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r ~ <br />%~~~' <br />ii'r~rnrC7lr~tt >/tw~~+tatrrrs. ~R3H'7"€niPte' .s€ttai l.aaia~ircr ;I:ca~~n:rst a.nd~ agree ~:rs fr~;rttaw;: <br />#_ tlsrlt haitcr zrrrraw:rc iahatt gbrs:+.imprcl~y pay +wi~rt due '.hc prirsrtifl m:tf snit[ fr=l~erswt t?n :Errs <br />i~ss tvidtt try tip tnttte, I and sz,ue tfrarg+es as prtvided its tits ?vtae, and test princrpai at .end i~~r,tertat <br />nr an i=tatst~ ~ ~:etrred by tilts %~eeri of T'nist. <br />it4es~ 'y'>1~ ~ to s~t~e Saw or to s writtt;i wsicar 3y Lend, !~ srsslt ~} <br />err ,r.~.>r. tsrt any .., ~ p,~neipat wad ist€r~t a=2 p;.yat=de una;er the tgr~s. until cite ,''recta n pawl in frsit. <br />a ffrere+rt "Fug° squat its elect-twelfth of iht yearly ;azts arx; as'~ssments wh~h may autain priority aver this <br />Ekted tx€Tsar~, gtxmtnt rem tm tilt Property, if any, plus oito-iwtyfth of yearly pternium instaflrassnis tar ltaa3rd ittsunrtct. <br />pitta txa~c~tadfi~t of yrarty ptsemi:rm irestallrrtertis far mongage insuranec, it any, std as reass;natxdy estimated aisd tram <br />dace rn txate by Leers on the tauter tsf assessrnersis grid bibs grid rc:...anabis estimates tdtcrarf. <br />T1se Ftmds sttaH be Exdd in an itutitutitm €he deposits or aceaunts of which are insured car girarantteal t:y a Pelletal ar <br />~~ ag;~y (irtAlttg Le~.'tr if Letxter is Bath an itrttitutiem}. Lender shalt apply the Fuaais to pay said taxes. assessments. <br />irsaaxatscc ptsta~titt{ats. anti ground trnu. Len~r tray nn€ charge far so dividing and applying the Fundy, anaivaing said account <br />~ verifying and r~flrprling said a~sneents and bibs. exnless i~rtder pays torrower interest an the Fuuds and applisablc !aw <br />patentee [.ender to melee stint a charge. Borrower and fender may agree in writing at the time of exccusian of this <br />f3sed oS'Tttr~ lilac interest alt the Fitttds shalt ht paid to Harrower, and unMss srrch agrctt~nt is mark :x applisahte law <br />arcs ~fl int~es[ ter 6e peed, I.~xier shat! not be requin~ to pity Borrower any interevt or earnings ors the Funds. Lender <br />strati give to Hnrrmver, withattt ,:itarge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and itu <br />pttttpaae for whidt udt digit to the Furt~t was made. The Funds are pledged as additional ~curiry for the stuns sosvred <br />by this Deed of Tturs. <br />t'# rite arixsttnt itf` the Furrdt held by Lender. ttsgeIhtr with the fu[ure monthly instatirtten[: of Frtnds payable pear to <br />the tine dates of, assesarrtents, inatrrartce premiums and ground rents, shah exceed the amoum required to pay said taxes, <br />a~csurtents, itt~tra[~e pt2mixi.~ sad ground rents as they 'rata dire, Birch execs; shall tre, at Borrower's option, either <br />ptsarnpily ~d to Sertuwet or credited tz Borrower on monthly instaUmerts of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />held h"i Lenekr strait nm he xuiiicient to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and grourai rents as tlity fall due. <br />Brsrrxo~rr:r shall pay to tender any amtrr,_.t necessary to make up the de5ciency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />hi E.mder to 9txrvrrtes ramming pigment thereof. <br />Upon paytrteat in ftrl! of all sums secured 6y this Decd of 'f cyst. Lender shard promptly refurzd to Berrnwer arty Funds <br />held by Lender. if Wider paragrapf: tg hereof the Property is said ax the Property is otherwise acyuircd by Lender, Lender <br />strati appEq, rto [aEer tte~ ieurreedtately prim ro the sale of the Property ar its acquisition by lxntfer, any Feinds htW by <br />P• at the titate of appiisatiort as a credet against the wms secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />3. A~itstlars ad Unless appfu•able law provides otherwrae, alt paymems received by 1_ender under the <br />None and puagraphs 1 and 2 tttreof shah ere applied by Lender first in payment of amoums paya6lc to Ltneisr by 6nrrower <br />tinder paragrtrgalt 2 ttert~xf, then to interest }sayable on the Note, then to the principal of the Note. and then to intere3l and <br />prarcieal nn any Ftdttte Advances. <br />~ [. iPOmower shalt psy add taxes, asscssmcnts and other charges. fines and impositions auributabk to <br />.e°r~ r~.,~.a~ :.~~.h R.ay '. a p-w-- ty ~ his D~ r. - .. ar d t~~fladtt t:ay~rrrts -r g ~ ~ cis, if say, is iha <br />mmaer provided tmdrr paragraph 2 hereof er, if trot paid in such manner, by Borrower making payment, when date, directly <br />W i6e ppaapas c?teemf. Horrnwes shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices c+f amounts dire under then paragraph, and in the <br />ewmt tilaarrtrtsstr shall make payment directly, Harrower shall promptly furnish to Lentkr rtceipts evidencing such payments. <br />Borrower tdtxitl trrentptty disdfar~e any lien which has priority over this Decd of Trust; provided, that Harrower shall nW t+c <br />tt°getired to disshatgc say sirsh 1tWt so Bang as Bnrrtrwer shall egret in writing to the payment of the obhga[ion secured 6y <br />Batch lien in a meaner xtxptatrle to Lender, or shall in gimd faith snntest such lien by, ar defead enforcement of such lien in. <br />~ n~ which gate to prevent the enfortxrreent of the lien ar farfeiturt of :he Property or arsy part thereof. <br />f~ms+i'iesmaaes. Borrower shelf keep the improvements new casting or hercattcr erected on the Property insured <br />against leas fiY Ilre, hazanls eneittded within the term "extended coverage". and such other hazrreh as Lender may require <br />and in such atatounta and for such period as ixnder may require: provided, that tender shall not require that the amount of <br />stilt cevetage excel that amount of coverage reyuircd to pay the sums secured by this I?ee.1 of 7'ntst. <br />Tlae ittstrrartce carrier providing the insurance shall ere shostn try Norruwtr subject to approval by d-ender: proviakd. <br />t8af Basch approval mil! tint he unreasonably witithekl. AIt premiums an snsurancc policies shalt tee paid in the mattsaer <br />provided imdp rtyoaph 2 hereof or, if trot paid in st.::h mantrer, by Borrower making payment, when due, a)a~tctty to seta <br />saaz~:a~ saririmr_ <br />r`~t itmtrrana pelte~s and n6ttewals thereof shall tee in farm aa:ceptable to Lender and shall include a swndari mortgage <br />clat~ i3 fever of a;ni in force plabk t» L.endtr_ t_tnt~r shat! have the reght [e hoed the policies atrcl rettcwals theretaf. <br />sad Herrowar shag promptly furnish to Lender alt rcrtewal notices and all receipts of paid premiums. in the event at tae-;. <br />Bertitswee abaft give prntnpt noose to the iresurattce carrier anal t_tnder. f_tnaltr may make pr<sof of Iasi it nut madt prnrrtpti} <br />lay Hntx>evatar. <br />Uttinxc t,tertttyr seed Hntrorver oftterwise agrsa in writ,ng, insurance practxds shalt be appled to restur;etian err repau of <br />[~ tar>:r2y dama~d, prnv such resteratirrn ar repair ss tsarustnrc qtly ieasibk and tits stturiiy of this L3ecel at "foist rn <br />~ f,~~v :,o~~ir~. if sr.,~^~~ati~ ~ repair is ixr. ~'atta.:.,scatty feassista asr f •?ia set:urity of testy t-'~,x c~, f s._r=_t wcxild <br />tee itttt:.ired, the ittsstrartce pros~da strait he applied to the sums scsured sty this t)etd of Trtrst, with the excess, it any, paid <br />s•• ~.~" :f •~ :'iy = ..._,..~ ~ ~ err-~w;,r, :rr if Birrrnw~ 'art, to r:.spt;itd iv t_.ert;~r wiftti ~H -`aJS ft~tn t:~ <br />r~s ~ esr;a it itji Lit te? tiarrvs thzt tt~ ieuranst s~>`r=er ati>tr4 to ~*#tn a claim for i_,~rarict t~tt~ l~ti=~<' <br />is autharirat to ctrtl~Mt and irppty the insurance prtx:~ds at Lemier's option tinter to restoraovn ar repair of the t'rapeny <br />or w the sttaas secured byq this t]evd of Trust. <br />Unktta i_ettdOr and Borrower ntltetwise agree in writing, any wch application art proceeds to principal shalt riot txtciad <br />or pant: tlx dtte dace of the monthly ittstaHrteents referred 'o in paragraphs f and 2 hcrco[ or change the amount of <br />st~h installtnettrs. if under prira€raph itS hsfeof ttte Property is acquired by l.endtr all rigit[, title amt interest of Btnrawer <br />in amt to any ittiwrrattee policies and is and to tl~ proceeds thereof rewiring from danwga to the Property prxr to the salt <br />tx irsaquesitiae shall psiss to Lender to the extetM of ttte suers secured by this [hid of 'Trust immediately prier to such sate ar <br />itipd A4ttiiaiNtap¢e of traPeAy; I.easttieiAe; C:+rwAomir[aa+s; isiaawd Utsit Ikv~ Borxowcr <br />shalt steep ti±t Property in goad repair and shall rtax a.~omntr[ waste nr ptrnut impairment ur dtYsriauauax+ rf the Prupxrty <br />sad shall comply with F:~ prnvisiomt of any lease if this CJeed of Trust is on a leasehold. if this Deed of Trust is on a unit in a <br />eor ;niniterre or a pianaed unit tieveeoprttent, Borrower shah pcdorm adI of Berrnwer"s otrligatians corder the dtadaratian <br />ar soveoants creating or governing cite condominium ar planned unit devebprttent, the bylaws and regulateom of the <br />iwndasnioium or plaanssd umi tfavebpmont, and crmatitueni dox:utnenta. If a cnnderniniunt ar ptamted unit development <br />rider is eattctt66d try Harrower and recorded together with this Deed at Trust, the covenants aced agreenrcnix of such rider <br />alatdf ire ittcerporated seen and stwil atnettsl aced suppkmen! tits cnutnants and agrtenrenis of this Died u! "I'rwt as if the rider <br />tsNns a part hav+atf. <br />?. ~. st( I.e~det'a SaettwJfy If tiortower fails to perform the covenants and agreements a crntained in chi. <br />Dyai nl Tetras, rx if arty astiva or preeesdeng is commenced which materially affects t.ender's intercat in the Property. <br />""a"'r~, .t"-~.'R ^~~ '::r3i-~"'i. t#t, ~-~.': 4.:i *'..Qia ..~z:;~-y. e:.~ ~ fcrc>itt~nt. a; arranp~rissnta ar sue-.ling" ;nom+x,.eng <br />or Wit, t+>~tr I.e st l.tnder'a diem, e,pett ntY.stetto iterrawcr, ntay nrakt stxt:h appearances, dtahnr;c such <br />tttutia a~ ttsi[ti Beech acteen as is ite+:essary to prtNrct Lender`s interest, iruluding, iwt not limiteii to, dashuracnitnt of <br />reoso_niabte attsirney's fates and entry upaxx the Property ro make repairs. If Ltrnltr reyuircd mortgage insurance .i, . <br />+~ tita~isrg the scare strsured by ibis tJiat:d of 'Treat, Berrnwer shall pay tine prcrrriums reetuirrd ta. maintain .itch <br />aeBir in cast tuttt~ srsilt time as seta recyuiremtnt fix such insurance terminates in actordam:e with Borrower's and <br />L.rtta~et's tvtt=agrmo w ypplicrtiste t;w. Borrower shall pay site gntaugt of alt mortgage insurance prerumnta m the <br />r +fimktuaaid i-Y t.ensLcr prrisuant to this paragraph ?, with interest ttetreon, ,halt trercrnte additional <br />s tat il~tstAtrer ttacured try ibis- hest o€ Trtrat. Llrtkss Harrower and t.ersder ogres to Ntrer trams of paynxent, Bush <br />tli tra p~yatsht ttponrtrrticr. fresco tenster to Hrrrssarer regtteuing payment thereof, and shall heat interest from the <br />ursettsrtast at rite rats payr~te feotst tmas to tsatte on twtxtaresting principal utter the Note unless payment of interest <br />s tea ctsnuary tit a>~ptizatrk law. in which event such amounts vttatl hear intettct at the highest rate <br />ap~di~abie laxit. tvettuteg rtxrttsirtml in this paragraph 7 shalt require L.iatfet to iusur say txpetrtae ter tat[c <br />~ 1-eadar racy mak4 or caeue to his ntt4fC tsaso€rabk tntitea upon a:td rrtsptn;ttarrs of the istaperty. tt;i7videaf <br />steal L,a~sic ~ Bice t~tcrrlMCr netir-e prwr to auy sts~t irtapactirrn specifying reaaunatrte cxisvc ;iteretar rs:tatcet to t_a:t:des`s <br />- .y_ ~~_ <br />?: re ~ rrr,..r-~. <br />