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g~-.._ ~~~c`~etli <br />respectively advanced at the aforesaid rate, ~~ayabie se:~i-annualry <br />or. the Fi~"stdays of I~Oh and 8eptembeP in each <br />year until such sum or sums so advanced shall have been respec- <br />tively and fully paid, and perform ar.d observe a21 the convenants <br />and agreements on the part of the :'.iortgagor herein contained, then <br />these presents shall be void. <br />And the said iAortgagor, for himself, his heirs, execu- <br />tors, administrators, and assigns, does further covenant and agree <br />to and with the idortgage, his executors, administrators and assigns <br />to pay the note and interest as they become due, and also on or <br />before the said F1TSt day of September, 1986 to repay all such <br />further advances, with the rnterest thereon as hereinabove provided. <br />But if default shall be made in the payment of said sum <br />or sums of money, or interest thereon, or any part thereof, at <br />the Lime and in the manner hereinbefore specified or if the taxes <br />and assessments against said premises are not paid at or before <br />the time the same become delinquent by law, the 'dortgagee silali <br />have the option to deciare the whole of said indebtedness due and <br />payable at any time after such failure or default, and may maintain <br />an action at law or equity is recover the same, and the conunence- <br />rnent of such action shall he the only notice of the exercise of <br />ca itl ~,~ti np req~ire~i, <br />to the event of default in the uerformance of anv of <br />the terms and renditions of this 'ttortgage or the note secured by <br />it, the Aiortgagee shall be entitled to in~ntediate possession of <br />the property above described and all the rents, revenue and income <br />derrved therefrom during such time as the P.iortgage indebtedness <br />remains unpaid shall be applied by the ~dortgagee to the payrient <br />of the note and all ocher sums secured hereby after deductions <br />of any necessary cost of collection. <br />DA~'lD this F1rtlt day of ©otQber 1981. <br />-ass <br />~~ <br />_~_ <br />