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<br /> <br />togesher with all rights, interests, easements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, the rents; ismes, and <br />pmfits thereof and revenues and', income therefrom, all improvements and personal property now or. later attached thereto or <br />reasonably necessary to the use thereof, iaduding, but not limited to, ranges, refrigerators, dotheswaah~rs,'.lothes dryers, <br />or carpetvtg purchased or fmanced in whole or in part with loan funds, all water, water rights, and water stock pertaining <br />thereto, and aII pa ats ac any time owing to Borrower by virtue of any sale, lease, transfer, conveyance, or condemnation <br />of any_pars thereof or interest thereutall of which are herein called "the property"; <br />'TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the property unto the Government and its assigns forever in fee simple. <br />BORROWER for Borrower's self, Borrower's heirs, ezecutors, administrators, successors and assigns WARRANTS TFIE <br />TITLE to the property co the Government ag~~ast all lawful claims and demands whatsoever ezcept an liens, encumbrances, <br />easemema, mservatioas, or co~eyances specified hereinabove, and COVENANTS AND AGREES as follows: <br />(i) To pay promptly whew due any inde6udness to the Government hereby secured and to indemnify and save harm- <br />less the Government a~mst loss under its insurance of payment of the note by reason of any default 6y Borrower. At all <br />tunes when ehe note is held by an insttrad hdder, Bctmwer shall continue to make payments on the hots to tht Government, <br />as eolleeticen agent for the holdu. ~.. <br />(2) To Pa w the Government such foes and other chuges as may sow or hereafter 6e required by regulations of the <br />r~armera Home Administration <br />(3) If rcquued by the Government, co make additfonal monthly payments of Iji2 of the estimated anaua! lazes, <br />asaesaments, issuance gremiums and ot}ter_chacges upon the mortgaged premises. <br />(4 Whether or sot the note is insured by the Government, the Government may at any time pay any other amounq <br />tequirsd herein to be paid 6y Borrower and not paid by Borrower when due, as weU as any costs and ezpenaea for the pre- <br />servation, protection, or enforcement of this lien, as advances for the account of Borrower. All such advances shall bear <br />interest at the rate borne by the note which has the highest interest rate. <br />(5) Ali advances by the Government as described in this instrument, with intereu, shall be immediately tins and pay <br />able by Borrower ro the Government without demand at the place designated in the latest note and shall be secured hereby. <br />No such advance byy the Government shall relieve Borrower from 6reuh of Borrower's covenant to pay. Such advances, <br />wieh interest, shall be reppaid from the first available collections received from Borrower. Otherwise, any payment made by <br />$otrower may be applied on the note or any indebtedness to the Government secured hueby in any order the Government <br />determines. <br /> <br /> <br />z <br />