,i'1'A't'L'' Ui' a'4J~3KANifS-A: tAnaty o# ._ .................................._................:
<br />I'iied for z~ord and eat¢zed is H~eriaai index on
<br />........................................ at ................ o'eloek ................ SL,
<br />sad re~:orded in 14£ortgage 1"teteeord ......_ ................. rage ........................
<br />............................................................ I§y .......,............................,.......................
<br />Cpurtty Gierk or lleputy County G;erk or
<br />Aegi::ter of Deeds Depaty Register of Deeds
<br />~I. ~'R~~EI~'I' MORT~~G`rE
<br />Marvin R. Decker and Sally K. Decker,
<br />joint tenants actin ointl and sev rally
<br />$ j Y ,~erem c~-led the mortgagor whether onP or more,
<br />in consideration of THIRTY-EIGHT THOUSAND Ai7D NOJ100 DOLLARS ($35,000.00)
<br />received from mortgagee, does mortgage to El^ora Bremer the following described property:
<br />Part of what was formerly Black Six (6) of South Grand Ssland of Part of the Northwest
<br />Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE1'~NW3t) of Section 22, Township 1.1 North, Range 9
<br />West of the 6th P.M., hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />Hegitming at a point on the southeast corner of said Block Six (6} running thence
<br />Northerly Sixty-Sias (66) feet parallel with the west line of said block, running thence
<br />Westerly pee Hundred Thirty-Twa (132} feet parallel with the South boundary line of said
<br />block, thence Southerly Sixty-Six (66) feet parallel with the east boundary line o£ said
<br />block, thence Easterly tine hundred Thirty-Two (132) feet parallel with the North boundary
<br />lice ofa~i~e -tdrhRg~$or t~~1~~rebyf c~~~iin~iw~th the mortgagee and with mortgagee's heirs and
<br />assigns that mortgagor is lawfully aeiseci of said premieea, that they are free from encumbrance, that
<br />mortgagor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same, and that mortgagor warrants and
<br />will defend the title to said premises against the Lawful claims oP all persona whomsoever.
<br />This mortgage is given to secure the payment of the promissory note of this date made by
<br />mortgagor for ~c3$,000.00 parable in 36 installments in accordance with
<br />said Note of this date.
<br />~lorigagur shall pay al! tarry and asaeasmeuta lcrie:l upon snit real property and ail ether tazea
<br />levied oFt this mortgage or the note which this mortgage is given to secure before the same become delin-
<br />ytlettt nnri silatt neaintain fire, kinds#nrtna auil extended coverage iluiurnuce mitt: a mortgage clause ou
<br />the bttildiuga on said premises in the sum of i3$ , 000 .0~0 If mortgagor fails to pay' such taxes
<br />and aaseeanuents or pnrcure such insurance, nrortgagrr ma}• pay snail Lazes and purchase such insurance
<br />and ttt.~ au.;rt.rt so advanced with interest at atiu« prr:~enL ;.er annum shall be secured by this Iatortgage.
<br />Itt ci:~e c: ct~.a::lt i== the i;ay:,.e..= ctf the P= pal x„t s -. „- installment ttEerearf nr of atry interest
<br />tltar~on trhen the- 4atue shall become dne nr i=: ear of the rims-payment of aaty taxes or asseaamenta ur of
<br />reef. fa;r,,e ~~ ..:a..:~o.u ,.:.,::.a..~_ .... !ir.rin .-° •°.._,l_ €:.urtgsg~u :nuy at the optint= of utortKagee, wiLh-
<br />oui notice, sat anv{titt+e curing:the rvn~...I.a~..- ~f „vh slFfault c:r breach, d$cla:•e tht? t.•hnl debt sgce3re~1
<br />b_y this mortgage to he traitiiedtatr-ly° sue altd payable and may for>:eloae this mor:grga.
<br />In the event of default itr the periormanee of :rtt}• -`sf the terms and condiiiufos isf lisle ==.:-rig;=so v-
<br />the sole secured by it, itle nr;;rtgag~ }hall -w r:Ititieai to imzncdiate {ms-~us.;ion of the property above dc-
<br />seribed and ail the recta, ravenlre aatd ineolna~ derived therr~frnnl during such time as the mortgage in-
<br />dcbtedneaa remains unpaid shall be applied by the mortgagee to the payment of the note and all other
<br />aunts st<cured hereby after dcdncEiole of any nec:essar}• cost:: of collretiou.
<br />Dated
<br />19 81
<br />l`Fsil~ 0~ hiRBiicihfitl, l'ounty i>f ..- ...~""~-...
<br />Sally"TC°"' iecker
<br />13efrrre me, a noUtry public qualified far sari county, pcrsnnelly cauu•
<br />lYlarv~n R, Derrker and Sally K. De~:ker
<br />known to ate to be the identical person or persons rvhu r;igned the
<br />foregoing inatrttment and acknowledged the execution ~ereof to he his,
<br />her or their volttntary set and deed.
<br />'~1Titneaa my hand n {i noiariai seal _..._ ~../ ©~r~~ ...... . ......
<br />~±M .....~.. / . ............... lV'utary Public
<br />~~~ _
<br />~~ Mg4 Iri ~ c~lautiaaion expires .~( ...~~...'~....~ ~...~",._. 19 ~ ~ ~..
<br />- - _ :..t E.y 't,•irrxs~rx 4r~e., ll~-ir"`~w~.r~ i~si~,~:, F.iu,sillra:'. .K.. ..~~sw, x:tiz.
<br />. ........ ..... „;;l,r..- -- n --
<br />