<br />_. i
<br />Also all of the Mortgagor's interest under leasehold now in effect or herein-
<br />after acquired and all of the Mortgagor's title cthieh it may hereinafter acquire in
<br />the following deacr bed property leased from the Union Pacific Railroad Company and
<br />located at Wood'River, Rall County, Nebraska,,to wit:
<br />Beginning at a point 65.2 feet Southeasterly at right angles from
<br />a point on the said Railroad Company's Southerly main track center
<br />line which is 7.8 feet Northeasterly of the point of intersection
<br />of said main track centerline and the Western line of the Southeast
<br />Quarter of Section 19, Township 10 North, Range 11 West measured
<br />along said centerline; thence 39 feet, mare or less, Southeasterly
<br />at right angles to said centerline; thence 50 feet Southwesterly
<br />along the Northerly line of Village Roadway covered in Lease C.D.
<br />8093; Chence 10 feet, more or less, along the said 'deatern line of
<br />Southeast Quarter, Section 19-10-11; thence 180 feet Southwesterly
<br />along a line 115.2 £eet Southerly from and parallel to said main
<br />track centerline; thence 25 feet Southeasterly at right angles;
<br />theace 208 feet Southwesterly at right angles; thence 75 feet North-
<br />westerly at right angles; thence 442.4 feet TTortheasterly at right
<br />angles on a line parallel to sad 65.2 feet Southeasterly of said
<br />main track centerline to the paint of beginning.
<br />Also -
<br />Beginning at a point 66 feet at right angles Southeasterly from a
<br />point on the Southerly Railroad Company main track centerline, 1308
<br />feet Northeasterly of the point of intersection of said centerline
<br />and the Weat line of Section 19, Township 10 North, Range 11 West,
<br />measured along said centerline; thence 100 feet Southeasterly at
<br />right cagier to said main track eeatsrliae; thence 413 feet South-
<br />. westerly at right angles; thence 100 feet Northwesterly at right
<br />angles; thence 413 feet Northeasterly at right angles to the point
<br />of beginning.
<br />Also -
<br />Beginning at a point 68.5 feet Southeasterly at right angles from
<br />a point oa the said Railroad Company's Southerly main track center-
<br />. line which is 426 feet Westerly, measured along Said centerline from
<br />the point of intersection of said centerline and the East line o€
<br />Section 24, T9washig 10 North, Range 12 Weat; theace 106.5 feet South-
<br />easterly at right angles to said main track centerline; theace 602 feet
<br />Southwesterly at right angles; theace 106.5 feet Northwesterly at right
<br />angles; thence b02 feet Naxthessterly at right cagier to the gains of
<br />beginning.
<br />.Also all of the following deacrhad buildings and improyameata ia, on, or
<br />a,baut the leased land above described, to wit:
<br />Grain elevatar, concrete construction, outaids dimensions 62' x
<br />S6', 260,000 bushel capacity. complete with all installed
<br />machinery, fixtures and equipment therein.
<br />Grain storage building, Bshlsn steel building. autaida dimeaaiaaa
<br />40' x 100', 60,000 bushel capacity.
<br />Warehouse, Behlen steal building, outside dimensions 20' x 60'.
<br />Liquid fortilizar plant, wood frame construction ~ outside
<br />dimsnsioaa 12' x 20'.
<br />Anhydrous amsania pleat comprising atarags teaks and related
<br />faciiitlas.
<br />Bulk bland fertiliaar glans, wood frame construction, outaids
<br />dimaasiona 40' x 64', camplata with all installed machinery,
<br />fixtures and equipment therein.
<br />Grain staragn building, steel construction, 730,000 bushel
<br />capacity, outaids dimensions 260' x 100'.
<br />Grain storage and handling building and tanks, steel construction,
<br />290,000 bushel capacity, outside dimensions 260' x 60', complete
<br />with all installed machinery, fixturta and equipment therein.
<br />Grain storage bin, 20,000 bushel capacity.
<br />-2-
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