~~.-- 1~U49~
<br />tirc °„.E,a stctsrstl in/ th13 Deed of Ttvst shall corttirttte 'unimpaired. Upon such payment and cure by Borrower, this Deed of
<br />Trust attti tltig oldi~6ittis secured °tiai`eiiy s~sit remain in full force and effect as rf no acceleration had occurred.
<br />~ t ~;- ' a4' RitseWet; itader le Putt. As addi4ianal security hereunder, 1~-~rrowves
<br />hereby aaaisns to L.mrier tine rents of rise Pretticrty, prirvided that Harrower- shah, prier €o acceleration utx#e[ paragra `~ ? 8
<br />hereof of abatttfo±irtrertt of'tiut Property, hs~ the- right to calker and retain such rents as they become due and payable.
<br />srte'ecrstian undue pattapSs i8 h~f or aban~doitnten! of the Property. Lender, ~n person, by agent or by
<br />' ` `~a~oiMed recaivei; sttatf ~t3itled to etttcr uprnt, -take fart of-and :rranage rho- Property and to calker the
<br />tt~t€a of tiltpruperty inrg those'paat due.- Ali-rcitts colietted y Lender or the rxeiver shall be applied first to payment
<br />of t~ ~za ~ rtta+•agetHCytt of ;he piopeity and collection ©f rents, tnciudt`ng, but not limited to, receiver's few, premiums
<br />on reteivofis"bdnds aa~ rEaaottsttte-attrsrney's fees,- and ehm to the -sums secured bX -this Deed of Trust. Lender and the
<br />reciaa~r shcN be'fisbte to accotmroniy far-throe rents actually received.
<br />~1s .1L~artE>A#t~eieoea Uptm regt~eat of Horrower, Lender, at `i.ender's onion, prior to fart reconveyance of tfx Property
<br />!fy Try ny g~rrnver; map make Fatttme Advances to $orrower. Such t'uturc Advances, with interest thereon, shall 6e
<br />secreted by title D®ed af'T'tust when evitktteed by promissory Hard stating that said note arc secured hereby. At no time shall
<br />the principal aittottnt of thr indebtedness secured by this Deed of Ttvst, not including sums advanced in accordance herewith
<br />to peotect-tke-xetutitq~f this lt)eed of-Trost; ezoced-the original amount of the No[e p[us tJ5 S '0'_
<br />~, {,tpon payment of alt sums secured by this Deed of Trt~t, Lender shall request Trustee to retonvey
<br />ttte'Prstparty artd shalt surrender thta L>ertsd of Ttttst and a!1 notes evidencing indebtedness secured 6y this Deed of Trust
<br />to Trustes. Truahx shall rtconvey the Properly without warranty and without charge to the persist: or parsons legally
<br />eMitkd thereto. Such partcetor persons shah pay sit cosec of retardstmn, if any.
<br />23. SriWltaat: Tntgee. Lender, at Lender's option, may from tune to timt remove Trustee and a nt a sttcceswr
<br />Ertratee ttt arty Trustee a red herettndec by an instrvmmt r~orded in the county in which this ~ of Trust is recortftd-
<br />Nrithtwt conveyance of~Pnopeny, rite strccessor trtestee xhall succeed to ail the title, paver and duties conferred apart
<br />rite Ttvpte ta~+ein and by apptitabk taw.
<br />34 tatr 3Wtltea. Borrower requests that copies of the notice of defsutt and notice of sale be ant to i3ortnwer s
<br />addrps vvtdeit is the PraPMY Addn~.
<br />IN NIiTAtErS WNEttEOF, Borrower ltas txecuttd this Deed of Trust.
<br />FIRST STREET RENTAL, a Nebraska Parinershlp
<br />Ken h W. Staab, partner -mow
<br />~.s . ~: ~_:'ref ~`~"`
<br />Terry. SehtgY~lt, Partner --~r~
<br />SrxrE sit= Nfti~u&Yi-, ..... , . , .... Ha).) .................'.'~ .......Cwiffiy uc
<br />On this ....... ~ ~' ~?`:... day of ...54t?t$!~?~ r .... i 4 . $ ~. , before me, the utttiersigttcd, a Notary Public
<br />tltdy. anal gtt>ili&d for said county. Personally mate.. Kent~th .kl.. Si:,a,atA .and. Tagry..SCb~t}d~.
<br />. d/h~a.E11RSfi.STRfET. RIrFITAL,. a. Ntsttraska. PartnetsbiP. -..-.-.', -....... to ten ktta+rrt to be the
<br />i pttst~(s} whose tta~4s) art ittbscribec3 to rite foregoing insttvmsat attd acknowledged the execution
<br />tltsseof tolre. , ..eM-i r..... , .vdtttMary act and died.
<br />.... . ~.~-.ran? ..~r~...~ .............. in said county, the
<br />Witz>asa my hart ~:-'.°'.oo~.... ..... .
<br />date atore~id.
<br />My C.ai~aissioa e ..... f `'`,.`~'..,?li /:~$...- .. . ..................... .
<br />riOtarY Public
<br />R;E4}i)FS~fi FQR RE~(?NVEYAN~E
<br />Ta Tt":~.:
<br />- _-- __ - _ _ - __ .t - ,e., th' nr ~~.r ~~. n nS tSQS~?: tither -
<br />` - i N i:-iiwita+~#w i~ t, :'37:s~: =tf iirs~ x~-~c s'~it~s:, _'~~tU" ~~' _~" v- - _
<br />. ,u ,..i....,.t~h...a..K -~,.~ ~ ehi4 Oe~! of Tru-~' ha±tc been P~ is full, yYat- act hereby ditGCitd fo cattt:el
<br />-- - --- - a,~ ~4' ~-t~ttrk Ilsesi tt[ Tt?a~ whish_acc tieli+!ersd lersb~r.- attd to rtconvty, without warranty, all tht
<br />e1#at8 ttl+vr ltoid by you t-t+d~ t1~ Dttetf of fitytst to the person ~ pexsorts lt6aliy entit~d thereto.
<br />s.
<br />I> ............................ ......................................,............,..
<br />(apace tHNCW tills lWN RaBarya6 ror Undtrr and Rscaedar!
<br />- - ~t.rt1..._.sai~ e~.a~... n,o,.t,r.....« srt5*
<br />8tY AJei i~ E~Qiitt-A S,iIy~RAG Vii~c3~1ARi€ylriti l.cl~IR.. aye aw c.a.+a. swy+;.+j..+ .v+.
<br />