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<br />exgi~~lient, pc#stpc~ne 'the sale ,from, 'time tQ tune, <br />until 'it shah be completed and,' in every such <br />case, notice of postponement shall be given by <br />public declaration thereof by such person at the <br />time and place last appointed for the sale; <br />provided, if the sale is postponed for longer <br />than one (1) day beyond the day designated in <br />the notice of sale, notice thereof shall be <br />given in the same manner as the original notice <br />of sale. Trustee shall execute and deliver to <br />the purchaser its Deed conveying said property <br />so sold, but without any covenant or warranty, <br />express or implied. The recitals in the Deed of <br />any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof <br />of the truthfulness thereof. Any person, in- <br />cluding Beneficiary, may purchase at the sale. <br />(2 )_ When Trustee sells pursuant to the powers <br />herein, Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the <br />sale to payment of the costs and expenses of <br />exercising the power of sale and of the sale, <br />including the payment of Trustee's fees actually <br />incurred, which Trustee's fees shall not in the <br />aggregate exceed the following amounts based <br />upon the amount secured hereby and remaining <br />unpaid: 1.5 per centum on the first 55,440.4Q <br />thereof, 1 per centum on the balance thereofr <br />and then to the items in subparagraph (3) in the <br />order there stated. <br />(3 ). After paying the items speca.fied in subparagraph <br />~2) if the sale is by Trustee, or the proper <br />court and other costs of foreclosure and ~3ale if <br />sale is pursuant to judicial foreclosure, the <br />proceeds of sate shall be applied in the order <br />stated to the payment of: <br />(a) Cost of any evidence of title procured in <br />connection with such sale and of any tax <br />on the conveyancer <br />(b) All sums then secured hereby; <br />(c) All expenses of upkeep, maintenance: and <br />utilities incurred i.n connection wieh h <br />sale <br />(d) The remainder, i.f any, to the parson or <br />persons legally entitled thereto. <br />D. Upon the occurrence of any default hereunder, Benefi- <br />ciary shall have the option to foreclose this Trust <br />Deed in the manner provided by law for the foreclosure <br />of mortgages on real property. <br />B. Beneficiary may from time to time substitute a suc- <br />cessor or successors to any Trustee named herein or <br />acting hereunder. Upon such appointment, and without <br />conveyance to the successor Trustee, the latter shall <br />be vested with all title, powers, and duties conferred <br />upon any Trustee herein named or acting hereunder. <br />Bach such appointment and substitution shall be made <br />by written instrument and executed by Beneficiary, <br />cgntaininq reference to this Trust Deed and its place <br />of record, which, when recorded in the office of the <br />Register of Deeds of the county or counties in which <br />said property is situated, shall be conclusive proof <br />of proper appointment of the successor Trustee. The <br />foregoing power of substitution and the procedure <br />shall not be exclusive of the power and procedure <br />provided for by law for the substitution of a Trustee <br />- 3 - <br />