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<br />Safd ~' ante was given to sectere a loan in which the Sma}} Butcinesa Administration, an agency ctf the <br />'€inited Mates of rimerux, has purtiefpated. Ia camp}lance with reetioh }tii.l {d;i of the Mules and Rego}a2n.;.= ~ of <br />the Smxfl Btesinws Adminfatratioa ,13 C.F.R. 241. } f d t ], this instrument is to be construed and enforced is aceord- <br />atrse -at~sialitalrls F~xal law, <br />i. The mortgagor ~mtwas and agrtz+e as follows: <br />®, ~c wift prtnteptly nay the iadrbtedtteas evidenced by said pr~etrtissory note at the titaes and in the <br />tstatattes tbet*t,~t provided. <br />8: He gill-pay alf ta:w, sesxsetaenm, water rafts, and other goverrssineatal or mttrueipai cttarge>., fines, or <br />imptarititma, for which ptYtvittton has not been made hereinbefttre, and will promptly del}vet the of8ciai r~e.-alga <br />titerefer to the said mntr4gagee. <br />e. He -will pay ruck ezpenaes and feet as may 6e incurred in the protection and maintenance of acid <br />property, including the fees of any attorney emp}oyed by the mortgagee for the collection of any or all of <br />tits iadebttaftteatt hereby sectZrrd, or foree}oaorr, }sv mortgagn~'r: Hale, or ronrt proceedings, ar in any other <br />titigstiott rn psoetx~iag affet±tinR xaid peopnsty. Attornev>s fern reasanahly inrurrrd in am other wav sha}} ~ <br />paid 6y the mortgagor. <br />d. For Metter security of the indehtcdness hereby ,erurrd, rapntt the rcqurat of fire mortgagor., its <br />aucreasors or aaaign0. hr shall execute and deliver a supplemental mnrtt;agr or rnnrtFages rovrring any <br />adrlitiaas, impravementa, or hreterntrntP made to the property hrreinabusr Jrrerihed and all property <br />acquired by it after the date hrrruf ~ all in fnrnt ~atiafachtrc to mortgagee ~. Fttrthrnunre, should mortgagor <br />[ail to rare any default in the paymrnt of a prior or inferior rncumhr:uur nn the property described by <br />this instrument, mortgagor heeebv agrees to permit mnrtgager to rote .•uch drfaalt. hn[ mortgagee i. not <br />ab}igated to do ~o: and such advanrr ,hall become par( of the indrhtrrlnr-- •r~•urrd by this inFtnrmrnt, <br />:.object to the santc terms and eonditiun+. <br />.•. The rights created Lc this cnnveyanre shall rrntain in full !ores and r}iect during mr~ postpwrrotrnt <br />or rxtenaion of the time of the paymrnt of the iudrhtednrss rvidrnced Irv paid pnnnix~ttrp note or any part <br />iherersf seertrred heretic. <br />J. He will rontinuoualy maintain haxitd insurance, of stsch type or types aad in such rtaouau w the <br />mortgagee tnay from tints to time require uts the intprovemens:< nuts or her:•after un .ei~l pea}errty, au+l <br />will pay promptly when due any premiums therefor. AI} ituurance shall 6e tarried in rompania accepuble <br />to mortgagee and 4fne po}icier and renewals thertnf shall be held by mortgagee and have attached thereto <br />lttr payable clauen in favor u[ and in form acceptable to the mortgagor. }n event of lost, moreXagor wi}I give <br />imstediate notice in writing to martgager, sad mortgagee may make proof of loss if not made promptly by <br />mortgagor, and each inatuanee rampant' coacerne+i is hereby authorised and directed to stake payment for such <br />low dire~tiy to mortgagee }wtead of to mortgagor attd mortgagra jointly, and the insurance proceeds or any <br />part therrdtf, may be applitti by mortgagee at its uptioa richer to the. reduction of the indebtednew Marshy <br />racured or to the reatoratitra or repair of the property damaged or +iratroged, to cvrht ni fosse}orate of this <br />mortgage, or other transfer of title to acid property in a:tinguiabment of the indchtedness secured hereby, al} <br />right, title, and intrreat of the mortgagor m atad to ant insurance policies then is force sha}} pan to the <br />pure}taacr ~t tndtrtgagr~ ,+r, at t}tr t=pti€ut ._.:a>r- rnurtg~grs•, tseac IK• .ttrr«t+.lrra-rl f++r . rrfuteil. <br />g. lit= will keep a1} }tai}diaga and other tntpruvrments oft Asir! Irrxsltrrtt in gout} repair acrd ruttditiati: <br />will prrrnii, rontntit, or roger rto wears, }mpairntettt, rleterittrari€ttt of set«i pr+st~rts or anv pert ilter>3<tf; <br />in tfu crest of faifurs• :n[ iha t3usrlgagar [n (seefa the ituilding: nu ~;titl pretttirrs anti t}t+snr ereetetl on sai+i <br />}trcntiaea, or impruveutenta thereon, in gwxl repair, the rnarsgagre rosy tnnl.r anch rrpuirs a- ire its discretion <br />it stay dorm nrcrswn for the proper prrsrrvatiuu thrreof::uttt the full amount of cacti an.l terra +och <br />}wymettt sha}) ba imawrdiately ~tur and payable: and .hall he serurrd by rite lien of thin mortgage. <br />[<. He will Hat valuntarity rseate or perm}t to be a•rcated rgaittrt the property subject to this mortgage say <br />}ira or }lens inferior or superior to the lien of this moctRage without the written cutteent of the enotigageE: and <br />(earl}ter, t}tat hr aifl itre}, and enarntaitt the wart }ere fntur tlrr c{aitu tit all l.r•r~unr srytp})lug labor or <br />ttwteriala fart roantt9action +tf asp scut allt 6uileliwtta. nr itetitruteur~vttr crass !x•itr>; errrletl nr Iu hr rrectMl oft <br />tatgi grearafret.. <br />i. }in will nut rent is ar~ign ant pert of the rrttt u( .aid mnrtgagr<f prupr its or drmotish, ur rratut r, <br />ar suiaatatrtially a}err eni hnilding S4NIwut the wri tarn rstiseett of tlse nuutgagre_ <br />j., Ali -tt(tltt'ria a( datigigea is eoeacctiten with-say cnutiemttalian for pub}}r tr,:r vi' nr iujun tat any of t1x• <br />}sraprrty rnbjeet to this ntotigagr ere nrrrhv asaigrrrd and "}tall be paid to ururtgagttas who may apply iha <br />rat33~ lit }tai (itc{tt nt tti(i inrtatlnii'ititi I,~at ii tie under rani tints, lit.1 3tli)rt~a~fi°t' i~ ht'rrhi sill}inEiiEd, in inf' <br />.e ~ user ~e~tr; t+a t~rt:ta acrd deliver vs}it! aryWsi!ans~ra i}trrruf an:! t.+ ap}e-al trtt::s stet' =ti=_•h aware!. <br />~,, i irtu~?rtgatt clot!! birve tl~ rittht tea itwpcet the ut+trittuttc+} pretui.a•F at att4 reasieua flute. <br />' #: Y~fa+tit ~1tt ttP `t14t torgb ar cadisditions of thin iltstlroatent tar of the note ur loan aKreerneat secured <br />shall tertairagtc ilae raot~agoi s right to pctwersioa, stag, and cajosment of the peoprrty, at the option of the <br />ar }tin ititit rit baittg sptreed that she mortgaltor shall hs+r. curb rigftt until default). 1'pon any such <br />dtt~su!#, the rnortgaltec :Ira}} beretme the ttwtetyt.>--ii #~} rants sad profits accruing after deitult as security <br />fit- tips ind~}I-tsv3At+irtr rgrYtrad hereltlF, with ~pt,rl~;ES,+wt' ..~¢ property fns the pisrpwr of col}erring such <br />rants and profits. '('his iartrttmant rltall +eg6itritrt~ i1t'aA't of ltriy retetals oft rgial prgperiy to that rxetnt. <br />S-fl.x af,. K24 `-a~e94 <br />