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<br /> g, yea:rayQ o;• ��+�s�:►�zy a�r:�������.r�, 1��rroerce sh;t11 lccsp tl►c+ improvErncnc� now existin� or �e►'ca[ter erected an tlie �-
<br /> Properry insurcd n�nln,t loss by fir�, l�a�urds includad �vftitin thn tnrm "cxtcndcQ cove�a�;c° nnd nny othcr huu►rds, includisi� �°"=
<br /> floocls or flcxxfing, for whi:b l.ender rcquiR•cs insurincV. Thi`u►t�'.tr�tnce tiS►all bc maintalned in thc amouniti and for thc periods
<br /> thnt I.ender cequir�s.ihe inc.urance c�riicr pmviiiinF liiu inp�irnn:r. sl��ll �c chosen by Durrower subJect t� l.ender's npnrovnl -
<br /> whicl�shall not be unrcusnnably wlthhclA. If R3�rr�tiver fi�iln t�� maintnin covcraga dcscribcd abuve. Lcndor may, at I.endtr's
<br /> optlon,obtnin coveroge to protect l.�ender'�s rlghtr In tho�'roper+.v in uccordanee wlth paragraph 7• � <
<br /> Atl Insurunce policies and rCnewals slinll [�c acedPtablc to l,�nder and shnll include n stnndard mortguge clause. Lender
<br /> shull hnve the right to hold tlie�licles und renewals. If L.cnder requires,13ar�nwer shnll pramptly�ivc to l.ender all receipt:;uf
<br /> paid premiums uizd renewnl notlres.In thc event�f lafs,l3orrowcr sliall givo ps�ropt notice to tlie insurance c�rrier and Lender.
<br /> I.cndcr may mt►kc proof of lass if nat made pr�mptl�i bp Antt�we�. ►icd ro restoration or repair aF Q►e
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise n�rc:o in�x�tltipn,ineuranc;e proceeds shall be app'
<br /> Proherty dumaged. It the restantian ar ec,p�.ir is crnnamiaaUy�tcr.��bte and Lcndcr's security is�not lessened.If the restor�tlon or
<br /> repair is not economicaily feasible or LendePs securiry tivuuld he IesSenr.d, Aie lnsurance proeceds shall bs apPlied to tl►e su�ns
<br /> sr.cured by this Sccudty Instrument, whether ar nat thnn dua, with cu►Y cxccss paid to Iiorrower. if Borrower abandons the
<br /> property,or docs not answcr v,ithin�30 daya n natir.o from[.endcr tl�at the Insurn�ice cuericr hzs offered to settic a clalm, then
<br /> Le�tder may culieci lita insur��acc pmcr,�s• Lt ndhr map usA thu proceeds to repair or restore ehe Property or to pay sums
<br /> secured by this Security instrument,�ahether or not then dua.T!tp 3Q�dey period will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> Unless l.cnder and Bonower oti�er�v3so agree in writin�, cut)��pplication of procecds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> �xtistpone the due date of the monthly paymen�s refcrred to i� pujng►Mhs 1 and 2 or chunge the amount of the payments. If
<br /> under paragraph 2l the Property is acquired by Lender. Bor�ower's d�yi�t to nny insurance policics and pmceeds resulting frora
<br /> damage to the Properry prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Tnstrument
<br /> inunediatcly prior to thc ncquisition,
<br /> 6.Occupancy,Preservatton,Matntenence end�rotectian nf the PPOperty;Borrov�ex's I.uan Ap�tticntion;Lcaseholds.
<br /> Borro�ver shnll occupy.est,zblish,and use tf�a E+rivperty as Borrower's princip�l residence wi�hin sixty dnys ufter tlie executian of
<br /> this Security Instrwnent and shall continue to,a:r':tPy tho Property as Hon•wv�e's p:incipal residence for�Y lenst onc�year after
<br /> the dute of oc:cupancy. unless Lendcr otherwise agrces in wtiting, which conssnt shall not be unreasom►tr1y withheld,or unless
<br /> extenuntfng circumstnnces exist �vhich are beyonci Bo���o���:�r's control. Borrower shull not destroy, dsuna�e or impair the
<br /> Property, allow the Property to deteriorate, or commit wusto on the Property. Bonower shnll be in defnult if any forfe[cure
<br /> xtion or pnoceeding, whethar civil or criminal,is begun that in L.ender's goai faith Judgmen�t could r�sult in forfeiture of the
<br /> Property or othcrwise materially impair the lien created by thi 4Securiiy Instrumant or��P��ina to be uismissed�v ith a ruling
<br /> cut�e sv16►a defeult and relnstate:,as proviaed in pumgraPn 1^0,oy..aa�irg tl:c ac..on�r�+___..
<br /> �hat, im S.wnder's good faidt detenx:ie�etion, precludes forfciturc of the Borrowe�'s interest in the Pinperty or other material
<br /> impairment of ttee lien created by tl�is Sexurity Instrument�r Lender's security interest. Borrower shatl also be•In default if
<br /> Bonower,during the laan application process,gavc materially false or inua:urate informatlnn or statemcnte to l.ender(or failed
<br /> to provide Lender with eny materiat informatlon)in conuection with die lonn evidencecl by the Note,�atcluding,but not limitcd
<br /> to.representations concee�aing Boirower's occupancy of the Property as a pi�tncipul residence.If thia Secur.ity Instrument is on a
<br /> leusehnld, Bocruwer shall comply with all the provistons of the lcase. If Battower ucquires fce titte to tha PropertY• the
<br /> leasehe�td ami ttie fee title shall nat�t�erge unle,s Lender AS�Bono er fnils to perform he covenxnts and agceements contai�netl in
<br /> 7.Prote��tfon of I.ender's Kight»in the P�perty.
<br /> this 5ecu-ity Instcument, or th�re is a legal proceedin$chat may signifiaandy nffcct Lendcr's dghts in thc Property(such as a
<br /> proceeding in bankruptcy. probate, far condemnation or forfeitu►�e or tn enSorce laws or regulations), then L.ender may do end
<br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vatue of tl�e Prupe�ty and I.ender's right� in the Property. Lender's acttons n�ay
<br /> include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over this Security lnstrumtnt. appeating in court, 'paying
<br /> �asonable attorneys' fxs and entaring on the Property to muke repairs. Aldiaugh Lender rnay take action unc!sr this paraB►�aph
<br /> 7.Lendcr does not�tiave to do so.
<br /> � Any amounts�'tlisbursal by I.ender under this psuagraph 7 shull became additionat debt of IIorrower securai by Ilus
<br /> Stcurity Instrurx�eni. Untess Bonrower and Lender agree to otha�•terin�of paymcnt, thesc amounts sht�ll.bex�'Interest Crom�ti�e
<br /> date of disburscment at tho Na�to rnte a��d shatl be payAble, with intcrest, upon notice from L.ender to Borrowor reyuesting
<br /> pay�r►ent.
<br /> 8.Mortgage[•�r�or�nce•If l.ender rcquired mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by'this Security
<br /> Instrume�it, Borrowcr shnll pay the premiums required to maintain the mnrtga3e insurance in effect. If, for any renson, the
<br /> mortgags insurance coverage rem�ired by Lender lnp.ses or cc.�►ses tc bc iu effect,Borrower shall pay thc pre►niums rGquired to
<br /> obtain coverage substantially eg�l•i.valent to tl�e mortgage insurancc previously in effcct. at a,cosr substanttally equival�nt to the
<br /> cost to Borrower of tha mortgage ins�irance previously in efaect, from an alternato�nortgage insu[cr ��pproved by x.cndsr. If
<br /> substantially eqai«l�nt mortga�e insurunce coverage is not nvailuble,Borrower sha11 pay to Lender esch manth a sum eyual to
<br /> ont-twelRh of clix yrL�rly mongugo insurance premiu�n being psid by Bnrrower when the insurwico arvcragc lapscd or reslsod to
<br /> be in cffect.Lc:ncier tivill acce{rt,a�r.and retuin these paym�nts as n loss reserve in lieu of moreguge insumnce. I.ASS resarve
<br /> Form 3028 9l90
<br /> Pe�3 0�Q
<br />