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b'1'A'1'W U!•' N1.13MAb14A, t;ounty af ._ ...............................................:.....: <br />Filed far, reoort~ and enter@d in Numerical Index on bl., ' <br />..~:..,.,. at ................ o'clock ............. <br />and recorded in Mortgage Reenrd ......................... Page ........................ <br />................... gy ............................................................ <br />_ ...................................... 81--1}~i598b <br />County Clerk or 1)epuiy County Clerk or <br />Register of Deeds Deputy legister of Deeds <br />REAL ]PROPERTY MORTGAGE <br />Marvin R. Decker and Sally K•seveza~ti <br />joint tenants acting jointly and h~rrin rallyd the mortgagor whether one or more, <br />iu consideration of FOURTEEN THOUSAND AND NO/ 100 DOLLARS ($14 , 000.00) -------- <br />received from mortgagee, does mortgage to Patrick F. Dowd the following described <br />property: parr, of what was formerly Block Six (6) of South Grand Island of Part of <br />the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NW~NWcx) of Section 22, Township 11 <br />North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., Ha11 County, Nebraska more particularly described <br />as follows: Beginning at a point on the southeast corner of said Block Six (6) running <br />thence Northerly Sixty-S 1x (66) feet parallel with the west line of said block, running <br />thence Westerly One Hundred Thirty-Two (132) feet parallel with the South boundary line <br />of said block, thence Southerly Sixty-Six (66) feet parallel with the east boundary <br />line of said block, thence Easterly One Hundred Thirty-Two (132) Feet parallel with <br />the North boundary line of said block to the place of beginning. <br />And the mortgagor does hereby covenant with the mortgagee and with mortgagee's heirs and <br />assigns that mortgagar is Lwfully a@ised of said premia@s, that they are free from encumbrance, that <br />mortgagor has good right and lawful auticority to convey the same, and that mortgagor warrants and <br />will defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persona whomsoever. <br />This mortgage is given to secure the payment o[ the promissory note of this date made by <br />mortgagor for $14,000.00 puyab-e in installments, the final installment <br />being on January 10, 1497. <br />Mortgagor shall pay all taxes and aaseescneuta levied upmt raid reel property and all other taxes <br />levied me this mortgage or the note which this mortgage is given to secure before the name become delin- <br />yuent and rhall waintrin fire, windrtorm and extended coverage insurance with a mortgage clause un <br />the baildiugs on wtid premises in the saw of 814,000.00 If mortgagor failr to pay such taxes <br />and as.•cea@ments or procure each insurance, mortgagee may pay snob tae@r and pur@kaa@ such insurance <br />and the awouut so ndvanved with interest at nine percent per annum rhall be scoured by thin mortgage. <br />In rase of default in the payment of the principal auw or any iurtallmeut thereof or of any interest <br />thereon when doe name rhall become due or in cane of the nmc•payment of any taxes or asresamenU ar of <br />the faiture to maintain insurance as herein prnvided, cortgagee tnay at the option of mortgagee, with- <br />out nati^e, at any time daring th@ eantinaauee of sash default ar bees@h, d@elare the whole debt scoured <br />by this tuortg.:.~~ to be immediately due and payable and may toreelaae this mortgage. <br />In the eve+st of default fic the performance. of any of the t@ruta and oonditione of this mortgage or <br />the note recured by it, the mortgagee xltaU be entitled to iuunediate posresuion of the property above de- <br />soribnd and all the rents, revenue and income derived thrrcfrau during ruclr time ae the mortgage in• <br />debtednear remaiar unpaid shall be applied by the mortgagee to the payment oI the note sad all o/her <br />rumr:wcured hereby titer deduction of any neceraary voetr of collectimi. <br />Dated ~EGG~~~$L~ 1'~ ' 19 81 <br />............................. ................~... i.i.y .... <br />Marvin R. Decker <br />$TATh OF NI~ItRABKA. Poway of .......... Hall ......................: <br />He[ore me, a notary public yuali[ied for suit noway, personally Fauu• <br />Marvin. R. Decker and Sally 1C. Decker <br />• kaowu to m@ to be the identiea/ person or pereonr who signed the <br />q~~ foregoing inatrnment sad acknowledged the nz@cution ther@of to be hie, <br />g~~ her or their voluntary ant and deed.. / f <br />Witness my hand end a rial real ..... .......~.1....,~..~1 ...........................__. <br />................... ...~... .......~..... ..,....... Notary Public <br />gy @o ion ezptroa ....f~...`.,.~..>~ ..............., 19 .~~.. <br />-va~w a rill nw. Uriw. KAr. <br />L•`or~ B.& al+prov@d by Nehrarka Ntatc Bar Arxneir~ivu <br />