y. I!" t"4 i .~
<br />s sold ~ a ..aneaa? €or=~testtrg ;ate ar [Beset[-t t . ~ ix sale hare~~l<~v~,
<br />t~. Ttt t:te went saac3 prate' i j=. ft ~ ,~, v t ~e ;~prr~r c,°
<br />rted, ~~`- tltf ;??~• are not suffscertt 4o pay t"te te;tai indebtedness saured,isy zltis ittstrttttter,t a.~d evidenc-
<br />~° sad pr<=ts":~tFry note, the ntartgagee will be ettti•~lett to a deS,ieienc~. judgement ftsr tlte, amount a£ u'x
<br />;~ts:a" ~s,~` ;4:t~,2~ .ti$rr~i en ~rr~'f~{~sPrlt~rtl.
<br />7. In the ewt<ttt the mortgagor fails to pay arf3 f'ederai, state, cr ic~al tax assesment, income tax or other tax lien,
<br />chaff,, c~ or allt~ exp+~ charged against the property the martga is hereby autltari+.~ at its option to pay
<br />tlt~ Bartle. #ny Burns sa paid by rye mortgagee' shat! rte oddest to and become a part o£ the principal amount of the
<br />itt,$ebt~lrress evidenced b; said Hate, subject to the same terms and canditiorts. if the ntortgagar s<'talt -pay attd
<br />disehe the irtttebtedness ev"[danced by said pra:nissiFry no€e, and shall pay such sums and sizali discharge alt
<br />taxes and ia..rts and the Bass, ft~. and expenses, of making, enforcing, and executing this mortgage, then this
<br />tttartgage shalt be cat:ceiled and sarrenderetl.
<br />g. Thy covenants herein contained sitail bind and tine beneizts and advantages shat: inure to the respective succerosars
<br />atxst assigns o€ the parties ltcrcto. '~hemver used, the singular numb€r stta4t include the plural, the piura~ the
<br />sittgttlar, attd the use of any gender shall include alt renders.
<br />9. Na waiver o£ any covenant herein ar o£ the abli$ation secured hereby shat! at any time thereafter he held to be a
<br />waiver of the terms hereof ar of the note secured hereby.
<br />lQ, A ptsdscial decry, order, or judgement holding any provision or portion of this instntment invalid or utten£sarce-
<br />'b4e <hall not in any way Impair or preclude the enfarcemem of the remaining provisions or portions of this
<br />instrument.
<br />! l . r~ny written notice to ~ issued to the mortgagor pursuant to the provisions o£ this instrument shall be addressed
<br />to the mortgagos at P•~- ~~ 1863, Grand Island, IdE 6$801
<br />and anv written notice to be issued to the mortgagee shall
<br />bts addressed to the mortgagee at ~~~ t~sL 3rd. Gr~t:d inland, Z~ ti8801
<br />lea W~irtrttss 'Vdtterteog, the mortgagor has executed this instntntettt and the mortgagee has accepted delivery o£
<br />[Ills itastt~tttstflttt as of the day and year a£orsaid. yy
<br />~~~ U~ ..... .
<br />Willfam R, Camp 11, Partner
<br />....`~.. ... `.n~-..
<br />3aYs Wlteeler, x~srtt:er
<br />Fxtsctrted and delivered in the presence of the following witaesscs:
<br />ta.i~t Apntot7riate ,~e:knawietigertienii
<br />5'B'ATE (?F` l~ll~~~,~.,~:,:r ~ Hoare mt. 8 gttalsEied Isiatary l'LLbtIC+ lursonalilr aPp~~ - .---
<br />ss, Ws.lliata R. Ca~b$ll and Sob tttsaeler
<br />C'~lFi~l`l"Y t?F tt~,ll ~ `
<br />kto~n to to L*t< i~Eatit~l pert<on ar peranns who sigt:ed the £oretoina ins[€urttettt and acknowledged the ex~ution
<br />tt~£ to be ~ tltsas volttrtary a~~t antl del.
<br />Wits~s my hatt~ and Notarial5~i an 2iavert>l~r S , t4 B1 .
<br />Ntstar ~ tic
<br />"t~'tDrt~itHt ~%l3i€€~ '1_ '`7 ~ . l'~ ._,.~ti...~.
<br />i . o«i..i'.+ eaalt~ s w,arRft
<br />ss"t?= ~;j:.t...,`~~2:s3 ~ £or4 rrc~ itcxatrrr~-i~oa~i~ ~~,,, ~:.~....,,.1 4p*Y__,__ ._..w...-
<br />S'~.
<br />'"*E^: T'~' ... ~,~._._~., ~ }?"r,~tslt`tttt s-tf~_.« __. r_ _ _- .e...._..~ __, ..~_~.. _..
<br />a_ yip;wraicate, t:ntrwn to itt$ to be [he l~e~idctit attd id¢tuecal ~1son wh€a sign+F*d th+e faregotng instrument, and
<br />;_-•4i~,s~t?.-iavat for rxt~ee=ii:~t: the ttxl~-fins vatttritast~ act a d as sum c~€ti~r and elte vi3tutttasy act and del er!'
<br />.a ~ixtn)r~t[~dt an4i iimt-its corporate srai vans af;ix~ thereto by its authefrity.
<br />~itn. rnY ate Notarlal;l on ._._,. .~-.-._---_._._~_, t4 ______.
<br />Notary ['[[bloc
<br />~. s~~ - ru
<br />