<br />4~. TEte pmcu~dls+if au+}~ award or e~tm frig dumag~, dtr~t ,t~rc c=~»sntia=, sa u;n await °arVith a~nv
<br />~etisavi or trf' faking of tree Proptrt'y, a^rr part tlatrtaif, cnr Cur c;:~nvevanee in )lieu of cnndtttrtttstisn, arc.' htreftTS assiyrrvtif
<br />asxf teasel tse paid tai 1..sadtcr_
<br />la the event ~ a total salting o€ tfse Propery, t.:z procu',,> resat! tx app;ied to else sums se:;ured by z#tis Deed cf T::at.
<br />rritb 'fat , if atty. paad to &irrower. In ttx evesat of a partial tairigg of rise Property, unless Hottowu and Lcrxtr
<br />1 otitrwiac awe in writing, tftzre shall tie sppY.sxt to the sums secured by this Decd of Trust su:,b proportion of trot proceeth
<br />as a etpasl s ~taaf pror~artion which ire aesiaiattt of tYte sums sa.,.trcd by this ^..e~.F3 0` Trr~t immediately prior tc the date of
<br />ta#isg burs ter 'fee fair marker value of the Property imtrtediatidy prior to the date of taking, with rise b3lanr.~ of the proceeds
<br />pttiA to Ficxrtrwer. .
<br />B tbs ~ is std by Borrower, or if. after ttot~..~ by Lender to Harrower that the ctrrtdemtsnr cr$~s Tn tnakc
<br />an award m• retire a claim for damagsa, Harrower faits to respond to Lender within 30 days after tln: date such notice is
<br />uwat~ed, E.etstecr is atzthoriaed ttt cadlect and app:y the proceds. at i_erxlei s option, tither to restoration rrr repair of itx
<br />Prispsrty ~ to t~ wtrts secured by this f}etd of Trust.
<br />L'ateas f.zrtder and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, ant such application of proceeds to principal shat! not extend
<br />~ne the due Batt of rite monthly irtstaftmetits referred to in paragraphs a and 2 hereof or change iht at;wunt of
<br />rastaitatcnts.
<br />l9. Drawer 'dot Reid. Extensicin of the time for payment or modincation of amortisation of the sums secured
<br />try this Deed of Trust gt-aattd by Lender m sny stseccssor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release. in any manner.
<br />the liahitity of the original Horrowar and 8ortowtr's successors in interest. Lender shall not bt required to commence
<br />proceedings against retch successor or refuse to extend time far payment or otherwise modify amortiation of site sums
<br />teetered 6y deer Dixd of T.=7tsi by reason of any demand made by the origins! Borrower and Borrower's successors in intttxst.
<br />11. Fotitee by L.ewdmr a Waiter. Any forbearance by Lender an exercising any right or remedy Fereunder, or
<br />cathervrise affotde! by appticabk law, shall not ere a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right ar raraedy.
<br />Test procurement of tustaranet ar the payment of taxes ar other liens or charges by Ltnsfer shall not be a waiver of ,ender s
<br />right to asxduate the maturity of tree irtdebtedtaess secured by this Detd of Trust.
<br />tY > tLttaeiative. AIt rertedies provided in thss teed of Trust are distnct and cumulative to any other right
<br />er remedy urszkr this [kid of Trust or afforded by taw ar equity, seed may be exercised coctcurrcntty, independently or
<br />successi
<br />tY ~ce~ots s~ Asafr~s !Dead: latMt and Besets! t.iatt8ify; i~grtioes. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />cantaitttd shall hired, a»d the tights hereunder shall inure to, the respective successors and assigns uE Lender and Borrower.
<br />sutfjset to ttx pmvisionc of paragraph i? hercvf. Atl covenants and agrcements of $orrower shalt be joint and several.
<br />The csptiom acrd lti;a<tiugs of the paragraphs of this I?eed of :rust are for convenience only and are not so ere used to
<br />inti:rprst or de6rte the provisions tiereaf,
<br />lA. NoYtr. Except faa airy notice rtyutred under applicable law to 6e given t~ another manner, (a) any notice to
<br />Harrower provi~d for [n this Devi of Trust shalt ere given by mailing such notice by certified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />die property Adttress or at such other address as Harrower may dtsigtratt by ttotace to Lender as provided herein, and
<br />tb} any tsstict to Lendcx shalt frc given by certified mail. rr:lnrn receipt rtqutsttd, to 't_ettsieri address stated herein or to
<br />attcti other aa4lress as leader may dewgnasc by notice to Borrower as provided herein. Any notice provided for in [his
<br />Deed a[ Trost shalt ere dsxmed to have been given to Harrower or Lcrtder when given in the manner designate.' herein.
<br />-5. -,`tp3[nna Cfecd a( Ttraets Cwt:reels!! Law; 13everab3Mty. Thos form of deed of trust combines uniform covenants for
<br />natioaat use and trcm-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument
<br />c'oKrinS real property. This Uecd:>f Tout shall he governed by the taw of the jurisdiction its which ibe Property is located.
<br />to the avert that any provision or clause of this Ihed of Truce or the Dote conflicts with applicable law, such conflict shall
<br />m>i atftact otla:r p~wiffiiotts of this [3~ of Tres[ or efw Note wMeh can Fri given effect without the conflicting ;srovision,
<br />and to t$is emY the prtrvisioas of the t}ted of 7"rust and flu Note are declared to he stvtsable.
<br />-f. ianwwar'tt CNy. ttiorwwer shall tx furnastted a conformed copy of the Notc seed of this IDeed of Trust at the time
<br />of exesrttiaM+ rn attar teestt+datiotr. istcof.
<br />17. 'l4rateUv ad'tie If all or any part of the Property or an interest therein is sold or transfetted
<br />by Borrower witlwtat Lender s prior wntten consent, exctudmg t a l the crca[ton of a Iien or encumbrance subordinate to
<br />this t?ced of Tnnt, (b) the creation of a purchase motrey secunty anterest for hausehokf appliances, (c) a transfer by devise,
<br />[lescent or by operation of taw uprn the d~th of a !Dent [enant or (d) sere gnm ut any leasehold interest of three years or less
<br />nt ~ „smtaining an option io purchase, Lender may, at f.ender's option, declare all the sums soured by this Deed of Trust to be
<br />a„e,:xafiatdy slur and payable. Lxttder shall have w:uved sua:h option to acctleratt if, prior to tree sale or transftr. Ltndtr
<br />a~ ,lit person to whom the Praspcsty is to be sold or transferred reach agreetmm an writing that olio crexiit of such person
<br />~ sutyf~[~y to Lr_r aaad tit the iatarest payable on the runts securer by tftis Deed of Ttvst shall tx at such rate as
<br />t_emfar shall req+rat. If Lender has waived ciaC option to accelerate provider' an this paragraph 1 T, and if ttorrower's successor
<br />in itt`i#°r~t ems exsettted a written a~umption agreement accepted in wnnng by Gatttler, Ltndai shall release Borrower from
<br />all _•~~,~titrtrs t~*xs:t fhB ITced of Trtar sets! tree tVtHe.
<br />If i<errtiar enntt'cistra sash option to accelerate, Ixtxler shall mail Borrower n+tuict of acceleration in accatdattct with
<br />~:;,$„~~.. fa `~.~~. ~..~.~ ~iex sl'i:s13 r o=ice :: ~,i=~ of not fz~ eta=-= '~u days f'~a t3~ daft tfm ttota~ is maa`~ wktt;in
<br />which Borrower tray pay ih~ attrru tftrelari:sl due. if Borrower fails to pay such sums prior to the expiration of such period,
<br />Lr may, setitii fttr't:sr -r~rfiee or di;rtia:-~d v:rr tx~=is3wcr, ir.voki::aay . .i FE'S {~ar7uFt~1 iy ~ra~g;apu l o F-tc"'3s f.
<br />t~ION-UNtPO1tM CtaVENAtri5. Battowtr and Letaiar fLLrlitef COVan$nt :it'd ogres as €alttnva:
<br />L8. Acctdsrttierq teeeedks. Bttcspt rr pesanrlded La para~ap6 17 boreal, ppaa Itoreewet's ireaci ~ say coreaaat or
<br />tit Ilwrawer ie ~ -14sd in Trost. ttse crrcaatW to pay whew dos say seer taocered iY tlde Lleed
<br />~l.glda p~tiar to ~ s4aq tatrd retisse trs Y®rsewee as ptrevfdN io paesrytapi 14 hercol spesftyia~ (lt Yee
<br />6naacii 42? Yea acYaa rem is erne satci tereacbt t3) a date, woe lees Bars 311 ifyys lt+aso Noe date tie wolke is raaiMd to
<br />fls. iy wlYiei store iearci tweet 6e etwasdt awl Nl ~ lailsrc ss cero heeaci itr ~ hdwe tie d~ speed
<br />t: Nor rtstlee se4y resale tw esceleeewler el tie stoat secerod iy 'bit Deed al Trost sad sale i# ttse Pesperty. 'flu iasoliee
<br />sirM ialorra ^oer~ower el cis ~ m c alto accekraYass sad tie rfYitt to ~ a caret acYoer to swore
<br />flat rar.exislsros tool a ddaeM oe say oYtee dslaooe o1 iaregarar tr recekeetlaa red sate. fl Pit B treat cared
<br />era or Odors cis dale sprcded is tit tttslke. L.wdu ae [.color's gylier mwy iilee-rre d iti'fat arms seceecd iy resit !lied
<br />d TsaW a is lrnaee/Nls~ drw road poyaitls ssilisrt iatticr arN troy 6avaie lie power of salt wd say deer reaesdda
<br />esaepror~Nie pataptrpi t~hcletlAag, lea Ytaitsi !o. rsatwaaiierotrd7 ~ Itttusrad is etas Hre
<br />L/ Yes ~swer of asls b hrrrsitel, Teseles rid eacerl s aeticr sat lelardl to esei h wild cis Property ter tow's
<br />psret .et lacatled steed sled sail oepks sf sects asYtx m Hie asetaaor presceNed iY ~ b YOrrewtr sad to cis
<br />sYaer Lsessom psrtcr!•rl ley tWa. Alcor tie laps al sash oleo as say rte by appilcobie Law, Trretee eYeH
<br />paiNe taellee of sale M t1Mo peeseaa seed M tie ataaese ptsstriMcd b appLferWe Law. Tree. wiNrattt detaw oa
<br />awcr, sill tali tie lssputp tr prbNe twetiew M Yee ~ klldar aA tM tUee sad plate sad wrier tie totter daitaaled
<br />fa Mee aetlu at! awls it sae w ettrre read 8a sere seder w Tetrteo ttHy irNirraias. Treelee t sW rd aY
<br />w pram r;: tfma ~ pasaat t at I'ea ~e wd id's ei ~' pati~tooaiy t~ seek Ls~ar tar
<br />G'ava~res serer pt~a Nrs trt Day stt#,
<br />troedpt al sl tle~Wdt Teewe teal! dslires ~ cis perefaecs TtaatK's deter! cawrsr~t ~ y
<br />s..~nr'!~s fir Ott TtaRsa's issd ~A1 is press Fad eve al Hs tepli at tlto ~ toads tietelo. Twstas
<br />tits of Yr sale is tie artist tai is aY rprsww,tlle eases sad eapawee d tie sate, Iweisiist, 6w
<br />oat ~ lea ~ftra el set ores ~ '4F of tie iprsos rats prKe, reswae6le ettwwey's loses and ewes of
<br />YNssaY~w_ sts114} ts~ sr~s sue! Iq~ ~ lAsted tt[ 7Ysafh asd ts} Yr€ saetss. if w.Y. fio tic lssaow or possess tspaby ettYNmd
<br />tltaeala.
<br />1)4. b Itltl~ly. Notwittratarrdhig i.escekr`s acceleraiian of the sterns secured try this Died s>f Truer.
<br />~„~ tDtsrrsaaeret +$kall ha+r tMs w bare any prod begtm by Let>Skr to onfuQCe this 17rxd of T[ast disconunrtod at
<br />arty tier pt+et to cis twrftrtr to occur of (i) the fifth stay bafttre the safe of the Prrrperty pursuant to the power of safe contaittrd
<br />is lira f2sed of Tt'ttq to fait of a~t etsforcia$ this L:wd of Than if^ fa) Hw-towur pays (.corder aN sums which wot:id
<br />erg ties Bee urdw this Iktal~ Tneq. Note and states sesirrrrtg Fiatura Advwxes, if any, had na aec=;kration ucxurred;
<br />4R+3 c~tt+ts ale ~ pt say ottrar sa+rapatsts rsr mreettsattt~; of Harrower ututai:tad to this lh~ c?f Tnst;
<br />f~i ~.;....« M~ ~ .~. v«_,~.t,i. t:T~ ice: ~ ty ! e aad't`st:~ in ~€ors: ~ tl;< ectr~ards =_m± ~~_wxnts ~~f
<br />c~ra::_~ sn rim . ,.f 'r~ei ski a r's.~~+ #x_.~Mr. era •t„~ ~s ra,..,,..~~a~ ~ ~ov.~4 in ps.•ag`. IN
<br />ttatat-E i~bttfaitw. t#rt tint ~nited;tq, r ms's less: aiul {d> Bartomwer takes stwh ~tiott as Lender may rcasunabty
<br />t to_twestte that test !errs ~ resit ri3atsir trt 'yeast, L:ender's itttcrest iii tree Prtr}trrry xnIlt Bnrst+wer's t~ltXattsm rv ;ray
<br />