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This form is used in connec- <br />~t tion wi£h rriortgages insured <br />~~il~'iT1~~~ under the one- to four-family <br />provisions of the National <br />HotLaittyt Act. <br />$I- t~U571~ <br />THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this 9th day of t)etober ,A.D. <br />f9 81 , by sad between Extrt 3. Cl auaen and Theresa M. Clausen, hasbartd and wife <br />of the County of Ha22 .and State of Nebraska, party of the first part, hereinafter called <br />Nte Mortgagor. attd Sl1F'~tltgt M)RTG71t>E, INC. <br />a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Nebraska <br />party of the second part. hereinafter ca0rd the Mortgagee. <br />WfTNESSETH: That the said Mnrtgagar. for and in ccrosideratirsn of the sum of Thirty six thousand and <br />igoj100 tktliars iS 36, 000.00 ), paid by the Mort- <br />gagee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Orant, Bar- <br />gain. Sc11. Convey attd Confirm unto the Mortgagee. its successors and assigns, forever, the folbwing-described <br />rest estate, situated in the County of (tall ,and State <br />of Nebraska. to wir. <br />Lot Three { 3) . Block Pour { d) , Colonial Estates Second SU bdivi Sion, an Addition <br />to the City of Grand Island, Gall County, Nebraska <br />of the 5+xth Rittcipat Meridirn, a+nWimng in all <br />meet survey: <br />acres according to Goveen- <br />TO HAVE ANfa TO ttt)l.D itte premises atxrve described, with a0 the appurtenanm thtreuntu belonging, and including <br />aft heatitrg, phrmbing and Fightn fixtures atut equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate <br />utrto fyl++rtgagee. atxt to itt .u~ce{~r< and assigns. forever. 'i-he Mrxt£or represents tu, and Covenants with, the Mnrtga- <br />gee, that the Me+stgagetr has good right let sell and amvey wid premises; that they are free from encumMraneG; and that the <br />M++rtoagnr will wamiat at++1 defend the same aptittst the lawful claims of aH perst~rns wht+msoever, and the said Mortgagor here <br />by r~hex ail ruts of inrstestead, artd ail rttartisl rights, either to law or in etiutty, 3tnd ail .r#her conringent interests rtf the <br />q, to tl` i utA>oe-.f~M:ti~i pttmi;;rs, rite intent~n twang tc+ ~vnvey hcrzbl; an absoCutz lifts, in t+;e tiimpte, inCtud~ <br />its ail rights of {€stead, asKl other rights slot interests as afttte~:aid. <br />t~(?V if)E'fy AI.VY aYC. sad these crre±+ents arc executed end delivers.: utwa the fr+Iluwittt_t conditkms, to wit;' <br />The Mortgagor agrees to pay to the Mortgage-, ur order. the principal sum of Thirty six thousand and <br />Ne/10 tlullarstS 36,tltltl.00 t, <br />with intereu froze( date ai the rat! ut SBVCrlteet! 6 One-ha.lf per centum ( 1? , 50 `~) per annum on <br />the unpad brae u~il paid. The said principal and interest shall be payable at the office of <br />IBC. <br />Std ~' Grand Island, Nebraska . or at such other place as the holder of <br />the note may desigtwte in Mrittng, in monthly installments of P'iv~e htmdred twenty seven and 88/100------ <br />i]ttitars IS 529 gy i, commenting on the first dap of <br />p~~qr .1981 ,and tin flrc first day u[ each month tlxreaftrr uttti3 the: principnl and in- <br />teract are fully p+ad. except that the final payment of principal and interest, if nut sooner paid, shat) be due amt <br />payable on the Ctrst day of Novtataber 2 033. ;all according m the terms of a certain pr+amia- <br />sory rwrte of even date herewith txecuted by the said Mortgagor <br />1'he Mve in order tnc+re fusty to protect the security of this: Mortgage, agrees: <br />Thst ~ wit! pay the ittskbaatt+ess, a>* hereittbcfcxe provided, lrtivikge is reserved to pay the debt in whole, or in an <br />artt+wni tgtraf to+u-t ur m+ue monthly payarents on the principal that arc next due tin rite torte. on the Ctrs( day of any month <br />prior to maturity: Pe+>rt~+f, however, That written tttxise +af an intentian to exercise such privikgt is given rt least thirty t3t)) <br />days ttrnx tvprepaymrnt. <br />:. Th+s, t[t~{her witb, Aral in addition to, the monthly p+tYtntnts of pritxipui and interest payable under the terms tit the <br />(testa ucorcd hereby, the Mwtiprgor wifi pay tci the Mrtrtga~ee. on the first day of each month +mu1 the will note is fu0y paid. the <br />fultowi+q~ sum+: <br />{at Atttanint stfits~ertt tsa provide the hddtr bareaf with funds to pay the mxt rrwrtg~e insuran.:e premium tf this <br />ututurttcat and the trots secured hetebgr are trtaured, of a rtx>yrtftly chasipr /in ftero nJ'a rravt insr:rrutce pre- <br />mairtrnl if they arc held try the ~reu+ry ol'tfousing and Lirt+an t>eretoprrtrrtt, a3 fellows <br />tf) ff +~ fstt g as said more of flue iflatrur+}Ct+t ire mr+lred cx eta retrtwrad umter tits prig <br />u of the '.'.atsvnat l~tx Act. as tsrrtrntnt sufftClent to accumut>te to dw hands of the ttcdde+ txte <br />waf+aA w .+t A a+aa+s+ wa,ch n+n k,s ,+wa u.,s,+ .uuu+s n +nt+wa„r.+ S"T.#T is l?E` ~tg;ItRA3ilA <br />+t£tt)•8Z+43aA ($'181 <br />