t'3~ %: Ta~~~~§
<br />tJ~ss Ctsva.*ttta7s. Borrt'avrer and Lentisr cos=er,;:nt and agr~ ~ foiiovs: ~ j ~ }l 1 c7 c_.t <` `~
<br />1. ttf a Isttsrest. Harrower assail oromptiy pay when due the princ:^pal of and interest an the
<br />evied blr the Note, prepa;taert snd rate c.irarges as provided in the No*.e, and rite prnriaai of and intctitst
<br />txt ~r ~~ tat !#~_ ~satnti :sy E~'tis Y~artra~:.
<br />~ Fa,Es E~ ~'~ a~ `3x.hj+ jet to app'~ab~ law rr tc a r,~ritts waive try L~tdH. ro-~rtr :~li 1~Y
<br />m Lmd~ fns t~ day r~tftiy imuatlments of grittcipal sad imerest arc payable under the ?dote, until the Note is paid in full.
<br />a attrtt 4lserrin "Ftmda"} dual to ors-tweift}t of tltt yearfy caress aatd asstss~rtettlY which racy attain priority over this
<br />ildart~ge, aszd gram tuts on the Property, if arty, pica otee-twelfth of yearly premium installments far hazard irtsuraace,
<br />,picot otx-ttrtKtlt of yearly presaium itt~alitnetrts for marfgage insurance, if arty, a#i as tt=asanabiy estimated initially and from
<br />to bate by I.eaaler ore tax basis of aesessmcnzs acrd bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />tSx Fttratls shall tae i in an institution zhc deposits or accounts of which ar ittswed or guaranteed 6y a Federal ar
<br />sis~ agency (iadeuling I.sader if Leader is stitch an institution}. Lender shalt apply t~ Funds m pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />itrsaraane ptumittms and gaatttxt tznis. Lender Wray not charge for ro balding and applying the Funds, anaiyr~og said account,
<br />or verifying at~l compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lander pays Harrower interat on ilex Fonds aesd applicable law
<br />psnaiss l~eder zo make stxPt a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />~ cleat interest on the Funds shad be paid to Borrower. and unless such agreemrnt is made or appkicable law
<br />raquit~ such inttrrat to ix paid, Lender shall not be reyuirtal eo pay Harrower any ineerr_st ar earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />s6a11 give to Harrower, wirhotn rfear~, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds aml the
<br />propose far winch eaa$ debit to the Funds was made. 'lltt Funds are pledged ?s additional saxuritY for rite sums secured
<br />by thin Mortgage,
<br />If rim atrtxruat of the Ftmds held by Lender, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />tlx clot dates of taxes, assUSnteats, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall txeeetf the amount requinxl to pay said taxes,
<br />acacawae2tts, ituurateca Premiums sad gr^':.nd rents as they fail due, such excess shall fie, at Borrower's option, either
<br />preamptly repaid to Borrower or :.:red to Burrower an monthly installments of Funds. if the amount of the Ftmds
<br />hr3d by Leader shall not be sttf£ciettt to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents u they fall dtte,
<br />&srt'oaver shelf PaY ro I.crtdez any amount n~essary w make up the deficiency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Leader ro >Itrrrowcr reyeteatiag payment thereof.
<br />Uptm payrtteat in full of ail sums secttted by this Mortgage. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Ftmds
<br />kseld by Lender. if under paragraph Ig hetx:of the Property as sold or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender
<br />shall apply, no Inter than fatasediately prior to the sale of rite Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds held by
<br />Lertdar at the brae of application as a credit agaient the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />3. Fast of > ISnless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by [.ender under the
<br />Note amd psragtapha t and 2 hereof shall be apohed by Lender fits[ in payment of amounts oaya6le to Lender by Borrower
<br />taaafi;er patagraplt 2 ltctaoP, then to iatersst paya9rle on the Note, then m the prin~spal of rho Natc, and then to interest and
<br />priarapai oa nay Ftatttrt Advances.
<br />~. d:hnywrat I„kms. Borrawver shall pay all taxes, assessments and other charges, fines and impositions aEttibuta6le to
<br />tlta iFytrptrrty wltic3t tttay attain a priority over this Mortgage, and Leasehold payments ar grouted rents, if any, in the manner
<br />provided utedttr paragraph 2 hereof ar. if not paid in such manner, by Borrower making payment, whm due, clittctly to the
<br />ptsyae tlteraof. Iirtrrawta shall prrnaptly turaish to Ltndcr x16 notices of amounts due umlcr this paragraph, sad is rite want
<br />Borrower shall make payatcru dirtxtly, Btirrtrtwer sleail promptly furnish to Lander ret;aipts evidencing such payments.
<br />Brarruwas^ shall. ptrttaptly discharge: anY lien welch leas priaritY aver this Mortgage; pttrvided, brat Harrower shall [tat rte
<br />raquirrsl us di~:ltasgx any such lien sa long as 8orrawer shaft agree in writing to the payttsent of the obligation securesd by
<br />such ties in a mansxr ucepiattle to Letter, ar steal) in gaud faith contest such lien fry, or defend enforcement of such lien in,
<br />gal prrsc~lings which operate to prevem the enfaraxment of the Irtn or forfeiture o€ the Property or any part thereof.
<br />r-`• Lie. Horrasvzr s.:ai! keep the emprovetreents now existing ar heteaftei erected on tree Property insured
<br />agaiteK loss by 8tt, hazards included within [err term "exteneled coverage", and such other hazards as Lender may reyuire
<br />aad in such atnouata and for such periods as Lender may reyuire; provided, that Lender shall nvt require that the amount asf
<br />suelt sovet~t exceed that amount of coverage reyutred m pay the sums set:ured by this Mortgage.
<br />ar ittatsra carrier pacrv~ing teas €nsuraa~ shalt be sln:~n by narrower suFiject to approval by f.tnder; proritied,
<br />°.~'tat ~ t~t~'al s ta3$ ix ~a ~_'~d. Ali pre~.ttrz;s rru irtsaratts;, policies shall br paiel ire rise maa;rer
<br />~rar!iticditttt 2 ia+er~# tar, of taut pard in stab mantra[, try Honorver cranking payaadat. when tftxe, directly to the
<br />iasttramCaQ carrier.
<br />ikll ir~stratxt: piPliii anti t.~s tlxrw,f shall irg rn fs~ ~=-rptaast to L_nafer ynd snail tnclttda a stantiarst rrtartgaga
<br />FYh F9YfLr hF °..~t ~ _ -_g-a-~nbi~ e_-z i _ ~ 3~3-~.
<br />arls~osr si}a;t prattsptly fttraiah nr bender [sit restcwai twnttc'ra and all reg6.ipts of paid .premiums, in Iht tweet of f^ss
<br />.ir`~ ill ~ pr::. _< to .~ t;~t=~ >~ ;~ ~... L~~.rer may make groat of tos-e if not rrradt pramptiy
<br />±y- t,~xv~
<br />Uolte~ Lender sad Borrower tMhcrsetst >~tx x rtrtrr~.:nstoraacY prarceeds shall fie applied to restoration or repair of
<br />Y ~'a~. Rt'owi~ such ~ ~ ` ,~ao--, .s a~vtrvrtstcaiiy fessebie and the sxurity of this Mortgage is
<br />ant tharehy ieapaired. If s:>ch restoratmn s ns a ec.n.atlY Ceastble ar it the stxtuity of this Mortgage would
<br />6a ia~mir¢d, the inauraasa prueeesls s~ de >• .~ ttsc +mrtas eRt;urtul by this Mangage, with the excess, if ary, paid
<br />m Borrower. if the Pnrpcrty is abate..{txast! ~± ~wr. ,r ~s Harrsrwwer fails to respond to Ltteder within 34 days from the
<br />data tsa2flice is mailed by L.easlar to >Iorras-tr riser tars anca• carrtcr offers to Bettie a claim far insurance trenellts, Lender
<br />is tit~laritwd t4 eNkc4 ate apply slit-rat=- fit,. at Leusttr's aysson either to reatoratioat or repair of the FropertY
<br />tae sip f~ atwas st;:vsvtd try t#r~ ldcir.
<br />U Leerier i Barra+ver at#ctts~e agrer sn wtatteg, any stra;h a~iication of praceeda to pnncipat shalt eat extend
<br />or !?I the titre dots of rise moathty usstsllteaents refanrd to rn paragraphs i rrrd ? hereof nr ch~r~¢e the amautst of
<br />sNttlR irmlaltateuts. tf uttt~ patagrapis ig hayottf cline Propsrtt es at:yuered by Leader, all eight, tick and interest of Borrower
<br />iltt sad to any insRtranCe pdieies aetul in sad to the prac'ertds thereof resulting Erom damagst to the property prior to the suit
<br />€tr ~ •ao ! ~ _~ t ~=.~tt of fix ststt~ sRuresl by €his :fort$age immediately prior to such sale or
<br />fr. ~ acrd 14rrecw of I'1.~ty; L,errelsaiAtct C~ I'ktmnrs8 Uri! tyevaioistweasd. Borrower
<br />tsisaB ~ ~ f"capKty is f!~ repair and shall trot coattail waste ar permit itnpairtactet or dctermration of the Property
<br />aced shall ~ with nhe prswismaa of arty ksaose if this Mortga~ is un a leasehold, tf this Martgrge is on a unit in a
<br />-= - - - - -
<br />c-:-mot ~ a i snit int, aorrawtr sttafi pttform ail of Han~awe€`a obiigatians rntdcr the dec;laratian
<br />dr ceaeri~ sta:at au ~rrezni, ~~ tine cs~l,mtwi,M? f?t' ptan.•t•~ ~n•~ ,~t!a~^^,....,~^, ~, tis~. by-law;: a;.d ~y~ulaii+r::a :;f ri'a
<br />iaasr~t tx piaamd teait rtent, sad constiteetnt dacutnsnts. If a cundaminittm or planned unit deveiapmtnt
<br />t ~ •~~-..•-,l ~ rs~t t-,v_Shti with this itfartgage. tiro rowtaa,°rts and agreenrz:txt~ of curs rider
<br />Ise card sisall a ate suppieEnetn the Cavanaats and agreements of this Mortgage as if the rider
<br />wsafa t pasrt brrrsat.
<br />ltd' i~ralals flatxtpl~.. if i?orrow^cr fails to perform rice eovcaeaata and aerr,Fmcnts ctrntttitrt+l in tPtis
<br />~tf act ~ px,°rg is s^omrasattc`ad which taaterialiy atltcts I,tader a interest ih :he Property.
<br />ttsd atC m, ctaittcnt Stitt, lttatolvetscy, cattle enfartxment, or artattgementa ar prarceodings invofvisrg a
<br />ter fit, them l,estclar art LeaEtlai's option, upon notie,'e to fikrrrowar. eery make; such appeasrances, disburse such
<br />tats . action as itr asary t$ prixest l.art>dcr's anteseat, :ucitsding, but trot limited ta, dtsbutrscment of
<br />='~ ~ ;`.:; : z,°.d entry t€. tle€ Pro°°r•- to a tr., if i,ondor
<br />~ ay rcpt; r~uiteal m..rtgagc inswam:e as a
<br />eat rhea saGt?,rod by thin Mortgage:, Sutrow5er a9sal4 pay the p[cmiurns r+eyuared to masintam arctic
<br />i ~ eft stettli sw;h 4th as tits erey+•-~-• for sutart isrstaratsrce tcrnsinaale, to acs°ctrdattc°s with kkxxrsw..t`s anti
<br />