~. _ - ~:. `F'lee frr:sc€`cafs e}# .a o-, :i.a~ard a , t„sere 1cs= 3irn=•gr tVFrs„, 4,i ,ter ~xn~ucnttaa- ,n t:r+snl ii an w t#i nit+u
<br />"~~~
<br />curademoa€ion ar air taking cd feet Pruvxrt,y, ~t~r part t$rer~c~~ai', r~r +~rr crsacar;r~+rrurm ~r cites of caf,~:rnn:at€un, <sr~ turn:::•'.^-y ~-~:~a~ge~s€a2
<br />artd sltai? tst pait3 to Linde€r.
<br />in clot t ~ a t9 t3Eri[~ of ate Pr+~s~Ntty, €isat pncs,~eua#s shi#t is ;ap~pdicc'D to efts sums Heated by live T3~ru;d of Tcusr.
<br />Wit; tttt excess, if anp, paid ra >3ssrravr:s. Tn life rvtnt cif a partial lakumr~, r,f ~~he fxrt?(StrtY, tuntrs:s Bnrro:wer and i,.r~rldrer
<br />oft~rwiat a~ret in writing, Btert shat! fee applied to the sums sta:ureil hY th,s thed of Tnxst suctr praportion nY iht presretds
<br />ai; if: t~~~T far fi3a€ prcrp;rtta;t which the arnount of the sums ss;currxi by rifts t3eed of Trust immediately pnur w the tiate of
<br />taking !rears to fbs fair market vattu: of the Property immediately prier to the date of taking, wzth the balance of the psxeeds
<br />pail to (3nrrawer.
<br />Tf tTt>r Tatop.t7y is afsarrdurled try fkirtower, ur if, abet notice by i-s;niler to Bnrrpwer tha[ the cnndemanr offers to makt
<br />an awe€d or settle :x claim for efamagts, Brxrrowrr faits to rt:pr»id to i_r:nder whin 3ff days after the date such notice is
<br />rttaifed, f_eruter it autlt[trt;Fetets" [u caxil~' and apply the prnccztrfs. at Lrzrtifeis uptitaa, eittler ta; restoniion or repair of tht
<br />Prupr-rty ar to flu sutras secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />Unless l.crader grid Borrower Wfterwiae mgrpe in wnisng, .rny such apphcat,rn of ptuctaxfx to principvi shalt not extend
<br />or perstp<*_ne ttre dos daft of tttc rrianthiy instalirrtenis referred ta; in paragraphs artd 2 htreaf asr change the amount of
<br />su+:h ittstagmeots.
<br />3B. ®®arewer Nep &s~assd. Eatensusn ref the; ttmc lur paymet;t or mudifi.auun ref amontzahon ul the sums serureaS
<br />by thin Dtxei of "frost granites by t.crlder to :rny sucrrssur an fnttresr ui Burrower shaft not operate u; rtiease, m any manner.
<br />flee liability of the nrigtnai Basrtoilicr and P,urrt;;.et's success+xrv in mterts! l zndcr shall Hart fee reyutred to cummtnce
<br />prt~~tt'itl~ against strs:h susceasazr ur refuse trs catersai trine free pa}•nttnt or asrlserwru vnrxlsts amurhzation of the sums
<br />secuttd 4y this Dteli of Tratsf by reason of any demand made fly the anginal Burrower and Berruwer's successors in interest.
<br />ii. Fu~earatxe h4 Leader Nlrt a Vtttirirr. Any fortltarancc by t ender .n rvrrciung any ngM ar remedy hereunder. ur
<br />errherwtse afforded by applicable taw, vhati n•,z tie :, waiver of ur preclude ihr rverax of arty stxh nght ur remer#y
<br />7-tit prtscatmtent of insurance nr the i,ar.,+c»i of taxes or other lisps .er rhargrn try Lander shall nut be a weever ul Lender's
<br />ngltt to atctlerate the maturit}' of the rndtbttilness ucurrd by ihu Decd of 'T'rust
<br />f2 Remedies Cuaeaistire. All rensedics provided m this Ik~tsl of -trust .uc dr.,uiict and atmulauve to any other nght
<br />nr rtrrtelfy urrtftr this Dttd ut "trust ur afforded try Iaw ur tyurtY, and may be extrciscil asncurrently. independently or
<br />sur:a:~sivefy.
<br />13. ~cersrurs sad lsttlpas 6uuud; Joint and Srvsrof i.iab#litr; t'apriww. Thr ,_uvenants and agreements hector
<br />cunlained shall bleat, aced ttte rsghts hrrcander shall inure i+r, the rosprcUVe w.a•uan and asafgns ut Lender :aril Hrern+wrr.
<br />sublet, m thG provtsaons of paragrr ph 17 hcreul All a,venaurs .cod agi cruumts of Born:wtr shall tee (Dint and several
<br />the captionsJ ~sen~t htadings ut the paragraphs ut thin Ilecd +ri l:ust .ae fur ,onvcnicnrc unit and arc not to he used to
<br />interpret ar iaG4rrt the provisions hetersf.
<br />Id. Notice. Except for any nuhce reyu,red un.ler appbcahle i.zw tx+ he given ut another manner, iui any nnhct w
<br />Borrower provider! for in thrs Deed u! Trout shalt tee given by madrng su.h nm,ct icy ccrtrtied ntatl addressed to Borruwtr at
<br />the Property ltldress ur at stn:h other address as Burmwer relay design:dt by uuucc us Lender ax provided herein, and
<br />ihl any nonce to L,trtdes shaft tsi; given by etrufieil m:ul, retucn recerpt iryucairil, to Lcndtr's address stated herein nr to
<br />such aiher adtfress as La:rtder may ilesignaie try nohce ifs Burrower as pmviiled herein. Any nohce pruvfdeil lav fn this
<br />s~_^ ei Trt~i sfttaff irp rfeerned to `a-.`r: _` ~: g..=: tn: P.u:r. tea. :er ! err±••r wfaer+_ given sn the manner ditsianateil herein.
<br />iS. Ut~ttrse iLesd ~ Trtwr Garertlitg; F.aw; SiererahNky. ,this form ++t decd of freest combines undorm .revenants for
<br />natiutult flee and non•untform cuvrnants wnh tinned variahuns by lunsiliv:uon io cunstituie a uniform secant}' t»strument
<br />+;ovenag teal property- `T'his Deed ut 'Trust shah he governcai by the law ut the luruili+:tiun iu whit,h cite Property fs locatcil.
<br />to the event that any provtsion ur clause ut ibis 13eed of Cruse +sr ihr Nutc cunBia:ds with .eppita:ablt law. such cunflir:t shall
<br />tear ;tfftct other pruvtsru*.ts of ihrs Deta1 of 't'rust rer the Nute which can ter green edest without ihr cuntfictmg ptnvivun,
<br />grid to tbis trld thl: provtsiuns ut the Deed of Trust and the Nutt err dcclnred to tic severable.
<br />I&. trJasrrower's Cagy. Htsrruwtr shaihbt lurnuhed a usnturmcd copy ref for Nutr soil ut this T]ecd ui Trwt at ihr uerlt
<br />of txer:otirm or after recorafatrun hereof
<br />i?, "!'rarratf~otthel4tar~eAy; AraampNar. 11 ail +,r an} part ut ihr Property ur an inictrst ihtreui rs suW ur transferred
<br />ray Borrower wrthultt Letaier's prwr written consent, eseiieiling tai fire rrrauon of :i lien or encumbrance subordinate in
<br />this Decd of Trust. tb) the axnauun of a purchase county security tuttrest for household appbancrs, tcl :i transfer by devise.
<br />rfesce»t u€ try uperatxun of Saw open the death of a tut»t tenant rx
<br />l.tntftr may, at Lender-s opunn, declare ;dl !ht sums secured h}• this T)rtd of Trust to tx
<br />srnnutliately tee and pays e. t-ender shall have waiveil such opuun to acccleratc ii, prior to the srle +,r transfer, i.ender
<br />at3u E~ pe:autt fa whom ihtt Prrsprrty is el+- t~ afield ur transferred teach agreement ~n wrung Thai the crtdu :si such pcnnn
<br />,s satiriitctwy to T.erttier and that the mtetcsi payable uu the ,ums srrurt:•il h+ ihia !)ced of "Trust sh;rfl hr at such rate .u
<br />f_ent~r shag rtsfitest- if Ltnrfsr has watvtd the up»un iu :sccetcrate prov,ded m ihrs panigruph t i. ,nil ri Burraswer's successor
<br />In iaterftit has errzcltti:d a w[ittefl :isiainpt Wet a~Feettteltl Jtlrfi£td !n wr, rrrig 1+1 i_r!)der. f_Cnti4'r •fk'dl reteau i-#~.r: i) :'Cr `.ran:
<br />aB cbltg:t;afls ttrr this _~d ;ra [ rrss? ar~f ei~ ~'asr~.
<br />tf F ret=ire ,=xs~rasa suet optrarz u> a~relet~ste. Lender ,hall +ned B+nr+rw..~r rsutFVC .,t aa.rlexata,uz ,u aaGairdanrt: wuh
<br />paragraph t4 Fleteuf. Such itulrct shall provide a period ut ins! Iess iha„ ++t dais t:um ihr flair she r,rsiscr rs nestled w•ithtn
<br />i-,- .rr. lief:,: i_ y h., f _ 't st,=h (strfud,
<br />sTta€ft T~trcwa<r naay pray itr~saatrrs utuarrz uus ~ . ,:»,. ,....,. .-• --
<br />Letaasr nti€v, ivifaratsf fart:ter *.a:i,.a. ~,...~ .. ::..............c *_ _ ~: ,rev ,er+r•a#e=•s peer:iftted #~} paragrapt h hettoi.
<br />tYtTis-t;NlPOaiN Care.NnNrs. lfarrUwer argil i_Crkfcr titRnrr a irrnuert Arid .igree as i.~liL';"a.
<br />iTf. ncesisr>itii6,aT RsmtEds:. ~; cis ~ r is ~r~rsgh i' ~ ~:. rt~r, ms`s :;: ,~ ga .~s~_ - - -r
<br />ssart a3 es.~s r+ es~ a tip `~ ~ e.w = :~-~i~ _- ~". -'tea J~ s®x ~x•sYed=b_Y`rf145 I?Eed
<br />of Tirtut, i.eaitr prijur to ar.'arisrathra shaBrtari5 rtWia'e to tllrrruwer iu pr~lidsd In paragraph i3 hereof +paeifyrcg: ftS that
<br />hrsaehT IZl tine actilya required w care soc6 breath: t3T a Jaffe, tpa lees ttttm W dogs Fratu the daft the mkkr is ensiled -u
<br />!k»'rower, i9' whieb sacb brearb refuel bs eared; r[sd fA) Hrtd failare to rare swh brewh uw ur before the date specified
<br />is t(x tarNicr'~S' retail is accekrrliua of rite eaters srcorsd by this t)tsd ut 1'rasA sad sale art rbe Pruprrtr. 7'he notice
<br />xhttTf fatttNr faf~ro Barvlawrr of (flit ri~hi to rr~siate after accetef;tthia aa~ the [igM Iu brig a court action Ill tasxrt
<br />tAs aua-errisisacs of a .attk ur atsy as;tier d>=le~~ u3 drtrruwcr ru acrsfer~iaa and salt. If Iflr brerrrb it nor cured
<br />fro or bartore ihr riNe spniirtd is ittr raaihs+ txrtrtier at f.radsr's rlptMla may declare all of lire sums srrurrd by this thrd
<br />ot'irtrl to tee imrtsdiWsly dwr and payat~ withuW Farther tisnlaad ass! last intutte the pewee llf sale and say Whrr rrntsdfsa
<br />~ hY ~ mow. tinder sbaN be erditled m cufieci ail reasunrtrie elrvia sad rxpcasss i:ecurred is pursuing ihr
<br />rcaacdlts- purified io this ptraph iii, iactudin8. brit nut iirailed fu, rrawnabie aitttrstey's fees.
<br />9t Ehe gewsr ut saie is iovuked+ frostaae stssll record a ruNKe ut default to cash toasty in which ihr Property »r snmr
<br />paA tflarauf ks hrcttisd and shaft mail copies of Barb rwiit:r iu the nwroarr prrsa'rltred ny appiia•abie law err 3arrr;::sr sad to the
<br />etcher peawa~ prtrritttd by trpidtctl0ie taw. liter the tapes u( web timr as may tilt required by appikabie law. 'truster shall
<br />afro as+~Iss ~ eels hr fire psrwa- sad la tars moaner prrsl gibed by apptirahle law. Ttrwtrte, wi/bout demanJ ua
<br />isr. shtl~ ira~ cite T>ssi)sAy ai pis6~a aw/alaa to itar h~ksst bidder at liar rims sold place sad ostler the esrtus dsslgt7atfslf
<br />fa s +~ i to r tmtra parrtk in sorb ar/kr inr Yeutter lacy detsrmiae. Truster relay pasipuae sett of all
<br />or-tpty t e>t Me Fstlprly! by R~ tutraaarerrtta id the time find place ~ ear preriolaly srheduMd salt, Ltadrr or
<br />t,sairr'w tia~tte rtaay prxchtrs rite Property N ant ssk.
<br />tJptari r;ecsipE atf payaanesd of !fate pies hid, `Yrastse rfulJa tlelitcr to ihr purchaser ft•lwss ~ tired cuatsyitrg ihr Prtlprrt.
<br />" - - _ `- °- -- ._-`- a~ ~ ~~ rr.~ n.~.~_ .± et-• •a;a•+• rrl !+~ s ~cm-~! tt~e therm. Ttvater
<br />: t.:,a fin:,=3~r ~r ~ Q:~ ~ ~. ~ ~~~-.~~ E.~=- _- °--•. "___. __ _ -- -__-- -- , trbi
<br />stww_aadi3 tort frrr~ss~ u::tas ~ ~ +~ f la~~-°,: ~Af_,a ~ •s~-•••'~• •a~__'_ :!ad swertasv of the >.afr, iltcladiag
<br />~t t ~ ~rtratlae'a ftiEU off aid eerie than L/ L 9t i '* uI tae pttsaa sale pare, reawaaa+r aitrrsrt't's free a».a rrs=,s ^f
<br />aSxlref.t~ cos scared h3 thief ilstirtt ld `Tr~l; sad tc1 ihr excese. it say, fa rhr persaa W psrwm legidly ernltkd
<br />i9, fOariNnsse's to Re®ndats. Nutw;thsiaizding I ersrTrr , aaaelr:i ait,sn .+i ihr Yuma u~urcd by tins faced :+t I,usi
<br />tfWfiuvrtr shad hive fht tight w harp say ptcsrcrdiags trcgwz by t eeedui i+~ rr,iotcr itsis lls<r:il ,+t it-,ni disa~+n»utzieal at
<br />say £lrrW. istytlt' to £hx: eatfxti tV tXa~it elf ifT ttlr fttth rfay ifct»fc ifr»: safe of it'rc Prf:pv'sti ptzfslla.ti ,' it)r t+i w4r i vale [ i'Arrred
<br />r:r cis„ €'-~~t of `€rc+rtax lei) entry of a ttaJgmtnt eufnruire~, this 1.7ctd of fraist st- tai Baxrow cr pay i -r+ur-r .nz, r.°hf_-h --+1-t
<br />tlptftan:fuc xuwJst !tat i3tr:aTssf Yt>a-at. ihr T'dutc att+3' nutus .a:r.nrrul} Fututa~ :~ilvsn _. ~t ant, h, i no . -- i•r.>u++n c,nrr.d
<br />lfri t#~?rreww alitts aTf Esta,.e:hl:a of any aHh~rr aYSSrna»ts .>t .igrt~emcnh rat Bs,rrswur a+iriamcd m this t'ked -+t tiu±t-
<br />#st iJaitres;rr ~ y•. wzf rkaa+:~natrtc re;sc»rt:x wx:zfa red rrq tr•_•zidsr ,end 'T rrate~ ,» <,rl » .rng iii ..ovsn,nus ^ id .igr -us ^nts .rt
<br />flr,rrcrwrt +rutrtains:d ire this fTptd uT Tru>t .tieai t» enlnre,rrt; i ersaicr's a,id T rn.iea .X r,ntc'dzc•..,~. ;sr.++:dad :n issr;t~+.x}+ts „'~
<br />~ta~, t~'htshstg. but Hal futtitrif tu_ rraslatta~C attrrrncy'. ics•v ,ixf rd' vTurrswv: za °s ,adz .rnt„>s s i :retie. uray - -; _z bas
<br />r crkrita t:<3 astiWt IhIU the izr» ;.it roes fJse;d of True#, fender-, urtera~:r .n ti:>: fr[ ~prrir grid tie Frr„ucr...t+iri:.;t.. ., ,.r`
<br />