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~1-t105'~3a <br />SEG. 143. Agency`s Responsibilities for Certain Other Actions, The <br />Agency, without expanse to the Redeveloper or assessment or claim against <br />the Property and prior to completion of the improvements (or as such <br />earlier time or times as the Redeveloper and the Agency may agree in <br />writing), shall, in accordance with the Urban Renewal Plan, p=ovide or <br />secure or cause to ~e provided or secured, the following; <br />NONE <br />SEC. 104. Waiver of Claims and Joining in Petitions by Redeveloper. <br />The Redeveloper hereby waives (as the purchaser of the Property under the <br />Agreement and as the owner after the conveyance of the Property provided <br />for in the Agreement) any and all claims to awards of damages, if any, to <br />compensate fns the closing, vacation, or change of grade of any street, <br />alley, or other public right-of-way within or fronting or abutting on, or <br />adjacent to, the Property which, pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 103 <br />hereof, is to be closed or vacated, or the grade of which is to be changed, <br />and shall upon the request of the Agency subscribe to, and join with, the <br />Agency in any petition or proceeding required for such vacation, dedication, <br />change of grade, and, [o the extent necessary, rezoning, and execute any <br />waiver or other document in respect thereof. <br />ARTICLE II. RIGHTS OF ACCESS TO PROPERTY <br />SEC. 201. Right of Entry for Utility Service, The Agency reserves <br />for itself, the City, and any public utility company, as may be appropriate, <br />the unqualified right to enter upon the Property at all reasonable times <br />for the purpose of reconstructing, maintaining, repairing, or servicing <br />the public utilities located within the Property boundary lines and provided <br />far is the easements described or referred to in Paragraph (a), Section 2 <br />of Part 1 hereof. <br />SEC. 202. Redeveloper Not to Construct Over Utility. Basements. The <br />Redeveloper shall not construct any building or other structure or improvement <br />on, over, or within the boundary Linea of any easement for public utilities <br />described or referred to in Paragraph (a}, Section ? of Fart i hereof, <br />unless such construction is provided for in such easement or has been <br />approved by the Gity. If approval far such construction is requested by <br />the Redeveloper, the Agency shall use its best efforts to assure that <br />such approval shall not be withheld unreasonably. <br />SEr, 743, e~cosQ ra Property. Friar to the conveyance of the Property <br />b_y the_A~ency to the.Rede_velape_r, the Agency shall permit representatives <br />of the Redeveloper to have access to any part of the Property as to which <br />the Agency holds title, at all reasonable Cimes for the purpose of <br />obtaining data and making various tests concerning the Property necessary <br />to carry out the Agreement. After the conveyance of the Property by the <br />Agency to the Redeveloper, the Redeveloper shall permit the representatives <br />of the Agency, the City, and the United States of America access to the <br />Property at all reasonable times which any of them deems necessary for the. <br />purposes of the Agreement, the Cooperation Agreement, or the Contract for <br />Loan and Capitol Crant, i.neluding, but not limited ta, inspection of ail <br />work being performed in connection with the construction of the Improvements. <br />No compensation shall be payable nor shall any charge be made in any form <br />by any party for the access provided for in this Section. <br />ARTl[Cl,£ Tll. CO1rSTRUCTIQN PLANS; CONSTRUCTION OF <br />I3MPRO1+Fl~liTS, CERTIFICATE OF C~iPLETION <br />SEC. 301. Plans for Construction of Improvements. Plans and,spec- <br />ificaltioas with respect to the redevelopment of the Property and the <br />construction of i~ravea~ents thereon shall be in conformity with the Urban <br />Aaaev#1 Plan, the Agreesmt~nt, and ail applicable Stale and local laws and <br />ragulatioas. As prtaaptly as possible after the date of the Agreement, and, <br />in say evsmt, na Later than the time specified therefor in Paragraph (a), <br />2 <br />