81-- uE,571~
<br />(I) month prior to its due .late the annum mortgage insuramir gremium ir, order to pravide such hoider
<br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary o! Housing and Urbar. Dewriapment pursuant to the
<br />idationai Housing Act, as amended, and applit;abie Regutaticros thzreunder: ur
<br />{JI) Hand so long as said voce of even date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Hotrsing and
<br />Urban Development, a monthly charge I in lieu of a mortgage insurance premium/ which shah be in an
<br />amount equal to one-twelfth (1(721 of tare-half f?(?) per centum of the average outstanding balance
<br />due on the note computed without taking into accaun[ delinquencies or prepayments;
<br />{b} A sum equal to the ground rents, iF any, next due, plus the premiums that will next became due and payable nn
<br />palic[es of free and ocher hazard insurance covering the ntortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due
<br />on the mortgaged praperr (at! as estimated br~ the Morrgageel less all sums already paid therefor divided by the
<br />number of months io elapse hefore one month prior to the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and
<br />assessments wilt become delinquent, such sums to be held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents, pre-
<br />miums, taxes and special assessments; and
<br />{c) All payments mentioned in the two preceding subsecuuns of this paragraph and all payments to he mode under
<br />the note secured hereby shall be added together. and the aggregate amount thereof shalt be paid by the Mortgagor
<br />each month in a smgte payment to h<^ apphrd try rhr Mortga€ee ro rhr (nlluwme items in the order set forth:
<br />(1} premium charges under the roatract of insurance wnh the tirrretary of Housing and Urban Development,
<br />ar monthly chary,. /in hru +rlmnrtt'a%e rnsuroncc prrnriunrl. as the case may he;
<br />lil) ground rents, taxes, assessnunh, fire and other harani Nnsurancr premiums:
<br />(111) interest on the Hate secure) hereby, acid
<br />(IV) amortizattan of the prinr:pal of said note.
<br />Any deficiency in the antaunt ~it any such aggregate inoothiv payment shall, unless mace guo+i by the Mart
<br />gagar prior to the due date of the next such pavntrnt, aanstnute ae event of Jrtault under this mortgage. T'he
<br />Mortgagee may collect a "late charge" not na exrced hn:r tries (3Jt fen carh duLaar ISI 1 attach paynrcnt mtm
<br />than fifteen (t S 1 days to arrears ro rover the extra cxpenu unv?vYd ui handling dehnaluent payments.
<br />:3. "That if the total of the paymrnt~ made bt the Uang••tKor under r # + ui partiKraph ° pmeodinK -hall exceed
<br />tlm atrirwnt o{ payment= aetuottly made by the lhirtKaKee for rrtvtind rent, Iate~ and a~~•~~m€vtt~ ar in,urance pre-
<br />mium. its tree rage mat- ire, wch excess. tf me i«tn tti currenr.:tc the upruxr of tfic Skxrg~r. >hall ~ < <z',trc~i by
<br />the hlnrt~atgee an ~uha€iquetNt payment to lie mNiufe by tit€• yU)rtKaKor, or refuuJ€*d w dtr lluntftagnr If. hc+wov+p r, th+^
<br />mottihiy paymnnt± frldrfe by tht Nw'tgagru under ~' f i of linragrtph _' prceaiing 4ha11 nor tx ~.uifictcn[ to ptv grctunci
<br />rent., taxe«a and a,.ite3~ment:; +tr inaur:tnt•€• pramium~. at.+t the cave m:ty b€•, r+h€m the game -hall het-ttme Jue turd pat--
<br />;sbl€r„ then the tlorlgaRn€ ufufil pap to th€• 1larrtKUtKer :any .amount nrcc~.~ary to mark€• up the deficiency , +tn nr hefun•,
<br />tka date when payment of ~,uch Kronnd rnnt-. t'uxc~, ,t.:.+e~;mt+nt.~ or m.~urance lammium.• ~ha11 ix• riuc• tf' :rt any
<br />time thc•'4'knntp'ar «hall r€•nder ta the th,+rtKap+rr. in f~trrrnrdanee with the provi~uun~ of the nat€~ <+•runrd hr+rehy,
<br />full pavmertt of ih€* r•tttin• indebtedite-- mpn•ry.~•nrrKi then-M', the 4lrirtgaf?+•€• w:hall. in r+rmputinK the amount of ~:tnr~h
<br />indehtrdrtess, credit to nc~ uceriunt asf cite ttortgagor .all payments nt:tde unJer the Iuu+r+ttxts~ ,+f tai p,tragrapit
<br />hertvrf ttfiirh rhr ~GtrtgaKee ha- m.t twcnm+• utrltgatrd to pat to th€• '+et'n•tart of Iluu-inK .rid I rh.ui Drreio3rnx•nt
<br />and anv balance rtirttxintn~ rn the funds aceumulatrd unJer the pnrei~iun- rrf ul' paraa•r.fph _' hrn+rtf if tht•re
<br />hail t€e a default undtw ant of th.• prvaf~ion- ut thr~ mttrtt;uttr rr-:ultinX ur a publrr ~=tIr .rf dtv pmmr-rte ro+rml
<br />hen+trv. ur tf the ibrt>zaKer• artpitrF•~ the props-rat ,r€herrai=r :tftcr default.. rhr litrn¢ai~r•.• hall :rp3rtt. ;+t rhr° trmt°.,f
<br />the commrmrefnt-ni +if ~urh prnr.K•JanN;-. car at der trine t6r prnprrtt a- uthrn+t-e acyutn•J, rhr haluner thin rrmuim
<br />ing in tits funds is+-t`u€ttsti xb!.ci trrt ti+•f - :rN par:~:.raph :: prrardinK..t- a r-rrrii t. aKatn-i +hc• stn+eurit rr{ prtttcipai then
<br />r€~t€atnin>t anpatd carder -ai+~ Haar,=. ;:net -*ra prsrp+-rt; :,t#iu=t ~rnc payments tti+°tt -kai atc• t,r.-n rnanc- ar~rtr-r .,
<br />of part~raph ?.
<br />,~ ... _.... rhr
<br />i-~t '. fa.. ~'t ! -~. .- -~ °ais a ~5'~ri. .R~u'++rrrral, v r.ltCa .rn;t ,aN tart t.`.tern ttrNti~ii ;-r' rlt tr4t4:Np,J
<br />.ra st;t ~ att. in*., .r.. ->~hrch r - ~r>_itt rNa- nr>•1 [~^tn iaraJr nr rtut+ci art rntN a;s aiefautt rttrrr=+t the i; or tg':~rr mvt
<br />h,ges- t'~, ~ =
<br />put rhr wr-Si a„irril ciao ar ..i+H tu'aa••r ,a.i, t i „lt~,.:..t~„=i. ,' ,riC' -3~.,..uk, .c~ .r.3..: ~.. 1'k .:. ,... et .e...,a r
<br />i- 'Tler M.v~ir~a!t +s tli rive .t_91 to-~.r~ ~r hrvh !nutty hr it+irr! uin rrl tree \t.u tt.;utrr"w Ymrrr,l m +nrJ N'ea! r•,[.+tr .a rtJ iimpru tit.
<br />01fntYN. :IItd '~: ht4'rl mar fir Ira trd uprin rttt, mrrrr€[+ritr nFr tt7e' t#CL'r ,iTa kYrrrl herrht rh13F tkflt5 i<* the ~c£crii Thai +t1F t, Hari. ffirriftil+r£~
<br />rd tit law :and fanNy 11i Ihr rxirni rhaf +t,~'~ Soler n.at - rake Ent, 7.,ait it+nrrr>ti+l, iitfE f trlNNtlifttt ,ant (ntrarlr r,rl ~zarr + r i'rdcrai.
<br />rmp+tseJ un Murtttaltre. and wdi lik the orrice:J :rarrpt ,tarr,mg+uan pasntefNt r+rth rhr NurtX:tarr t pain urn anrin of rhr, untirr
<br />taking„ or if the Martgagttr r+ prohihrlyd ht .rnt I.ar+ nii+, .rr hrrratter r°vr+nn#; Ir:im pattnX Ihr w hole or any p.rrnun of ttfc afrxr~
<br />,aid taxes, ur upon tits rendering of anv rtiw! Jr+ter pranihtnnX the par merit h+ rhr tlortgaXar sir anv ,ua;h rate+. err tf +uch law
<br />ordcr:rtr pravide, that uny amuurt +o part fir tht ylort{tstgor ~haL' fir arrdnrJ on rhr mortgage Jrht, rhr lfortgaXee,haH hurt
<br />the right to gave nfntly dat+' xrttteat House Nra rhr owner of rhr rnurtttaXcJ prcmi+r.. reuuinng rhr paymem of rhr murtX:tttr
<br />Jrht. If ,rich Harriet lx green, rhr ,std Jrht ,hsit t+ra rime due. pay:thk oriel tulle. able at rhr etptrauun of ,aid mnrty days
<br />N. "Chat +htwW hr fait to pay any .um ur keep uny cavenrurt provtJed tr±r fn chi, ti{urt{;:ytc. then the tilt+rtgaXrr.:+t n+.ip-
<br />ti+tn, may pay or perfunn the Saint, anJ al! rttrrntinure, ,o made ,hall hr aJdrJ ter rhr principal win orvtng ern the short Harr,
<br />,hall br secured hereby, unJ shalt heart tutere+t at rhr rate +eN forth ur the +atJ note, until part.
<br />'. 'Chat he hertby assigttn, transfers :end set, Deer to the ttartytaXer, to ter apphrd toward the pavntrnt u( rhr Harr anJ ail
<br />Soma ,rt:urrd hereby en ca+r of a Default in rhr prrformarrce of any of rhr tram anJ aonditiun, of Nhf, lturtgagr i>r the Saul
<br />nrue, all rhr rents, revenues nnJ incanu w ter drn+ed tram rhr mortgage) prenNr+r, Jurng Sorb erne ^, the mortgage nttlrMrJ-
<br />nest sQtal! rantafn unttahl; atKl the kiartgager ,hall hair ~iurr Nu aptxunt ,rrav agent sir .igrnt, a maiy Decree !or ihr purpose of
<br />rcpairinX said premises and ui rrnurtlt rhr +ante .md culkcang the rent.. revenue, :rnJ trireme, and rt may pay .cut of said m-
<br />carnes oil expenses of repairittEt said prcmi±cs and necessary cammis+fom and rtpenses ttnurred rn rcmmg anJ tnaftaRing the
<br />same and of collecting renlats therefrom: the balance remaining, if any. to he applirJ toward rhr Jiuhargr of sail murtgtittt
<br />indrhtcdnttas.
<br />fi- "Chat hr cacti keep the imptuvrrornt+ nau rtt,rtnX art Nirreaf£rr rre4ted on rite mortt~atttd prc,perty, 3n+ttreJ a, may tie
<br />rr,witcd from time to trine I•y rhr Martgayxr a~+inst its„ by fire ,nJ other hnrard+. 4a.ttaittrs ,,nJ a,+ntmgenr:rr; rn ,u.h
<br />amauntc uitd fire +uch periods us may t+r teyuirrd by the itungagre and wiil pay' promptly , when Jur, .any prcmiurni, un ~urh
<br />an!,urancr prevision tar puymrtit crt uhtch has Hat tarn tnarl4 txranhrfurr- ,aU insurance ,bait tip .art ieJ in c,impauNr+,ati
<br />proved by the Morttagee and rhr paiicrrs and rrftraal, thererst ,hall hr herd ha the Martlsugcr nnJ have attached thrictu Iris,
<br />payable Ciaurrr in favor of and in farm acctptahit to the Mortgagee. In event of loss !tturtgaXar uJl Mrrr ammrduttr Honer t+t'
<br />rnuil to th~r Mortgagee, uh€t may make ptrrirf ri€ kr;, if exec made ptrimptly by ivtortgnittrr, and carh tnsuraracr r: umpany a an•
<br />cerned is hereby auihurirxd and dirtctrd to make Rayrnutt itx such loss Directly to the Mortgagee amteaJ of tai rhr >laxtXaXar
<br />afyd the Mortgagee jointly, and the insurance proa:rrds, or any part thereat, may he appbed b, the .'vtartgaacr at ut upllon rtthrr
<br />to rhr rrductivrn.af rhr indelKednest htrrhy siry.ured ur to rhr restaralion ur repair of the i*rapcrty JatnagrJ. In event of forecla-
<br />wre i3f this rtyvrtlKagr art €)thrr transtrt ut title ui rhr nutritZaltrJ property Nn rtunXuishmrnt of the urdrhtrdnrs, ,e.ureJ hereby.
<br />all right, title grid iittrrrat of rhr Mcutptgor ur and tai any msurant r pohcte, then rn f.v,:e,hall puss to the purchaser err granter
<br />'). i"hat aA tdd4tittnai artd caiiatwai secutitp for rhr paymrtu of the irate dr.krthrtf, anti ail sums to hrcunrr due unJtr tars
<br />mortgattirc. tfie Marttw hercky as.rgns to £irr Mtutre all pea#itt, r renter=.. , ~tnes. rtght- attJ lrenrNit, a.rruuNr Ni'. cite
<br />~furtgagor under any acrid all tali and Xav ic<tscs an c:tr€i prrntraes, wish th€ rrgiet >.; sect;== :and r ereapt 1 - ;hr ,;rnt ,n,# arip7:
<br />tl~nt to mid tatdr#-t~f a:t well txrftrrr # wftcr d:fauit 3n tnr c-t~rtditt~ir:s;~f iHr<+ini+rtXagr..r-:~ Ntt*' MrirtK.itt_r inat i vrr:naJ, ,air
<br />fre't' ;+r'tat r , :s.... n.ri s:;c.h to-~t:n tit, ;, hen J r a=^.:3 #rA s•,t~~~. f~,.:huS: ;R,. !'>+ . •~.e':,. <a< .., ~!r ., ,,.rn. _..r r~ rc. rermat>atr
<br />;;+ttd ttr.crme Holt acrd void upon reieu,r r,t rhr,. anurtX.rge
<br />iftJt>!r'314.1M i3~7t)N
<br />