~2~YF[3#'f.-t i~e~YF.4'~.!'d'r5. t~,:brff3Wtr ar i~ t. i`. /,rl G't -- YL ' "tt ! ~1 .4 it + =N':'
<br />1. pkb}'+ss# ~ It'r3latP fak#arr~lkF. Borrow r ~ 31 i r+n~yi g > 1 s.r a ~h~ ^r _,~~. -,~ s r s .!, rr:e
<br />!ndebt>"~drt+ss cvsdc iced by [Pte Nui?:, prnrpayrncnt and ..u~ , hJrgts au prt)..dc~ ors flue :+ute. „nJ tkkc pr:rk ,rJr .sf ,;n.k inktrs:?rt
<br />crrr -Joy Future .~+iva,^€t,'ca ~r;:ca=rid h;' tkz,~ f..l«er.J +sf "9 r:tst
<br />a. ~'Issr P aad lae~.rtusee. Sutx~~'t €o apptitabie lave isr t+) a ~sr!tr?:n .J:over 6y L.ender. l3vrrvwtr shaft pay
<br />to I-EntPer un S[ic ray m+mtfSiy instaf[mtnt+ of principal anti sntere,t art? pnyahie ;3n+;tr the ."Bute. +tnt?I the '+.ste i, pail sn fut'.-
<br />a ssttR l~__itt ">•=-~.rt~t^"j c+;ua3 tat ,~-twelfth of the yearly taxes anJ Ssx:s+m~ats "hill) muy Strain pr!arity oc!:r th„
<br />(Xed of Trust, atsa# ground rents on the Praperty, if any. ptu, crone-twelfth of yearly peemrum instaitment, fur hazard insurance.
<br />plus arsvtwttf#tt of y~rly-premium tnstaltrntnts fur mortgage in>?+ran+:e. if Sny- alt ;ss re:rsunably 2st!mated in+ualiy and front
<br />time to tune by I.ent~r on the tads +n° assessmcnas and hills SnJ reasonatric <-sirmates thereof.
<br />The Ftands shaft ije held in an tnstituiie5n the Jepusiis or ac: ot)nta of wh+ch arc :nsurerf or guarantee) it}' 1 Federal ur
<br />state agency firrUlrttti^trg I-carodCr if 3.r-'f+cr is such an in,titutinnt. IxnJer ..hall apply tt;e Pun+:a to Pay said taxes. as+rs,m+:nts.
<br />insurance premiums sled ground rents. t-en?.er may not charge fur so ho~datg and applying the Fttnds. Snniyzmg sail actuum
<br />or verifyirrg and Campiliti~ sa,J assessments and belts, t+nPess Len+ter pays ixurr,#wer };:tore>t un t;se Functs Snd appiitahle lau
<br />~rrpils I.ereder to make ssrch a charge. P,orruwcr Snd l.end;r may Sgrec .n venting at the time of cxecuutsn of chic
<br />f~eeJ of Trust chat interest on the FunJ+ shah Ete patd tcs Burrower, aaJ unles, +uth agreement is male ur apptiaabtc taw
<br />rt€luires such interest tc bo pail. !.ender shall rust he rcywrcd to pry Borrower .,ny !ntcn,t ur earnings on the FunJ,. 1-a:nJer
<br />shall give: tv Borrower, withrw4 +harge, an annual atu,unt!ug +sf the Funds ,hu•.v:ng trcJ:es anJ :{chit, t,) rho Funils .tnJ th,•
<br />purptrse fur which each ~bir iu the Fund, was rssaJe. "!'hc Fumis arc pledged as additivnai seeurtty for the sums secured
<br />by this 1]ceJ of Trust.
<br />if tt~ amount of the Funds htld try Lender: together utth the tutstre ruunthly tnstatimcnts of P'nn3+ paySbke pr~ur i:+
<br />the due"dates of taxes. asscssnicnt+. snsurance premiums SnJ grounJ n•nt+, ,hail ex~ec+t ttx amount royutt+:J to pa} sat) tSto+.
<br />assessnunt5, insurance premrums Snd gruu-,.€ rents a+ they l:Ji J+,a:, ,uth c,t,:s+ halt he. St Borrower's upiton, etther
<br />prrxrtgtly repaid ru Borrower +tr L.c+.,rrA us Burrower on monthly tnstatlm,:rtts of+FunJ+ If the amount :sf the: Fund,
<br />hclJ h}. LersJer shall rru tat xdliuent to pay taxes. as+c,+ptertt+. nuurante prcnuwns anJ ground rents Ss thcv fell Joe.
<br />Ba>rnswer shaft pay to Lender Sny amount necessary to male up the J+:fittency wtthtn 30 Jay, from the Jate notice is madcd
<br />by Letader to Bwrowtr rcgtiestrng payment thcreof-
<br />Ifpon paymont in ful! ut aB sums +a:curcJ by thts LAeJ ai fnr+t. LrnJcr ,hail promptly rctunJ to Burr+!ucr an} Fun.h
<br />held by Lertder. if undo paragra~th l8 herca! rho Prupeny i, ,old ur the Ptuperty a mhe:rwt+o acyuin~J by t a:ndnr. LcnJer
<br />)hail apply, no Pater than tmmedrateiy poor' to the ,ale al the Pn,perty ur u+ styw+nwn by !.ender. Sny Fun.ts he1J by
<br />1_cnder at i}~ Iltrte Uf appliCatrun :iX a Credit :tga1n51 Ilse +Ulil+ ,ec4rod fly lhls EhcJ ut Trust.
<br />3. Applliratiwr bf paprazats. Unless appticatslr law pnsv,ak, uthcrwuc, atf payment, rcccroal by 1 caller under the
<br />loots ant! paragraphs i and 2 hereof shaft he applied by I-cnclcr tires ~n payment of aaiuums payabh to Lender ny Borrower
<br />tensile paragraph 2 hereof, then to interest payable un the Nute, than w the pnnctpal ut the Note. anJ then to inrcres[ and
<br />pririctpal on any Future 4dvanccs.
<br />q, ~1tr6~t5: Lieal. BurrOWlr shalt paV :Itt tau ssc,snxut, .utd ,ghee .hSrgcs. Ifni, Snd mtpo+tt!um Snnbuusblc to
<br />the Property whh:h may attain a priCauy over this 17ecJ of 'f'ruse, and ic:tu:holal payntersts ur ground rents, if say, in the
<br />Inaonet provided under paragraph ?altcreuf ur, if riot part m xuch manner. by &uruwcr making puy'num. when Jue, Jtrectly'
<br />., r..~.,.~ti !., t .-.,.~~, .u ,!nuic, of atnuunt+ due under flits paragraph, and in tlx:
<br />to t!x payer tit~euf. °oorrct;Yar sha„ taomp'~ir ......._.._.. _..~. -- -
<br />eveXrt Borrower shall m':l!e payment Jire+:tly, Burrower )hail promptly turmsh w under rcr:ctpis cveJcntmg wth payments.
<br />Borrower shall promptly dist:harg+e any lien which has irrsrsrny over flits flied of feust: pfuvtdeJ. that Butruwer )hall n.u tse
<br />re~uucd tv discharge any such lien s+s lung 1, Burnswer )hall agree in wruutg to the payment vl the uhitgatuut secured by
<br />such irctr kn a manner acceptable to /.,;nder, or )half !n guu+i tatth .:unrest such r!ekn hy, or JetenJ onturtentcnr of such hen trs.
<br />to l eedi#r which rate its prevent the enfurcemem ui the Iten ur forfeiture c)t the Protscrty or arty part ihtrcut.
<br />~ S. ji~taed irugreaalsre~. Barraw'er shalt keep thr~ smprovenkcnts now uxsstsng ur h+trcakter ereeteJ an flit Prulaorty ensure)
<br />agsttnsi l,•sss Irp tire. hassrris included within tfie form "cxtcndeil tuverago . anJ ,uch athcr ha[atJs Js !.enJcr rosy rcymic
<br />anti rn such amounts and for >ttch pcntxls as 1. eexler rosy rcywrc: prvvtJeJ. chat L.eniler )haft nor reyuue that ttu amount of
<br />streh coverag¢ saCeed char aainurtt of tuverage rcyu,rrJ to pay the sums scr:ureJ by flits bred ut Trust.
<br />Ilse insurance Cartrer grovrding the rt»utance shall be cho)xt::n try Fkuruwcr su6tett to Jpittos al by I ondcr: pruvsdcJ.
<br />ikt6vi~d val shall ~t~reofreasunabiY~wrJihhr:t~b ntfanprtrr~rby Bsrrowerrnraks g lpayntantrlwtun J~e,tJfrtccUy t ~ihe
<br />~ pttta®'aph
<br />,~t=rsaxEe csrtisr.
<br />A!1 insurarrCC poirctes anJ rersewala therein .half he m term acceptable to I enJcr Jnd +h1if include a standarJ murigagr
<br />tiausc ip favar of and'=n form JCCeptaist: to 1-enJcr. Lender shalt h-rv~ rho right to Itu1J the puh~trs Snd renewals nc~rnof.
<br />anti Borrower shag promptly tufmsh to L+mter nll renew si nut nice JnJ all totetpts ut pJrJ promtum>. in the event of lus+.
<br />f~rrtswtsr shall aloe prompt notice to nc~ mwrance 1:aerici anJ Letroder Lender mJ} mule proof of lus+ .f nut made promptly
<br />fay Borrower. __. .
<br />I;nleas l.en"°r Jn3 ice, et --_€~ - :y.+~ ,tr s+:sk=:: - -_,.st ? e.t~ hSlt t„' appiteJ to rc+turanvn ax rr;pJtr of
<br />khe Pt'v~rty datttaged ptvvfJeJ =txh ris:oraiton ur ?ep=,u .+ mumt Jtl t S-sbl !nJ flit xtont} of tni+ Lht 1 si frost i+
<br />rrQt therohy lmparreti. If Yta:h rCStU[anUn Jr lepJ1l r5 66 it et .it tent alt} t- J)riff! f ,. the 1 tl(1{y Ul ttkt+ t-3,_cJ of i?l:al =a Unit
<br />- .r k... tL .,r e1 t -t.}t yrfft ths• S "+•. It Snl, naltt
<br />ett3~f tf'~ ia3t. aۥ~-c ~dttti~S+ >nJrr ae apt ! ") ..
<br />r:3 "~,rreever. If t;ta rssa#zrtY ,s - .~.. 4=r ~ .+~--~_. - - - Ll.,r:t,it'r lasts ru _y„sesd rt t. nJtr wufk -#t flay {rum the
<br />- ...aJ~ , ~ i ..~s_r ?.e ~li+,rr„svcr rftJr [rut ns>+tra a -:e - -^ ::: :. =~_ ~ -- _h _ t 't,ita•f
<br />C.o...RLa "'£ t" xxs•• 4 rr .~.
<br />. ~ u~ll }-t ~t~ ~n,ily the ,rlltu'.srh:e e+iw.ccd> at Ltitder->`+.ptlQtl ctlnC[ tU- CeilUr.ttiun Ur icl,ai. +.t ins Pr.spert)
<br />or ice the surrra secured ly this t'~ecd ar Truer r ,tE3~ !., ar ,..nal ,is:.!! n.st _itr:nJ
<br />Untb>€ L_r~±^r ! .rrfxrer otixreviz` sr;rsr. ! +„+_„~.::..;; 3 ~ :; .•: a:°~, -•€ ~ ~_ - -,
<br />+srpC~tpasc tiro due Jatc of tM; monthly ,nstaiittsents referee) to in paragraphs 1 auu .hereof .ir hange tht :renunni a#.
<br />si,~;h tftxGiBnxniS. if uti,iCr paragraph ig heret:f the Property r, aa:yulreJ h} LenJef. Sli right. title anJ inset<+t of Burntwer
<br />in aad to any insurance pui+Ckcs and m Jnd tri lht pftl+:CCJ> ifNCfLUt re>Littpg trUlrt JanrSge to the Property pfwr to the seic
<br />ur aCSit#isition shah pass to LcnJer to the cxtem +tt flu sums secured b} flits thoJ tit -Crust snrrtrediatciy pnue to +uch ,ale +:!
<br />acquisition.
<br />i. lYe+taraadas rtk~ F~e!Ca d PnrgtE:ty; f.rr~SKtitis: ('rsrr@ermirxiuaas: r!#ttaad t'iut 1)avekt~rwtents, Bo!!.#wct
<br />,hall 6cop the Prupenv !n grid repine asst )hall nut +auuu,i aJ,tr .,! fx rn,!t uup,ur often ,.. Icten!v.,uun of the Pn,iscrty
<br />lead shall Comply with the pruvtsivns tit spy tease ,f th,s 19r.~eJ ++f 1 f [tat :> tin J Icas. hull It this LhiJ of i tint !+ tin 1 unu m a
<br />cws+dotninittm ur a planrKtl snit +tevetupmeni, Burruwcr shall podurm Slt tit llur:uwet s ul-lsgatu!fts tutJer tln Jetlarluun
<br />ur ctavcttaties Crcuiing ur govnrnutg the curttlommium ur ptani~J uau Jctatupnseat- :hc hv~laws SnJ rs:gutauuns u1 the
<br />rao3aeaieitrm tu' rianrred mot development, and fur»utw:nt dascument,. it a twtJumttttum ur planneJ ono Jo+eiopnrent
<br />rides is cs.eCUtcd by Bvrruarer am! recurlkd tngeitbet with thu vee•5 tit i rest, rho tuvenluts Jn;.l aBrCetr:o:tt+ .!t .,!. h r!d_?
<br />shall tee inevrporatcd ;ntu Jnd shalt amend and wppkntent the cuva:nant, SnJ agrecntents of flies [koJ tit Tnt,t .i> .f the nJa:r
<br />ar_rt a tin hereof-
<br />'~~'~ (,rr~g;#y i~pP, tfr~~, it Bk7rf Uw8i ta?t9 tU p'rluCm ttk'. LUa+:ndni3 SnJ .ij'yr rCf?1C?tr+ _:--nrasltcJ m th!,
<br />13cad cif Tt`tail, ur if say asutm ur pruccedir?g is <amsts?;nicJ witrsh ntatct,lily atic•tts PenJcr+ :ntcrs,t .n the Pn!peat+.
<br />iti,:liidiGfr. but tint irtnite,d LLl, errlitielrt dumalp: 1rrSUivtn+;y. tVale ent+,ftenKnt, or at t.ttrgc ti,ent+ of pr.tceJmg> m, ol, mg .#
<br />hankrupt or rittCCS#cnt, then Lemler at Lender's opiiuu, upasn notice to Htp'ruwer, mJ} malt suett .tppaarantt, Ji+i,ur,+: „i+h
<br />arrmb sled tatt.e s#b:h action as ix rx;Cessary w prutes:t t.crrJer+ uuefesi, :itcluJ!nl; but nut ImutcJ t.s. .I+,hur+cntem .+t
<br />lesriiF~a~t€ ~st~i y- ~ wig' amass +a<_ n ,_• •x'~le rc l±a!fy 11 tt'n+la•f !t'1t111teJ 111a,t1 yar;+: ~!t,nt,,tltt .!, ..
<br />_ i P,.. yt#i;~ f -r~r, t• 1#urnrwcf )flail pJF tft pten tuttt+ .cyutrcJ t+• :narnilm ,trap
<br />cutxiirr?~tt felt. itta~:mg r~,+: ~.. n ~,.tfsv .7 1-~'-! - - ,_ .,.. .. - -. J:.. <_ reth 33 srruw~r-, .+ :,r
<br />inutran. in ctert unit srmh xp~ as ttu reitturcptent kvr such niaura - ,e„• •~ .,
<br />'t.5#aft:r'; xirritten ##~rsG~rtrttit frf apprtCatsie law- Bor[uwct shall pay' nc~ :,n?+.Uni c,f,~rl lanmfit{tit :!~+ir:, il+.t pra'm!}„n+ f!. 1h.
<br />rtstarsc+ pratrideri utt«Pcr patagraptt 2 Ltcrf.
<br />Apo amounts dislMrtsitai by t.ertdar porsuant Fu thJS paragraph 7. wub ,rta`t e,t thxr .,n ,h111 t>4.),tilt iJJ!ri.,n,tt
<br />t~ of $urrowct sta:utnl hY flits t3rsed .sf Trust i nirss Bvtra7wer .,nJ ! r. td t brce t th,:r rcr ns+ tit t:,t ur:nt xt. t+
<br />;tiytyytq#S ya"yy't~ fee pip}~(61t r)pe3n rraic4~ frt9tti 1:.E31sts:r ia, B+.st r.}n+`€r r~yYtc'•tur~ {~a)eta-tu thcrt rf ~ tJ att:!ii htnr ,nkct t.t t!„rn the
<br />t rif r;r~srr# st rise rate payaiale reties tirt-r fu lino ua +=mtt:~+; r :g prs.t.:p, ! u;t'±~r r, ~ -s !, t , pay n.ent .rt ?rw+,r,t
<br />at +atch raft w+suhl he t+,nttary Tu eppiu:a#rk taw. rn wPt!t tt eve; nt s+rth Spuru,tt, .h:!!t t,t t? :mart ak rltc hsgtt.,t tale
<br />ptttbtiafihie ir#sder aypirCatYlc law NWhitsg evp[arrtaxl ,n tits paradsaph ' iltalt reyusfe La.nJit to :rt ur Sny capesss.; ++r talo
<br />>my ar'-titsi her.sur>t~r.
<br />~., {~r!l~OM. I_staies tnay matse +rt tau*+c to tx °sr;aste reaz+3natds: E`)tins) ,,pu,t Srtd ,rt>pt t+,!v a flit P,,.in!ts p -.,a ...i. ,:
<br />tl~t Ist iPtail give BurruswCr rtotit:e prc,ar trS sap >w:h sr ;gositvr:.#'x•.:.:ty:ug €s1~.•?tat=lk o ttt.:x t -r :e)Sttvi t c:,,St°e
<br />ft'Attttfeaf ?n llta Frxrtrertx€.
<br />