t~ _
<br />i ~,
<br />
<br />itlafrt ast~c`~id entered-into this t~ day of ~JCtolzer
<br />f~81 ;":fry'-and between- fiavid L. rarsaxt & Catherine M: Y.arsnn '
<br />(hsreiitaftet't~ferrcd`tb a5 [ftattgagor) artd Cantaersia[ Natiortai Sank and Trtrat Caimpany
<br />(l~rtittitfter refekreat to'as
<br />t~ettrsi~e}, what trtalntaitts an offiax and piece of business at 424 s + r6 "_ str~C in Grand la3attd;
<br />Half t:4unty; IV~raska.
<br />Vt+~r, that for the emtsidesadon hereinafter stated, receipt of whirls is hereby acknowiaxfged; the-mortgagax
<br />dope hereby mom: seII. Brant, asaiga, and convey-unto the mortgagor, ita sacte_asors earl assis~,t-s; all of the foi-
<br />lowit~lbed qty situated and beistg in tfte County of gall
<br />Statrof Ne(ttfst>&ka:
<br />Lot-Ten {lOf, Eagle Lake Estates Subdivision, Hall County,
<br />DTebraska.
<br />ta~etittprw[th ali`tfle tenements-and appurta:nancas thereto bebnging, all the rents, issues and profits thereof, and aU
<br />eras, right royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights attd profits, water; water rights; and water stock, and including
<br />ah'hisatin$;- phuaf>iag, refrigairation, tightittg; equipment ami ai` -[xtures of every description belonging to the
<br />ma~rr[gagor patty or hamtafter attached thereta? or ~-~cd in cant[ection with the peetttises herein desc~ba:d ar:d in addit6vn
<br />tha~eto the fa}Ilowing described properties which are and shall be deemed to be fixtures and a pa_^t nt' the r~lty, a[[,!
<br />ace a portiam of-the security-for rite indebtedness herein stated. {if-Wane, state "none") None
<br />Tit, have attd tar hold--the-same unto the Mortgages, as herein provided:
<br />'The mortgggor. is iawfedty seized and possessed of and has the right to seU and convey said property; that the
<br />seine is tYee from all encumbrances except° as hereinabove recited; and thaE Mortgagor covenants to warrant and
<br />defet~ the--tick aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against the claims of aU persons whomsoever.
<br />his itutlrutnettt is gives to secure the pay7nsnt of a promissory note dtted oct:ofaer 1, 1982
<br />e. the pt'incipal stem of S12.oou_ao ,signed by
<br />Brine M. Larson
<br />it- behalf of --rttameslxer,
<br />ala4~, as such Wane ~ ttaxet may from time to time be modified, renewed or extended in writing.
<br />In the a>rgEtt the flue to stud rq1 asttstite is uansierred, or +:ontracted to be tratuferred, from the undersigned for any
<br />ra;atos art f!3[ tmy ttNtbod whauoever, the entire prinelpal aum attd accrued interest shell-at once becoroc due and
<br />p9Ysolt [~ die a o~ the holder hereof, Failure to exercise this option because of uattafer of title as above stated
<br />in oru ~ shall t>at ~ttstitute a wtuvtr>af the right. to aucercite the seine in-the event of any subsequent transfer.
<br />f , a~veatsnu,and agree as fdlottrs;
<br />s.'-'T~2.1?fQ ~'-th¢tna~f~tatlttA~s gvidetteed by said promissory note at the .times and in [he manner
<br />th~ei~ pry
<br />b. 'Fq pAy_ aN taxes,: astt~sattterlts, waver rates. and other governmental ar municipal charges, fines, ar
<br />ice, for,whlcl-, pra>vitfon. has. not.been made herelnbefaxe, and wilt promptly deliver the official receipts
<br />therrffor to the said mortgagee.
<br />+4. 'Fv pay stiCf€ exp>nsss and-fees: as maY be incurred in the protection and maintenance of said property.
<br />i~:•r[g tAc fee's al' any aurxaey employed by the mortgagee for the caUection of any or alt of the indebtedness
<br />hereby secured; ar foreclosure by mortgagee's sale, or court proceedings, ar in any other litigation or proceeding
<br />affecting said property.
<br />