~Z-~ t)ii=~c~ ~ :~
<br />=:';3. The mortgagor covrsnattta ~a~°aitr+~s teat if he sha4! ffaii't to pay said in+felxtrdne:e ur an} partthrrrol' when
<br />d~a; rr shalt fait to perforerc any t~venant or agreement o€ thi[ instrument or the promieson note errurrd hereby, +'--'~
<br />etre indelnedtitss hereby secured shall immediately beaatrr~dur• payable, an4l collectilste without notice, at the
<br />:.~ ttte mortgagee or assigns, regardteae of maturity, and.-the mortgagee or hie a~igne may before or after earn
<br />sets:aai+d property without appraieement t the mortgagor having waived and aseiKnrd to the mortgagee all rights nt
<br />ap~airemettt }
<br />E t } at judicial rate pur>3uarct to the provieimts of ~ U.S.t;. 2(Nil ~ a i : or
<br />{u} at the optiae of the mortgap~ either by auction or by solicitation of eeaied bide, (or the highest ant!
<br />best bad aa3ttplying frith the terms of sale and manner of payment specified in the published notice of ease, fleet
<br />giving tour wr~kd notice of the time, trans. and place of xuch sale, ht a+iv+•rti.rment not le>. t+un unrc
<br />detrittay each of said font weeks in a newspaper published or distributed in the cauaty itt which said property
<br />ie situated, all other notice being hereby waived by the mortgagor {and said mortgagee, or any person tw
<br />behalf of said mortgagee, may bid with the unpaid indebtedness evidenced by said note). Said Bale shalt Ile
<br />held at ar on the property to be sold or at the Federal, county, or city rouethouse for the county in which the
<br />property is located.l'he mortgagee is hereby authorised to execute for and on behalf of the mortgagor and to
<br />dttiYer to the purchaser at st~6 sate a sug'icient conveyance of said property, which conveyance shalt contain
<br />rteittits eo to -the happsaing of the default upon which the execution of the power of sale herein granted
<br />depeetk; and iht said mortgagor hereby conetitutat and appoints the mortgagee or any ageet or attorney of the
<br />tortgagee, the egret and attorney in fact of said mortgagor to make such recitals and to exeeutt said
<br />canrey~ro and hereby cotleninb and agrees that the recitals sa made shalt be rSectual to bar all equity or
<br />right°-o{ redemption, bowrestead, dower, and sit other exemptions of the nrurtgsgar, ull of which are hereby
<br />esprmarly iraived sad conveyed to-the tnart}ta ,pre: or
<br />{!tit tells any other appropriate action pursuant to state or F'rderal statute either in state ur F'edrral
<br />csruri ar otherwise for the diepoeition of the property.
<br />Ia -tLe eveet of a aaL v here3nbetore provided.. the mortgagor or any peraoea in poeaersion trader the tnosK
<br />gagor shalt then beennte and he tettaats hokiling over and shall forthwith deliver pcu+ressiou to the purchaser ut
<br />such watt nr be summarity+divposse~nd, in aeeordartre with the prttviaions of law applieahle to tenants haldin¢ over.
<br />The Po"t~ awd agency hetebp Kranted are coupled with an interest and are irrrvoeable by death or uthrrwisr, and
<br />are granted as cumulative to the remedir3 for eallection of sairi indebtedness providrat hp law.
<br />4. '[7~ pra~#s of any sah: of said property is atretdance with tht pretediot; par~alT~ shall be applied fits!
<br />to pay the carte aed ettfteansea of said sale, the exptmses itrcurred hr the atortg+tgee (ar the perrpose of protteting or main,
<br />tainiag said property, std r+raeuaelrle atto[neYS' fay; s~vsrdty, to pay the ienlrbtrdrre~ so€tarrd herein ;and thirdly,
<br />to pay any surplus ar eaaaso eu tlrr person ur persona Dally outfit-' tlter£to.
<br />5>_ It& Asa s aa~ paeriY is aald ai a jnditdal [~ ~ l:antrs utlt or ptrnuaAi to the powv ati pia tar~rt~wb°~t
<br />_~_de_a_~ ~4tta b. t~T ;~etti and evitknced key
<br />graft +E@~ t~R pr~aui arm urn Rw~i2n: t0 pS ti^..-. `ems:=- s ~x,~_-_- _ - _ ;
<br />~~; .~ -u~,~~ ° wilt t~ ate:tit ~ . dR~.~::Hey judmrtnt tot iht amoewt of ttte de~tcieney urit»otts
<br />_~
<br />6. L the evrrct the tuorlgattor faits to pay any Faderat, state, ur Incal tax aa.eswtreut, iuconae wz ar utitee tax
<br />tom, ~atga. frt. or athtsr tapenae chargtd ag:irat the proptrty ttte msrt~ges u+ hereby authorised at ttir uptiotr to
<br />pay LM sates Aay stuns so paid by tht ,rtortgagee shaq be addtd to and become s part of the principal antaunt of the
<br />~s evide~cad by saiel note, ,abject to the same tertws and conditions. if ttta mortgagor shalt pay urd
<br />direhat~e tree ~ evidenced by scut pxomtasory note, and shall pay each rams and shall discharge alt
<br />it~r~ tli~!r ~rf ~ t fete, aed etutrrras of makieg, eaioreing, and ettecWitti this mortgage, then ibis ttwrtgage
<br />+6ta1#'ba awsorld aed rarrawdaeed.
<br />?. '1`ha ~n cartts~i shall bird ash ilrt benefits and ad+antaKra alrall irurre to the rrrl.erti~e .ut-
<br />ettster~a sxtd at~ii~+ss n[ dte p>ulint hereon. ~tttrAwer used. the singular Artmber shalt include the plural, the phtrrl the
<br />s1t~+rRuk, aoi tM unt of ~y (t~rr ahutll isalwde alt ~asdtrrF•
<br />az~ ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ ~ of this ~4icrte secured l~re4 .halt at an< tirr~a° t#ses.-altrr l~ !eels!
<br />to be a walwtt of the trrttu hatraof or of tbt Hate stcttred heroby.
<br />ITl jer114t#,-t duere~r. order, or judgaaeat holding arty proviaiwt ur puttisrit ni the tnstruweut uwahd ur uucu•
<br />~sll AtK l~ aA~r espy ~r ar prrctudt ibe entorci of the rasrnaiein>i prasisicsns :3r lwxrtiong of this
<br />itlq~7ttttt -
<br />,._,#t~ >~ tagt~a.i+r lit i tpm.~ea tnerigogr-r put~ata~s~t to tba Pr'oviaicns of this itutrus~tt shall ba ad•
<br />~ttlw..ea, X142 l<ibty Lane: earl lalaad, 2fS b8&lit
<br />a~ say 4*rttt#~ t to br issnsd to tht trwrtgagur shall
<br />• is ~ io the at }+,fi. gox I5Zb7. Grand leiar+rt, t;ei~raakn haitiiZ
<br />P n}~ •'ftdH. @ra fdt±t3
<br />