<br />t
<br />~ ~. ~°d'.~~Nr~o~ 4 Sri. • of the ittdelst~ntss hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee. its successors
<br />ar aas}gtts;, mortgagor saal[ exeeurt and deliver a supptert=.tntal mortgage or mortgages covering any additions,
<br />iapravtntt~.ts, or b€±ttsrtnettts made to tht property heseinabove described and art property acquired ny it after
<br />the dart hereof tail in form saris€~taey to mortgagee). Futhermore, shooed mortgagor fail to cure any default
<br />in rite payment of a prior or inferior ~-amt;rattce on the prapesty descri'~d by this instrument, mortgagor here-
<br />by agrees to pexmit mortgagee to cure such default, but morgagee is not obligated to do sa; and such advances
<br />shall b~ecartte part of the indebtedness secreted by this instrument, subject to [fie same terms and conditions.
<br />e. 7`ht rights creaitx! by thin conveyance shalt rentain in full force and effect during any postponement or
<br />exfansiort of the time of the payttteat of rte indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note or notes, or any
<br />part thereof secured ttt•re y.
<br />f. To continuously maintain hazard insurance, of sorb type or types and in such amounts as the mortgagee
<br />may from time to tirnt require an the improvements now or hereafter on said property, and will pay Rrompdy
<br />whtst dot any premiums therefor. Ail insurance shall be carried in companies acceptable to mortgagee and the
<br />policies sad renewals ehtreof shah be held by mortgagee and have attached thereto loss payable clauses in favor
<br />of and in form acxtptabte to rite mortgages. In event of loss, mortgagor wrll give immediate notice in writing
<br />to mortgagee, seed mortgagee tray make proof of lass if not madt promptly by mortgagor, and each insurance
<br />company cant'trned is htrtby authorized and dirxted to make payment for such loss directly to mortgagee
<br />instead of to mortgagor and mortgagee jointly, and the insurance proceeds, or any part thereof, maY be applied
<br />try rnortgagte at its option either to tht reduction of the indebtedness hereby secured or to the restoration or
<br />repair of the property damaged ar destroyed. In evert[ of foreclosure of this mortgage, nr other transfer of title
<br />to said p:optrty in extinguishment of the indebtedness secured hereby, ail right, title, and interest of the
<br />mortgagor in and to any insurance policies then in force shall pass to the purchaser or mortgagee or, at the
<br />aFKion of the maregaga, tttay bt surrendered far a refund.
<br />g, Ta'ketp all buiidittgs and other improvements on said property in good repair and condition; to
<br />prrratit, catrtmit, or suffer na waste, impairment, deterioration of said property ar any part thaeof: in the event
<br />_e .. LY,. .t... 4,..:u:.,ar .. =s:d „ end e6ric. nr..rtwd nn laid nremisei [tr
<br />i3Z f937E1R Cyr lI.F o.w Ggay,vr wccy , aru.,,+.,,pa v.. .~... E.r.~.ttt.~ o.... ...-.o~ _.~ .-__ __ __--- __
<br />irtrptuvtrttortts thereon, in good repair,,the mortgagee may make such repairs as in its discretion it may deem
<br />tttetssary fear the proper prestrvatinn thereof; and the fait amount of each and rvery such paYmtnt sham be
<br />itBmtdiauiy dot seed p~yabie; and shalt be sec-ured by the Lein of this mortgage.
<br />h. To not voluntasity create or permit to bs created against the property subject to this mortgage any lien
<br />ar liens inferior to tit[ lien of this mortgage without written consent a€ the mortgagee: and father, that mort-
<br />gagor viii keep and maintain the same Errs from the claim of all persons supplying labor err materials for rnn-
<br />strw-tiort of any and art tsuiidings or improventtnis now acing erected or to Ise erected on said premises.
<br />i. 'fo oat rent or assign any Rant of the rent of ;aid mortgaged property ar demolish, or remove, ar
<br />subs.~antisily slur a.~y auildit~ without rtes written sansent of the mongagst.
<br />j. AlT wards of i,= L~-t~tt:,n 4:ttt ».~y cttrtc•'~ssr°tian for paialic u~ of cxrnjury tit arty of tits
<br />Y sti~rj€~'t to this c ~~ ~r€~~ i ._ '; °~i' ~ ~~ .~ r~'rt~, ~'?'~ „""t$ny n~nlq rhz s~+rtt to
<br />paytttrnt of the instal~ntrttes last due uttdtr saki nee, seed eaortga$rt is hereby authariatd, in the [tame of the
<br />,~ ~5~, .o ~~w..~ a,,.~ °,.'~',:~, -t -.;ass::w t~rnf _~_ :=t aFl from arty std award<
<br />k. iltt rrtortgagtr shah hays: tip rig.::[ to :r~p+sz t~ ::.o:ta,a~ f:=sue at a.~ f t'~~*.,ab.e t.~^.
<br />3. Ta :,`CSnidy x~R €?~ ptgvisiOns of dny it ttti>E +~origa~r 3s ~ a `s~sviz~. if F~ ~:ea.=.- z,
<br />tetrit in a condominium ar a planned unit dtvelatuttent, Borrower shall perform all of Harrower's obligations
<br />tsnde+r the dtrlaratian or c:aaeeants crear~ag ar gaverttitt= the condatnittittm ar plart»ed unit dtveiastrteni,tlx
<br />by-laws tend reguLttimta a€ the :~rdommium ar p#attneil unit dtvdopexrtt, oral rnrotituent drxuments.
<br />L t5e€tuit in any a€ the cavdwnts or cortditiars;r at this imtrurtxnt ar of tits note ar loan agttnten[ secvreri huebY
<br />steal! termit~tt ttvt ttmrt's right to Rte, rtes, and tnjayrttmt of iht property, at the o#>tiart o€ the
<br />~ as~igm tit lr+e~rtg agrtad that tiu rttg~ar shall have such right until default). Upon arty such
<br />de€sttlt, the tnortgaaet ~shail become tits sworn of all at' the rents and profits securing after default as security for
<br />the iatde~ttdrtoau scwtitraM hereify, with the right to enter upon said property far the purptsse of cotltctirt; such
<br />tenet; steel profess. 'i'bis irestrumast shall operate as an asstt;rwttttt of any rtntalt can said property to that etctertt.
<br />iF. it tloa ~ dofautts, rind tails to ~e auY paptttents when dot or to ctmform to oral comply with any caf
<br />tteoe ~ ar rantaiaed in this ~ ar the tracts which it sacuros, thin the entire pmiintipal
<br />t sad at~tttad itat steal! at awe btcoere due and payaWo. atad draw *.~~.,,.. per ant t.lb.tl.'~•l intent
<br />_- --- iuitli p~ at the etittte of the t seal thh mscutgrtge may thors~tpon be tart~it ittttttately
<br />f~ € w of t ttertay st~ttrt+i, itseitrtiir~ tier cost of ~icrr° g the ab:tra;-t a€ title tr,n:t i:~
<br />r ftf thin [ttcsrtc t>3 rho riots of ~etg sttCit suit. * 5f XLt~ft
<br />i. la.tlae evsttt td' a fwadoattrt tar ds€adt as ~ harei», the rttertgwYee stall at attce tss entitled to the pas-
<br />- , r ~r±t of tf~ tool estate a€ar~aid and to the rent, isstets, royalties, anti pro€its titrtrr~tf,
<br />tl'ta ~ ~ sus'.h rights .[tad durin~t rho psnd~tC7r of foreclosure praixtdinge arnd such priasessians, etc.,
<br />stlglil ~ oai~ br de~ivtt+Dd to rtes ~ uPrm re~tust. apart fai~tre sett tkskivtry of such passsssiart teary tr€
<br />~!` ~ ' t ia'i+ its a rseeiver far ilea ixoprErty•
<br />9. `Ytm ~taraaads ~ stein >r•~ of ruttt~tty in ~ wine [tae prs~dicy paragraphs >hall tee appiic.€ first [o
<br />- .--.. t.n :,r.:: .,f ~ t~ .n., ~, t±±s rt~rsee fc_rr ti±t purpr~€ of nrateftina c}r
<br />,~~, ..~ o ~~.~~ ~ to t>~ _ ttY; a~ titirdiy, to pay any stttplus ur
<br />s;~,~~ crf t~ €:~ p~ ios'a tt~ectra. .
<br />