<br />~~ ~~~~ 6
<br />remove, clear, and keep clear trees, bushes, hedges: Undergrowth, and ottaer
<br />obstructions interfering with the surveyir_g, construction, inspection, maintenance,
<br />repair, replacement, extension, removal, or operatio-s of such utilities. No
<br />structures, buildings, fences, or ocher obstructions of any kind whatsoever,
<br />shall be allowed in, upon, above, along, across, underneath, or through the
<br />easement herein granted.
<br />Grantor and Grantee agree that Grantor shall have the right to pave over
<br />the easement area, and use the easement area for parking and ingress and
<br />egress, provided, if Grantee needs to construct, inspect, maintain, repair,
<br />replace, extend, remove, or operate anything within such easement, the cost of
<br />removal and repair of any paving placed over such easement shall be paid by
<br />the Grantor.
<br />All electric utility lines, cables, terminals, transformers, surface
<br />mar'ser-s, and oti,er appurtcnaraces cvuaacctgd tk:erWith, placed in, upo::, abo.,e,
<br />along, across, underneath, and through such easement shall remain the property
<br />of the Grantee, sad may be removed or replaced at say time.
<br />The Grantor, for itself, its heirs, successors, and assigns, hereby
<br />covenants that the rights and privileges herein granted shall run with the
<br />title to such tract of land and shall be binding upon the Grantor, its heirs,
<br />successors, and asysi~gns.
<br />DaCed, 1 a ~V_1~rs> n , ~ ~ `"~_
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<br />Raymond T. Lassonde",~~ Husband,
<br />E. Merles Lassonde, Wife.
<br />~t
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<br />