- ~~u55"~
<br />F,.'s w-rifr~ ~~~t? t~ Wi=g ~~ . ~-~~~ Ali pay ten a_~x-sure o` all u.~5ag;; itist'rai~t prtrtfit....s in tlti
<br />trt.° ~ :rrder ;.~ragra~r Z he..,
<br />r4:ny .gin ar4ur~t try L~•n~r p~,•~•4ne tv thK para~4fapi! 7. with in*±~! tlrtrean, shall tx^~vtr~ addilitrnal
<br />i„.,~.,''~,~ of B:,rzvw-er ~,.~ ley ~§~ Martg:ge. Ltrl Barrov~er and i_tndtr agt~x to ofher rettrrs of paymetra, such
<br />aznaunts shy ~ paya~t upari noi~ from Lertdtr to Harrower regtrtsting payusent tltertof. and shall bear interest from the
<br />t of dlslitr.tt ~ €~ rinse payalt3e fr:,m ti?tte io titer ari otrtstanding prnsipai under the Matt unless paymene of
<br />i at atah rate w~~ be contrary to applicairlc law, in which even such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />steratisae tender app3icabse law. Nothing contained in this paragraph ?shaft require Lender to incur any expen~ or take
<br />aetq Mien .
<br />& [.ender tnay make or cause to be malt reasonabte entries upon and inspections of the Property, prov"sdtd
<br />rhos ~ kh311 give Harrower notice prior to any s•,tch inspection specifying reasnnsble cause thtrefar reiaied !o lxndtr's
<br />inttrCSt 6n the Property.
<br />~ C -f'ht proceeds of any award ar claim for damags. direct yr castscquential, in connection with any
<br />tattt4zmnatiars ar c~htt taking of stet Props; ty, or part (hereof, or for conveyantx in lira of condemnation, are herehy assigned
<br />and shall tre paid to Lerldee.
<br />In the event of a total tasting of the Presperry. the proceeds shall bz applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the txs~, if any, paid to Horrawer- lrs flee event of a partial taking of tine Property, tmless Harrower and Lender
<br />otherwi~ agree in writing, three steals he applied to the sums secured h3' this Mongage such proportion of the prot~ds
<br />as is equal to that propattt€m which the amount of the sums secured by ±his Mortgage immediat¢iy prior to the date of
<br />facing bars to the fair market vat.tt of the Property immedia?ely privy to the date of taking, with the balanse of the proceeds
<br />paid to Horravwex.
<br />1f the Property is ml~tidotttd by Bey ower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the cond~nar offers to make
<br />an award yr settle a claim for aamages, Harrower fails fo respond to Lender within 30 da}•s afrer the dmle stu:le notix is
<br />maims, Lender is authorised to colkci and apply the proceeds, at Lender's aptioo. either to restoration or repair of the
<br />Property car to the Burris secured by skis lt4ortgagt.
<br />Unias E.terder aril Borrower o?herwise egret in writing, any such appiiwtion of prrxeeds to principal shall twi extend
<br />or pmtpane ti+e due dart of the ntonthfy instatlmrnts referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof cr change the amount of
<br />sash instailmeretx.
<br />Id. &asrus*er NM RNeaaad. F.zlension of the lime for payment or modi94cstion of amortization of the sums Belated
<br />by this Mortgage granted ixy Ixrxkr to an_y successor in interest of Borrower Shall not operate to release, in any manlier,
<br />tart liability of tlzr original Bsrrra+aer and Btrrower's successors in inttrtst. Lendu shall not he required so commence
<br />~.ti.~e:.... ...... e.,..l. ..r.,~ Ra _ r.. _ ~..i.~,.,. ....,.i:r~- .,r ee.~
<br />...._. _....... .~ pa ........~. ........,.., _....._
<br />secured su!y' this Mortga~ by reason of env demand made by the. original Borrower .and Horrower's successors in interest`
<br />i2. ls} Lewder Nat a talslvar. Any forbearance by l Bader in exercising any right or remedy hetctsnder, or
<br />otistrarise afftrrdad by appiicahst law, shall not ht a waiver of yr preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The prasutnt of ittsurtentx or the payrfxnt of taxes ar other liens yr charges isy Lender shall not he a waiver of s..tnder's
<br />right tar gate the maturity !Yf the indebtedness stx;ttrtd by this Martgmge.
<br />2~. Cwnwialitra. All rtrntdies provided in this Mortgage are distinct wind ctirafuiative to any other right or
<br />remedy msda [his M<3rtgage or a~ardcd ley law or tqudty, and may he esercise+l wancurrrntly, indtpandently or stisctssivtsy.
<br />2,~. '~tfrwatreaa Bald Aaigtts Beemdt solar aswf '~erarsa LlatrWly: f'systlows. "11tt cvvtnants aml agreements heron
<br />caiiisined shall bind, and ilia rights hereunder shall inert to, the respestrve staccessars and assigns of Ladder and Borrower.
<br />sutrject to the provisials of paragraph iT hercot. Alf covtnams and agreements of Borrower shalt be joint and several.
<br />i'lte captiars and headings of flee paragraphs of this Mortgage are far convenience Daly and are not to rte used to
<br />interpret or def3 R rlu provisitrtis sier€of.
<br />21. Noises. Except for env notice required under applicmble law to be given in another manner, ia} any notice to
<br />Hartower provided for in this Mortgage steals he given by mailing such notice by certtfted mail addrtsstd Io Borrower at
<br />the Property Address or at such other address as Hornrwcr may designate by notice to Lender as prnvi<Etd herein, and
<br />t~r1 arty rttrtise to Lender steals ae given iry c:¢rtinsd mail. totem rcccipe requctted, to lender's addtcss slated herein or to
<br />~~'~ :ni~~T a~ x'--_.*,.-:rasr ~~~ c-,'_i~z.t€te i - ~3i~=, tc: ~Y€?r 0~ ~?. tic'~:ii lh~trtsE:, ~n~ ni?tis-~ p~37i's,i ft`s in f'Yti~
<br />Marti2a ahaii he deetnati to trove trim givers to Harrower or i.ertder when given in the mantrer dcsignatcd herein.
<br />2g. Cta~'esrw t Goreeytsa!~ E,nat'.ievetraifBtY. This form of mortsa}ae combines uniform covenants far national
<br />c€se anti nun-unifvrtn ertv¢nartts w~'n limited variations by jttrisdictivn to con>stitutt a uniform s~urity ins#umen€ coveting
<br />re~ ':a".~;~?y, "l`f~a Mtn-=~~ snail t~ ..,s.t h a~ ts,.. „€ ,~ ;.. ~,,i~= ~"m t, ,_s- .ice nrn,.~ :s 1~e1~, t;; e~
<br />'~ y °r =
<br />event that any prorNsian or clause of this~iviortgage or ihe6Nate canfiicrs with applisairit law, such conflict shall nai amt
<br />nt°s~r prrasarts of tisio Mci-iga~ ar tf~ fie wlrca can :°~ given rector wit€evtat tl~ cmii~ticts~ provision, aria tv tlrx3
<br />-' ~ ~~Fems s t:s ~ i~~r: a~, ~-~ s u ?~ 'mss at= :rca.iai~ -:tea i,~ ~a~,-v~'~. .
<br />!i. Mmawar'a Cory'. HtSrmwer shall bt furnished a ,:unformed copy of the Note and of this Mortgage at the time
<br />ot` ttiiacutiart ar after eesardatlat hereof.
<br />27. Trawsfer of 1!a RemisAy; AawassPtbw. if all or may part of the Property or an interest therein is Bald or trarrafetYesi
<br />trY Borrower withmtt Lender's prior written consetu. excluding {a) the creation of a lirn or eru-umtrrance subordinate to
<br />this Mortgage, tbD the creation of a puit:hase marry security interest far household appliances, (cl a tranaftr by devise,
<br />dtacent or by operation of law upon the death of a joint tenant ar Id) the grant of any leasehold interest of three years or less
<br />not containing an opl~t to purchase, lxocltr may, at Ltttdkt's vption, declare alt rho seams secured by this Mortgage tv be
<br />ittttsttdiateiy due: grits aayatrk- Linder shall have waived such option to atxderate tf, prior to the safe or transfer, Lender
<br />and the pcrtrm to wlrt the Pr~tiperty is to be said or transferred reach mgreeerient in writing that the credit of such pertain
<br />'rs salisfacWtr to i.eo+der oral that the ittttrest payatrle on the sums secured by this Mortgage shass 6e at such rate as Lender
<br />assnA m9uest. 1f Lander saes waived the option to acaekrate provided in this paragraph 17, and if Borrower's successor in
<br />insetest has taextinsd a writttaa assumption agreetetertt asccptod in writing hY Larder, Lender shass release Borrower from all
<br />tai u tl~ sd~ :~ t ~ Ncaa.
<br />if Lehr eaerci~s sash option to acs~eleratt, Lender shass etiaif Harrower uotict of acseltration in acsardance with
<br />pttrs~raph l4 lesreof. Sw:h tAatis~ strait pe'aride a period of not 1~ than 3f3 days from the date the erotica is mailed within
<br />which Plotrawer may pay the tairrw daelaral due. If Ban~nwer fails to pay such suing prise to the expiration of such pezitxl,
<br />Leatad~ twat', withatal feather nstict or demand. on Hortower, iuvasce any remedies petmiued by paragraph I8 hereof.
<br />.'".-L'wtt,:C~°~~,:,~.rtr. ~:nsv""°"srEr m~ L~-°tdtr .u ~ ~r cvrsr.mnt a~ ag.~ as fass~;::
<br />211: ~ f#;ite+ept ap pseatlfssi ~ pwrstgrapis t7 trsseo[r upao tllorretrer's 1?erpscis of awy eoretswwl or
<br />°--' ~ ~? Ctt _ _ _ tsrrt# tane~ to 1~ tvitea, due awy eases sn:e.raA by this Mew
<br />gNtiss ~ a asaY rtotle+r ter i~ as provided -w psraHsgeh t4 heraet sMeUyistgr {2) tt4a iss'atc#;
<br />(~lflst sreiiA4 seap3a'ai ae ~ ewcA llreacfg (3) a dMe, not Fgac tftao J® dens frees flee dwte tit walks is isalltaf b lssarrwwerr
<br />isr~ grip awejle eftt tgeaa hrR ctttra~ aid N! Hset Lalttua ~ ewre etech 1- get ~ before t2te dear ~ Ls ~ eradte
<br />-i~it ~A ~Alta.wf tM ~M-elSttrltf by tlsis ~ ftKleieairr2 sly psa~riwl ~ lewd ease 4f tba ~•
<br />'{1~ t0. aA#N!'!k -liwrrerrea trf e!a rim ~ rsbtabEe wfarr acceieratiaw and rise risist to astsert id fke foreriaewss
<br />~.t~ of f eidwsJ! oa ai} daienee of tiwnower tit wecstbnw8aw read fnec2esesra, if t2ee 6rtraeh
<br />fe we3 earts# ~ of 1ltiitsssY r ~ is the wat3ea. f,eadas d it eltaior wwtlt ti~we srH of tl+s sswtat sssrrad by
<br />tiic A4rts~ltert (b list Bites Bred Mvaalls rrii3ieoW ftsrtMr daasascd seed ley fosecieae ~' ~ticisti ptoetea~ 2twdar
<br />siitlFr 1st. aatsilesid_t~ s+a1ilret lw-sr~ PttlLa~Vig i4 g3 d ~ ta, fare wrat BFnliued tar crab of dectsrsey
<br />R~.s. is`®ai:.iit aitse r~ss rq~axiF
<br />aa. zy tt ~ iist~.:;:. N€vitritiarrvr4rtg l~.tti~z'`c ataifen of flee sums ure~l lr}: rhos 'td~~rtgtEBe--,
<br />s_ _ _ ~- ,Y..-tr tg.~g. x § -#~ .;} {"a,. -. ~ xeei..~.R M__o-.~ hg 1 ;` r~ :...r R.f~~ tk.s tae= ~ --~a..sac~:v+`~ ~, ~ .,:,~
<br />