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~'"-""F"~,` <br />Yaae ~ of ~{ <br />~~.-° i)~1 7~~~ <br />damage acreed upon, fixes! .2nc3 determined i;y the parties Hereto as <br />liquidated damages that the Contractor ~riil suffer by such default <br />and not by way of penalty, and shall be deducted as such from the <br />balance due the Sub-Contractor, or in the event such damages <br />exceed the sum doe or to become due the Sub-Contractor then and in <br />that event the Sul,-Contr.+ctor shall be lt~~ble to the Contractoz <br />for such difference. <br />~. Contractor agrees to pay the Suh-Contractor for the per- <br />formance of his work the sum of P•.1G: T <br />FIFTEEN $ND N~l100 Dollars ~~ ~ nn <br />subject to additions grid deductions for written changes as may be <br />agreed upon. The Contractor agrees to pay Sub-Contractor such <br />sums based on Sub-Contractor's estimates for partial payments as <br />are approved by the :+rchitect, less retainaaes in the amounts <br />specified in the specifications, or it none be so specified, then <br />in the amount of 10~i. Provided, however, Contractor shall be <br />under no obligation to pay Sub-Contractor for any work done here- <br />under until Contractor has been paid therefor by Uwner, and the <br />acceptance of any such work and payment therefor shall not relieve <br />Sub-Contractor from liability for defects in such work which may <br />thereafter be discovered. <br />5. Contractor and Sub-Contractor agree to be bound by the <br />terms of the contract between the Owner and the Contractor, the <br />nener~;l conditions, special conditions, the plans; drawings and <br />specifications as far as applicable to this sub-contract. The Sub- <br />contractor also agrees: <br />(a) To be bound to the Contractor by the terms of the con- <br />tract between owner and Contractor, and the general condi- <br />tions, special conditions, plans, drawings and spec ifie~tions, <br />conytitutinq ~~ part thereof, and to assume toward Contractor <br />-r'1 the ol;ii~~ations and responsibilities that Contractor by <br />those. docwzents assumes *_o;dard the Owner insofar as they are <br />carlpl ~._,..^le tY th _- i:~rk =_ ~~~ pEz-T~"rr^2d :lni~i~r this Y;d k~-~=ntr~.Lt. <br />(b) i'o submit to the Contractor on or before the 25th of the <br />month etitim.;tes for partial p~~yment for labor anr3 materials <br />delivered to the fob site during the' precedin7 ;eonth, and if <br />renuired uy Contractor shall submit receipts ar other vouchers <br />snowin~~ payment for labor and material to the date of estimate <br />tar partial payment. In the event Suh-Contractor c9oes not furnish <br />:.uch receipts and vouchers, Contractor is authorized to pay said <br />bills directly anc~ deduct such sums from the estimate for partial <br />uayment. <br />(r.) 'Cn maintain lJorkrnen' ~ Compensation, contractual liability, <br />,uk~i i.c 1 i:.,hil tty anti such other i~~sur.ance in such amounts as may <br />„F,. re.:,ir.ed of the Contracto!" in aenc:ral conditions and special <br />cu.,.iitians ,,i the Contract between Uw„er and Contractor, and <br />!,otwithstandinq :such insurance, to indemnify and save harmless <br />the Contractor from ~u,y and x,.11 claims which may arise from <br />dub-Contractor's oblirlations under this contract; and to provide <br />Contractor with certificates o£ such insurance, such certificates <br />to be furnished in duplicate immediately alter signing this <br />agresment, which shall provide at Least ten (10) days notice to <br />Contractor before cancellation. The Sub-Contractor uhall not <br />eomr;;ence work or deliver <.~nf equipment or materials to site until <br />such certificates are Furnished Contractor. <br />