<br />$~- uu53~3
<br />'dCRTGAGE
<br />TH1~ INDENTIIY.E made this FIRST aay of OL"i't?B$8
<br />19 Si, between L~-M'Y °a • Lambreoht and &heryl 3 . Lam~eoht__
<br />husband and wife, he re~nafter referred to
<br />as ";!iortgagor" whether one or mere, and W. Hs LantbFecht
<br />of iDOed H1yer Nebraska, hereinafter referred to as "Mortgagee".
<br />' WHEREAS, iAortgagor has executed a certain promissory
<br />note bearing even date herewith. for the principal sum of $ 16,~2~•d0
<br />payable to the order of 'Mortgagee, with interest thereon at the
<br />rate of a1BhtSa per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day
<br />of Leh and the i1r3t day of September in each
<br />year until the principal sum shall be paid; and,
<br />WHEREAS, the i~tortgagee may hereafter during the cor.tinu-
<br />ance of Lhese presents make further advances to the ?Mortgagor to
<br />the sum of $~,A4lED.OU and it is intended that the same, with inter-
<br />est, shall be secured hereby.
<br />;~}pl~, this Indenture witnesseth that the i~iortgagor, in
<br />consideration of the sum of ~ 1l~,?2~ ee , received from the ?.tort-
<br />gagee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby
<br />grant, bargain, sell aiid ~~.,vey to `ortgagor the foll_awing de-
<br />s c r i b ed p r oP e r t y, t o ,~ i t: A treat of latui 3QtO~m Sa past of ari Island
<br />tsr ~ewtteRd r#.i1gt .Tierth of Low b arnt ~ies~terly of s t~ots-ty Moved. 13r
<br />3aotion Sstrenteean (1?), Toxnship Nina (9) North, BwnMe B1sTOn (11)
<br />bast e! tA~s 6th P.M., Sall Co~ttit~r, Nebraska etsd a part of Lot Siz (b)
<br />in Sa1-'~Sion seventeen (1~), Township Nine i9~ Narbh, ~e 'seven (ii)
<br />Mast 9f the 6th P.M. Sall County, Nebrasl~a, the first tract containing
<br />4.89 Acres, mere or les$ plus soreL3on to the canter of the Middle
<br />Chil of the Platte Miver, eaZd the second tract oontainins 9 Acres,
<br />at-a'a or loss plus aoretion to the ceAter of the Middle Channel o! the
<br />Platts Rivsr, mere complstely described on sttaohed "Ectaibit A".
<br />Provided, nevertheless, that if the Rlortgagor, his heirs,
<br />executors, administrators or assigns, shall pay to the '.lortgagee,
<br />liis exedutors, administrators, or assigns, the said principal sum
<br />anal interest, according to thf. terms of the lzro_nissory note, and
<br />alsci-pay Lo him on or before the Fii'Stday of 8e'ptesbe7r. 1986.
<br />such further sum or sums of money, if any, as trlortgagee may here-
<br />after advance to the ?vlortgagor an the security hereof, with inter-
<br />est on such further sum or sums from time to time when they•may be
<br />