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<br />THIS MORTGAGE, matle this 3rd day of November 1s f30 ,between
<br />of P. 0.' Box 9, Wood River, Nebraska 68883 .organized and existing under the laws of me State
<br />pf Nebraek8 , (hereinafter called the'MOrtgagor") and Omaha Bank for Cooperatives, organized, chartered and existing untler
<br />the Farm Credit Act of 1971, and any amendments thereto. whose address is 800 Farm Credit Building, 206 South 19th Street, Omaha, Nebraska
<br />68102 (hereinafter called the 'Mortgagee").
<br />WHEREAS, in accordance with the Loan Agreement dated the 3rd day of November 79 80 ,Mortgagor and
<br />Mortgagee have established and evidenced the general agreement of Mortgagor and Mortgagee that when the Mortgagor is determined by the
<br />Mortgagee to be an eligible borrower. the Mortgagor ar~d Mortgagee. by entering into one or more Supplements to the Loan Agreement, will
<br />evidence the willingness of Mortgagee to loan money to Mortgagor m accordance with the terms and conditions of the Loan Agreement as
<br />supplemented Gy one or more Supplements.
<br />WHEREAS. Mortgagor's obligation to repay any loans made by Mortgagee to Mortgagor will be ev+denced by said Loan Agreement. by
<br />one or more Supplements to said Loan Agreement and by one or more Demand Promissory Notes aggregating in principal amounts the amount of
<br />money which the Mortgagee has committed to lend to the Mortgagor (which such Demantl Promissory Notes erg hereinafter individually and
<br />collectively referred to as the 'Note") and, in addition to the obligation to repay the foregoing described loans. Mortgagor has other indebtedness,
<br />liabilities and obligations to Mortgagee as is provided m said Lcan Agreement and said Supplements to said loan Agreement.
<br />WHEREAS, Irom time to time after the date hereol, at the option of the Dames, Mortgagor and Mortgagee may enter into one or more
<br />Supplements to said Loan Agreement to provide for the Mortgagee making additOnal loans to the Mortgagor and changing Ole other obligations of
<br />WHEREAS. Mortgagor's obligation to repay all luture roans, additional advances and increased advances other than tftose matle m
<br />accordance with ttte Loan Agreement, and one or mare Supplements tlated on or before the date hereof, will rte evidenced by 58~d Loan
<br />Agreement, by one or more Supplements to said Loan Agreement, and by one or more Demand Pronrssory Notes.
<br />WHEREAS, Mortgagor desires to mortgage the real estate described harem to secure the paymern o1 aN of Mortgagor's indebtedness.
<br />liabilities and obligations to Mortgagee, including the indebtedness. liabilit'. is and obhgahons evidenced by said Loan Agreement and one a more
<br />Supplements to said Loan Agreement, and by one or more Demand Promissory Notes dated on a before the date hereof. and incluWnQ aN future
<br />loans, additional advances, increased advances and au future ~rWebtedness, kabdities and obligatons of Mortgagor to Mortgagee- evidenced by
<br />.said Loan Agreement, and by one or more Supplements to saitl Loan Agreement, and by one or more Demand Prortrssory Niles tlated a4er the
<br />date heredi.
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and the amount of the initial advance matle to t~tgagor by Mortgagee m
<br />accordance with said Loan Agreement. and one or more Supplements thereto. and to induce Mortgagee to make future advances 1D Mortgagor. xt
<br />older to secure the payment of all of Matgagor's indebtedness, kabilines and obligations to Mortgagee. ~ncludmg 1tm? vK~DtedneStlS, lia~lrtres and
<br />obligations evidenced by said Loan Agreemer, and one or more Supplements to said Loan Agreement and by one or more Dem~x"id Pror+rsaory
<br />Niles, and including alt future loans, atldmpnal advances, increased advances antl all future obligations of Mortgagor to A~ortgageemade arri
<br />incurted prig to NOVember 3, 1440 ttte pnnapal amount of all of which, not including surrtis atlvarN:ed lc prdecS the
<br />Rareinatter defined Property snarl not exceed S 20 , 000 :000.00 ,the Mortgagor has executed and dekvared Ctrs rttortgage
<br />and heresy grarKS, seas ertd comays to sad Malgagee the tonowirtg described Property, to wit:
<br />All of the following described real estate in Hall Colmty, Nebraska,
<br />to wit:
<br />All of Block 1, MacColl and La€lang's Addition to the Town a€
<br />Wood River. Nebraska.
<br />A1~ -
<br />t.ots 7, 10, 11 and 12, block 9, idacColl and L$flang'a Additian to
<br />the Town of Wood River, Nebraska.
<br />Al so -
<br />A rectangular tract of land in the Northwest corner of the South
<br />Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section
<br />14, Township 10 North, Range 11 Weet of the 6th P. M., in Hall
<br />County, Nebraska. described ae follaws: Beginning at the Narth-
<br />weat corner of the said South One Half of the So hwaet Quarter of
<br />the Southeast Quarter. running thence East 726.Oaet; running
<br />thence South 120.0 feat, running thence Weat 726.0 feet to a point
<br />on the Wast line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter,
<br />running thence North 120.0 feat to the point of beginning.
<br />Also
<br />Lore 1, 2, 9, A, 5, 6, 16, 27 and 18 in block 5 in MacGail and
<br />I.eflang'a Additian to the Ta1.tn of Waod River, Nebraska.
<br />-1-
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