<br />d. Hof b~?~ sersrity of the indttitedn~s here y secured, It„z.^~n the re~u.':sR of tl:t mortP,2xee, its successors
<br />t;€ assigt~.s, t;tartgag+rr shah rstxr,rte artd dt,livfir a supptementat martstage or rttargages covrrir,e any additions,
<br />isnpravveznertts, or :srtt.rnt~ats made to the raptrty herrina)aotrt cle=_cribad and all property aeriuired by it after
<br />ti'€e date ittfreaf fall in farm ".~'tilfaCttSry IQ martCae~~l. ~t~thrrrtt~!'rr, chns~iri inQrtga,oanr f21i ts3 ~i~rr arty dgfas~tt
<br />i.. t ~ t u a t.r=ot ~ irk ~sor W :cutnv~n~ :~n t,.t ~aptrty ~i~.ibtd vy this in_trumtnt, mortgagor hert-
<br />hy aa.~.~ to y;irt:tit r~corigagty to s.trk such default, but ,~tartgagee is not ob`sigated to do sa: and such advances
<br />s,`tall par of Itte indebtedness secured by this instrurntnt, subja:t to the saint terms and conditions.
<br />r. The rights created vy this conveyance shah rerrsainr~ full force and effeca during any postpanetnent or
<br />extension of tint t**.rtte of rht paymertt of the indebtedness er~idtnctd by said promissory Hots; or Watts, or any
<br />Sri ihw*t~t s+`*.`ttS~ hert?ry.
<br />f. io €.ontinuousiv rnaintain itauard insurance, of such type or types and in such amaunes as the mangagee
<br />tnay fratn time to titrrt require on the improvements Haw or hereafter an said property, and viii pay promptly
<br />wren due any pretrtiurris therefor. ,~11 insurance sitaii br carried in companies accepeable to mortgagee and the
<br />policies and renewals thereof shah be held Sy mortgagee and have attached thereto loss payable clauses in favor
<br />of and in farm acceptah~a to the mortgagee. in event of lass, mortgagor will give immediate notice in writing
<br />to mortgages, and mortgagee may make proof of loss if nut made promptly by mongagor, and each insurance
<br />company concerned is hereby aathariaed and directed to make payment for such lass directly to mortgagee
<br />instead of m mortgagor and mortgagee iointly, and the insurance proceeds, or any part thereof, may be applied
<br />by mortgagee at its option tither to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby secured or to the restoration or
<br />repair of the property damaged or destroyed. in event of foreclosure of this mortgage, or other Lransfer of title
<br />to said property in extinguishment of the irtdtbtrdttess secured hereby, all right, tint, and interest of the
<br />mortg~or in and to any insurance policies then in force shall pass to the purohaser or mortgagee ar, at the
<br />spoon of Litt mortgagee, may he surrendered for a refund.
<br />g. Ta keep all buildings and other tmpravtments on said property in good repair anal condition; to
<br />Ftsrrrtit, etxttmit, ar suffer no waste, impairrnent, deterioration of said property or any part thereof; in the event
<br />of (allure of the margaiysr to keep the buildings on said premises and those erected on said prtntiss=s, ar
<br />improvements thereon, in gored repair, the mortgagee may make such repairs as 'tn its diserttion it may deem
<br />ttwfcca~ary for tier proper prtstrvatian thereof: and the full amount of each and curry such payment shall be
<br />ittttnExiiately dot and payable: and shall be stattred by the leis of this mortgage.
<br />h. To not volunta^:ly create ar permit to bt created against the proptrtY sub;tct to this mortgage any lien
<br />or liens inferior to the lien of this mortgage without written consent of the mortgagee; and (other, that mort-
<br />gagor will kEep and mAe;,tain the sa,,,t frrz from the Claim of aL persons supplying ialtar ar n-.aterial; for can-
<br />siruction of any and all buildings ar improvements now kiting erected ar to be erected on said premises.
<br />i. To not rent or assign any part of the rent of said mortgaged property or demolish, ur remove, or
<br />suhstairtirilly alt@r ai,y IIuilding sv-,thout the vrrittcn consent of tiro ntsrteages;.
<br />j..~tl ;wards of da,=:tagY. in conna-tion szittt any ear•~rmnation for public use of ar iniury to any of the
<br />}rrvp~iy suhlc;:i to this suar'sgagr err ;scretiy as:tigtt~3 ante stroll trt pool to e~sor4gagte, wits riay apply the sarTise to
<br />payt;tt os tlx: i itailts last dtte ur-~Ar :,aid ttott, attd mortgame; is ;re:tby aut:sariz,=tt. in th€ name of th.t
<br />~~~~., ,~, ~~{,?~ ~.td >~iv~ v uhisec~ rit~r~? to app~i front '•tty suci! ~warci,
<br />k, ant rnartgagsit shall leave the rigid to in3pect the mortgaged prcmists at any rrasonaolr time.
<br />i. ~isv ifiiz;: is ~*it`~ tiss jt'rf'rYiyt€sess lit €inp 's~.4c it tis~ iniirt2 i~ felt a i2.#it~titviti. if ihi3 iwitirt~#gt tt GG a
<br />Ist~it in a s:otu#otniniusr err a ptatrrt~! unit devtlopmtrtt. ~arrawtr steal! perform all of Borrower's abligatians
<br />tt~ the declaraiian or covenants creating or $avtraittg the condominium or planned unit developmen4lhe
<br />by~iaavs .and tebons of the strndr_intinitrm ar piattrttd unit development, and s~tanstitucnt documents.
<br />2, Licfauit in any of the covenants ar conditions of this irtstrumrnt ur of the note or -aatt agetmtnt sa-urtd hereby
<br />shr!i t~tt#itt33te tits ttte'rtct:'s rust !a r~ian, ~,~. .tit tnjayrsteertt of tip property, at the option of tht
<br />~ tt€ (it item agreed that t rnztrt~gar site#i have such tight until defaulil. I1pa'9 any sorb
<br />defttttlt~ the rmrrrtt~ett shall irecatne the awt~r of all of the rents and profits accusing after default as sttttrity fot
<br />the inaitbtedttess secured ittrrby, with the rigtrt to enter upon said property far the purpose of collecting such
<br />rents treed profits. TRtis inst€uttltttt shall operate as an assignment of any rentals on said property to that extern,
<br />;S; if tt~ tn:ztsgagstr dsfauitt:, and fails to c arty patya~nts when due ur to cotrfornx to ttn<i comply with any of
<br />the cart<iiti4stts or agrrw~tts contained in this mortgage or the notes whic~~ttnc~ehc~tQrens, thin the entire principal
<br />sam a~ x'~rutrd irttt sail at atux btxotnc due sari payable, and draw .~.._._ per cent (~,.9.tii+~'a} interest
<br />if~€~r ti;Yrttt, ta8id ~t.tlte ttioh of the tttort~: and this tttartaalte may thrreuctan itt fartc.lastd immediately
<br />f tl w~ ;lam itt€s hey s€~.tre#, i€~#tittg the cost of rxtrndittg the abst€act of title from the
<br />-~i' tr'~„~~- to the titer cf bo.~ ~.g s:t: rust.
<br />4, l~ €he l of a f . tt or default as provided herein, the ttxartgtt~e shall at ttna~e bt entitled to the pos-
<br />~s~tr,ti. t~:;e: itrytAeflt of the reel esre a#ax~ anti to the rent, issues, rayttttits, and profits tlttrtaf,
<br />#rcr>n tat Rrt~aruirag. vi; stteit rights areal during the prndct¢cy of foreclosure proectdittgs and such possessions, sic.,
<br />s2tat11 ai „ar r be..itzd ter rite tnau~ open rtc~utst, upsstf failure such delivery of strch possession may bt
<br />~ s tsf:~ ~ .;r
<br />by-ant app€atztiaie legal Pr ~ tttcittdtt~, a rawer for chc Property.
<br />~. a~ P?sxs c+f arty of pra~rty ire a+`~ with t$e prtxetlinft ttsraa_ranhs shall be apulied first tot
<br />~:~.. th-c- _::.?s<? ~[r.~ @"ss+.ees. cs#' __--..1 ~ytt. r ~_:-- ~ e i»s-sera~e~ei hu s#~ essrerts~s~n fr,r el~s...sa.rssr.as s4F es.av3e+~tinsr nr
<br />-: _.. - ? =er ~€~,. ~~:.,,,,i ~ rn tt,~ ~,t .: l-"~'~~...-~ ~ _4~,=.tetas,. ~~..i .Fiir.#tu ,.-. ±~,~ env ...r~at~~ ~sr
<br />