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<br />Loan No...._43~3~s-1,-r: <br />AID3iTSTABLE RATE LOAN RID <br />~z <br />NOTICE: THE SECURITY IN37'RUMENT SECURES A NOTE EVFIICH CONTAINS <br />A PIiOViSI©N. ALLOWING FOR CHANGES IN THla Ib-'I"EREST RATE. IN- <br />CREA3E8 IN " I'N'PEREST RATE ~~ILL RESULT IN HIGHER PAYMENTS. <br />T3ECItEA~ FI~THE INT'ER'!' RATE 6VILL RESULT IN LOWER FA~'MENTS. <br />Thin Ridor ss made this .--•.--•---~~•-.--. day of ..............._r...----+ 19.1.., and is intxirpoeated <br />into anti shall be deemed to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Tieed of Trust, or Deed to Secare Debt <br />{the "9e~iaity Instrument"} of the same date gic~n by the undersigned (the "Borrower'"} to secure Bor- <br />rowar'g Nate to ..............°--------.................•--..................------------ ---- -------------- --------.........-............,.......---•--................. <br />1yrtY'id.~l:...~,ltit...d,z~d..@#dz:31k~..!' ..kazY.,...231isbaz~Si..aaod,..vt}.~f.e, ................................................................ <br />{the "I.eRSdeP'} of the same date (the "Note"} and covering the property described in the Secmrity Inatru- <br />nsaat and locsted at .38~'~..~sala..{ii.zala ..............................Grand...~aland.-.-rla2~easka....f~AAR3.......... <br />Property Address <br />MOIDIFICATION3. In addition to the covenants and agreements made is the Securitp Instrument, Bor- <br />ta~ss3r and Lender farther covenant and agree as follows: <br />A. INTEREST RATE AND MONTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES <br />The Note has an "Initial Interest Rate" ot..-...].~~_@GQ..._ A <br />inte~e5t rate lea may v~`zsr ikn the iat deg of .....Fr3inv .................... .........., i9.n3.. sad on the <br />let day o# ,...taa~r ............................. 19~... and an the let day of ....t2eseaLa=.._....................., 19.Ati.- <br />and on the let dap of ....1?,a~r~b.-° .................................. 19. d.A.. and on those dates of those anontha in every <br />yeas. thereafter. Earls date on which the rate of interest may change will be called a "Rate Change Date' . <br />Changes in end interest peymeata to ad~sast a~rtiration of the loan to correspond with <br />intes+eat rate chan8ee~i be made oII the 1st day of ...._.~??-•---..---- -- - -°---....-.•-.-...., 1984..- and on that <br />.. <br />date every ...-----_..~... year(s} thereafter. Each date on which the principal and interest payment may <br />change will be called a "Paysr~nt Change Date". <br />Changes in the interest rrtte are gover~d by chances in an interest rate index called the "Index". <br />Cheek box(es) to indicate Index. <br />(1) ©"Contract Interest tZete, Purchase of Peeviouaty Oocup~ed Homes, National Average for all <br />Major Types of Lersders" publahed by the Federal Home Loan Bank Heard. <br />2~ p~ Adjustable Rate ;ate-- Mthly aver 'eld cxs ~r S 'IYeasury Securities <br />C .... ... <br />~ adt~` to a ~stats(: malty -off 1 veal ~ili_~~y r~::F`eder~~ ~,_...... <br />lh~~~ ...,.,. -•-• .,- .•. .....-----••-- -~. . <br />,.` Check 13ox(ea) to i~te lsssi~. <br />(1) ~_If t~ tsax is ~, t .~ ba ~ ma:;mum limit on sly is the iatee+eat rate up or <br />clown. Tbe F~,'y Ram re€1 t$ ~ ~ ~, will be nc~ ~#~eed~ rate. <br />(_? ',..+.$ ~F bcsx ~ ~ tbe ~t rt°_- '.~°z I gas ah311 ;rot sae rye titan ,...--° - ,..-.,,.., <br />~-~' --~ - ~°_a ',iit86t ie~ i~at i ~~ 'a~iu~'' tis'rt ~ "' t~iS ............... ..... <br />P~~ on any Rate Change Date. <br />(4) [] If tbia bca[ is cbicitedr the interest rata that I pay abrli never be more than ....................~ <br />duruarg ttse pneiocl I !lava ray loan. <br />{6# ~ I! this boz is eked. the fnteresL rats that I pay shall never be leas turn .22.000---.-~ <br />during the period I hrve my loan. <br />{8) ~ I4 this. box is checkeel, tine principal and interest paym®at that I pay shah not increase more <br />than ..._...°----•------ pest on any Payarz~t Change Date. <br />(7} (~ If this box is dsecked, !~ principal and iatexeet pe3nu~ent that I pay shall not decrease more <br />tir~a .................... pariieprt uas any Payment c.arsassge Bets. <br />The t aas<ssatds will also change on Payment Change Dates o provided in the Note. <br />-~ vft~ titan iatt~rest rate tds~gee andjor Cary be subject to ts=rtrsia <br />lisaitatsada irr the~ote, rnontlsly is Hsay be ineutRcieat at times to p~} ascr~ung <br />~t ~aaae. sigapard intaree~t is added to~s~pal balance of tFw Note red itralf wiU aoesuo <br />l._._ <br />_.P,1 <br /> <br />