and agreementi� of this
<br /> Secudry �C�s•r'untent s'hall bind and 6enefit the successors nnd ossigns of Lender and Borrawer. subject to Ares proviyions of
<br /> �,�graph �^r; }3orrower's covenants and agreen*.Ents sl�nll be joint nnd scveral, Any Borrower who ca�s'sgns this Securiry
<br /> �"�ristrum:�nQ.�iui dces not executc the Note: (a) is ca-signing thie Security Instrument only to martgage,grAnt and convcy thnt .
<br /> Borrow�r's��ntetest jn U�e Propeity undea the tenns of this Securiry h�strument; (b)is not perspnully oblignted to pay thc sums
<br /> sxaral 6y 7{iio Security Instrument;nnd(c)ogcees thnt L.ender mid any other Tiorrower may agr�e to extend,modify.forbeac or ,.
<br /> make any accommodntions with regard to the terms of thin Security Instrument or the Note without that Aorrower's consent.
<br /> 13. Loan Charges. If the loan secured by thie Security]nstrument is subjoct to a law which rsts maxlmum loun charges, .
<br /> and chat lzw ts Cn�lly interpreted so that die interest ar other loan charges callecteA or to be coltectod in connection witt►•iha
<br /> loan excoeci.ihe pemritted lunits,tlien:(a)sny such loan charge shall be roduced by tho umonnt necessary to reduce tha c.hMrge
<br /> to the pa7nincd limit and(b)any sums �►)ready calleGted fiom Borrower which exceeded permitted limits wfll bc refundod tA
<br /> &�rrower. I.ender may choose to make titis refund by rcducing the principal owed under the Note ar by m,�lcing a direct
<br /> pAyment to Iiorrower..If a refund reduces prirx.ipa[, the reductiun wil[ uz trcatcd as n �artial prepayment withuut any •�
<br /> pnpayment charge undor Nze Note.
<br /> 14.NMkes.Any notice to Borrower provided'for in this Security Instrument shall be given by del�v,ering it or by mailing :
<br /> it by f�rst class mail unless applicable�aw roquires use of unother method.'fhe notice shalt lx1�i3teCted td the Property:;�ddiress
<br /> . or any other address Borruwer designutes by nntir,e ta Lender. Any notice to L�:nctier shall be given by..first class mail to . .
<br /> �, Ltnder's address stated hercin or nny ott►er addn:ss�.emler designates by noticc to tionowcr. Any ncta�c�..ptovided for tn this �
<br /> Socur.t�instrument shafl bc dcemed to havc becn given to Borrowcr or L.endcr when givca�as providtd in fhls puragrxph.
<br /> 1�.sGoverning Ls►w; Sever�+6tlity. This Sccur[ty Inslrument shall bo governed by fcderal luw and the In¢r.uf tl�e ._
<br /> jurisciartl-on'In which thc Propercy is located. In the cvent thac uny provision or clausc of 13ii&S+xu¢ity Instrument oK t1�e Note
<br /> oQnXlicts•with eppiicable I�w,such conflict shall not affect othcr pcQVisions uf diie 5ecwtity Insuumcnt or the Note whioh c,�1n be ,
<br /> , :.tiiven efEect wlthuut the conflicting provision,To this end the�rovisions of 4his Securiry Instrument und the Nota ere deolared .
<br /> ` Ro be severab(u. ' '
<br /> ' ' l6.Borrower's�opy.Borrou��r,shsll be given onc canformcd copy of the Note s�nd of this S�urity Insttunient.
<br /> Fam 3t?r 6 9190
<br /> ' Pege�oP 6
<br /> _.. .__. ... _ .
<br />