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<br />Tfffi lll~y"""` « Psi as aasds sssd ~mrnad irasr lry ~a_ u r~ p~li aorl ~s.sv X tF sv t,.,~-,.,a
<br />.~ ~#6 ~ :~+ Ss#s artd ham' ass ric;~ anti as; t~ttxme ~f z-l+P ~~
<br />~ Ball (`~Haty. Nebraska. vrbose pot ofSoe address is
<br />~}~ 9~s1t nnrHta D[niaaban ,Nebruka 68832 ,
<br />ltereim called "i3ossotver," a>fd:
<br />1itEAS Bosrovnr n indebted to the United Sates of Amersn, acemg thwugh the Fatsters Home Admirriseratian,
<br />:lHited States 17epactmeHx of Agicaiture, herein called the "Go~erHmeat," u evides~ed bT ose or mare praviaory Hate(s)
<br />a asrmptioH mat(s), herein called "~te,° which hu been tsecamd by Botro~er, is paysble ~ i :e ardet of the
<br />Gosrrtmteat, authorizes acceleratson of the entire indebtedaeas at the option of the Government npoH aHT debalt by Bor-
<br />rower, aHd is deacdbed u falbws:
<br />Atfrardllate DseDateofFbaal
<br />Dfase of hrsern,Herrt FrirrcFpal Amoa<nt of brterest InstaBtrert
<br />Det~ber 15, 1981. $23.Ot10.00 13.25$ t)ecember 15, 2014.
<br />
<br />(If the interest rate v leas than ---'yo for farm ownership or operating loans} xcured by this instrument, then the
<br />rue may be changed u provided in the note.)
<br />And the nou eridences a loan to Borrower, and the Government, at any time, may assign the note and insure the pay-
<br />meat eherrof pursuant to the Consolidated Fum and Rural Development Act, or Title V of the Housing Act of 1949 or any
<br />otkKr statute administered by the Farmers Home Administration;
<br />And it ix the purpose and intent of this instrument that, among other, things, at all canes whenthe note is held by the
<br />Government, or in the event the: Government should assign ibis instrument wwithout insurance of the note, this instrument
<br />shall secure payment of the note; but when the note is held by an insured holder, thin instrument shall not secure payment
<br />of the note or attach to the debt evidenced thereby, but u to the note and such debt shall constitute an indemnity mortgage
<br />to secure the Government against loan under its insurance contract by reawn of any default by Borrower;
<br />And this instrument also secures the recapture of any interest credit or subsidy which may be granted to the Borrower
<br />by eke Government pursuant to 42 U.S.C. §1490a.
<br />NOW, THEREFORE, in consideeation of the loan(s) and (a) at all times when the note is held by the Government, or
<br />in the evene site Government, should assign this instrument without insurance of the payment of the cote, to xcure prompt
<br />payment of the note and nay naewals and eztensions thereof and any agreemencs contained therein, including any provision
<br />for the,paytaent of an insurance of other charge, (b) at all times when the note is held by an insured holdu, to securt pa-
<br />farmaau of Bortower'a agreement herein to indemnify and save hatntk:sa the Government against loss under its insuwrncnrsee
<br />contrast hY reason of any default by. Borrower, and {cjvt any event and ae all times. to secure the prompt. payment of all
<br />advances and ezpenduures made by the Government,, with irttetest, as hereinaRer described, and the performance of every
<br />coveoaat and agreement of Borrower contained herein m ul< any suPPkmantacy agreement, Borrower does hereby grsnt,
<br />- bargitin, sell, convey and usign, with general-warranty, unto the Government the following ProP~Y aitvated in the State o!
<br />Nebraska, County{ies) of ~~
<br />Lot Six (6), Bartelt Second Subdivision of Part of Lots Seven (7),
<br />Fburteecl (14), Fifteen (15), Sixteen (16) and Eighteen (18), of the
<br />County Subdivision of Part of the South Half of Section Five (5),
<br />Rbwstsllig Nitre {9) North, ltattge Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., in
<br />the Village of Donipttart, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />FmHA 427-1 NS (Rer. 11-21.80)
<br />f.....
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