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<br /> TC3CE'1'HL�R VJ17'N nll tlic improvcnunCs no���or lierc�fter erectetl on thc property,and all cns�entr.ntii, z�ppurtennnccs, und
<br /> fiatures no�v on c�rcafter n part of thc propeny. All repincPmente und udd8tions shidl ulr:u bc rovcred by this Sccurity
<br /> Instruma�t.All of thc torcgolnF is rcfcrrecl to in this Sccurity Instrumr.nt as tiic"Property." -
<br /> BG�RRQWF?F:C:C?VF:NANT5 that 8nrrn�ver i:�Iawfully seised of tha estntc hr.rcby c�nvcycd iuicl has thc right to Srant and _
<br /> convay the Propeny and that dtc: Pra�rerty is uncncumbered. cxcept for cnr.umbraiacs of recurd. Dnrr�iwer �►�neriints ��nd will
<br /> defend generally tho title to tlie Pvopi:rty agafnst all cinfms nnd demmids,subJect to any encumbrances of recc�rd.
<br /> 'Cl•i1S 5ECUF:ITY WSTItlJMF.NT�;��mhines unifom�rovcnsmts for n�tiona!usc and non-uniform covcnants with IimitcAi
<br /> voriattonfi by jurisciictian to coi�htitute n uniform security instrument cover(ng re��l propeny.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrawer nnd l.ender covenant and ugrec as follows:
<br /> 1. Payntettt of Prin�lpal snd Intemst; Pre�ynient andl LAtc Churg�. Borrowcr shall promptly pay when duc �he
<br /> pri�tr.ipnl of and interest on the dcbt evidcncai by the Note and any prep.�yment nnd Inte chargzs due under the Nute.
<br /> 2. F�,mds for TAxes and Insuatu�ce. Subject to ap�licable law or to n written waiver by L.endcr, Borro�ver shall pay to
<br /> Leu�er an the da� monthiy paymcnt5 one due under tlie No!c, untfl the Notc is paid in fcll,a sum("Funds") for:(a)ye�uly taxes
<br /> and ussessmencs which may attain priority over this Securiry Instrument as a licn on the Pruperty;(b)yeurly IcasEhuld payments
<br /> or ground rent�o�tlie Propr.rty, if any;(c)yeurly hiuurd ar property irrsurance premiums;(d)yearly flood insuranix premiun�s,
<br /> if any; (c)ycarfy mortgu�e imsucnnce premiunns, if uny; and (� any sur,�s paynblc by Borrower to I.cnder, in accordance with
<br /> thP provisians of paragraph 8,i�n licu of thc puyment of nroRgs�ge insurance premiunis. 1fhese items�rc calleci"Bscrow Items."
<br /> Lcnder may, at any time, collect artd hold Funds in An amount not to exceed the mnximum amount a lender�Fur u federally
<br /> nlated mortgaQe loam m�y require for Be�rrower's escrow account under the federal Real Estate Setdement Proc:edures Act of
<br /> k974 ns umendcd from time to time. l2 U.S.C. S�ztion 2(ral et seR. ("RESPA"},unless another Is�v t.hat applics ro the Funds
<br /> sets a lesser amaunt. If so, I.ender muy, at�ny time, callect and hold Funds in an umaunt not ta exce�ed the lesser amount.
<br /> lrndza may estimatc thc amount of Funds due on tl:c basis of cunent data und reasonable estimutes of expetxiiSUms �f future
<br /> Es�ro�v Items or otShcrwise in accordance with appltcable taw.
<br /> The Funds shall be held in an institucion whose deposits arc insured by a feder.d agency, fnstrum�nwlity, or entity
<br /> (including L.er�"�r,if L.ender is such un insticutivn)or in any Federal Y1ome Loan[iank. I.cnder shai�apply thc Funds to pay the
<br /> Escrow dterns, i�ea�der may not chsrse Borrower f�r holding and applying the Funds.nnnually nnalyzin�the escrow accaunt,ar
<br /> cca�fying the Fscraw Itcros,unless[..eixler pays Borrower interest on the F'ur�ds and applicublc la�v permiu L.ender to muke suct�
<br /> a chatge.kIowever,Lender may require Borrower to Qay a onc-time charge for an ir,dapendent re.al estate tax raponing service
<br /> us0d by I.ender in conncction with tl�is loan, unless Applicabls law provides othenvisc. Unlcss an aBrecment is mnde or
<br /> applicuble faw a�equires intemst to be pai�,L�:nder shall not be reyuired to pay Borrowcr any intemst os carnings un the Funds.
<br /> oonuwcr n,Ki Lc;iue� ���ay agi'.�:in ar.:=�,.��ti'V��'=� thaS ir.:esr..�i�h.w!!!+�F��!^r_�r F11/UIc. Ta'.Rl�t!f 9IL'III QIYE IO B0170WC7.
<br /> �cithout charge, an annual accaunting of the Funds, showing credits und debits to the Funds and the purpose 3¢+;which each
<br /> vebi:to the Funds was macle.The Funds are pfedged as ndditional securiry for nll sums secured by this Security Ineuument.
<br /> If!h�Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to bc held by a�plicabte law.L.ender shall account to Borcower
<br /> for the exc�s Cunds i�n accordnnce witl� the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Hunds held by Lender at arry
<br /> time is not st:��(ienent to pay the Escrow ltems when due.I.ender may so notify Borrow�r in writing,und,in such cuse Borr�wer
<br /> st;atl pay to I.ender the ame,u,at nece�sa�3+to make up the deficiency. Borrower sl►a!l make up the deficienzy in no awre than
<br /> tcv,;i►e monthly paymen�s,�t F.,��ndcr's soYe discretion.
<br /> Upon payment in fuil of all sunu s�c�red by this Secudty Instrument, I.ender shali promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> f'unds he(d by I.ender.lf,under paragraph 23,I.ender shall acquire or sell thc Property.Lender.rrior ta the acqulsition or salt
<br /> ; of tho Propecty,stiall apply any Fm�ds hela�by Gender at the time of ucquisitian or ralc as a cndi!against the sums sr.curai by
<br /> •'C�is Security Instrument.
<br /> ' . 3.Applicatlon ot PaymentA,Unless appltcablc la�v provides ethenv{se.all payments received by Lcndcr u«der paragraphs
<br /> !�and 2 shall be:ipplied:first, to any prepayment char�es due under the Note; second, to a�nounts payable undctr pa��►graph 2;
<br /> tl►ird,tn intr.reat dnc; fourth,to pdncipal due:and last.to any lutc charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Cbu�c�,eaq Liens.Borrowcr sh�:i pay a!I taxes. assessmc:ats.charges,6nes snd impositions attributable to the Proper¢y
<br /> which may atia�n priority over this Security lnstrun�ent, aixl leasehold paymcnts or ground rents. if uny. Bomower shall pny
<br /> tGtse obligations in the manncr providcd in paragraph 2.ar if not paid in tluit m:uuier,&►rrower sh�ll pay thcm on time directly
<br />- ro thc person owecl payment.Burrowee shall proneptly �'arnish m Lender all notices of�mo�mts to be paid under this garagraph.
<br /> [f Horrower t.nalces these paymcnts dinxtly.'E�orrower shall promptly fumish ro Lendcr teceipts�videtx:ing the pa�rtnsnts.
<br /> $orrow�i shall promptly disr•harge n�y Jien which Itas priority over this Security instrument untess Borrower:(a)agrees in
<br /> �vriting to the paynicnt of the obligati�n�r.�in�d by the licn in H manncr acceptablc to ll.ender;(b)coniests in good faith the lien
<br /> tiy:,or, defends against enforceraerat of t�e iien in. legal praceedings which in the Lcnder's opinio:►operuto t�o hrevent the
<br /> eiYi��i�ement of the lien;or(e)securea�frnm the liolder of thc lien an agreement satisfactory tn Lendor sulwrniinating the lien to
<br /> tlus Sec:i��ity Instrument.If Lcnder dcterrnines that any paxt of thc Rroperty is subjcct to a licn wUich may attain priority�ver
<br /> this SeC�r.+2y P.nstrument,Lcnder ntay give�orrowcr n notice identifying thc licn.Bomower shall satisf}r Qie li�n ur talcc onc or
<br /> rnr,rr of ri�;e a��:Ci��ns set fonh nbove within]0 days of the giving of noticc.
<br /> F�rm 302Q 9/9�
<br /> Pag�2 01 B
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