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.~~ <br /> <br />Ths mortgage made and entered into this 16~' _ day of -September <br />)9 Sl . by alai ~ A=*cita Ann Hansen, a single person <br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and Commercial National Bank and Trust Company <br />mortgagee), motto maintains an office and place of business at <br />Fiali County, Nclsraska. <br />424 W. 3rd <br />(hereinafter referred to as <br />. street =n Grand Island, <br />WtTNiFss~Ttt, that t'or the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknawiedged, the mortgagor <br />doors herelty mortgage, sell, grant, assign. and convey unto the mortgagee, its successors and assigns, all of the fol- <br />lowing deseriixri properly situated and being in the County of Hall <br />State of Nebraska. The Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter {NE#SW#) and the Northwest <br />Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NW#SE§) of Section Five (5), Township Ten (10) North, <br />gangs Ten (10) West cf the Sixth Principal Keridian, excep*. those portions known as <br />Saturn Street and Apalia Street, or any part of Argo Subdivision or Argo Fifth Subdivision, <br />acrordin9 to the plats of said Subdivisions on file in the office of Register of Deeds of <br />Hall County, Nebraska. And, The South half of the Southwest Quarter (S4SW#); the South <br />hal± of the Southeast Quarter (S[tS£#i, and the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter <br />(NE#SE#) oP Section Five (5), and the West Half of the Northwest Quarter (WNW#) of <br />Section Eight {S), all in Township Ten L.LO) North, gangs Ten ti0) West of the Sixth P.M., <br />excepting also certain tracts of ground mare particularly described in Warranty Deeds 165, <br />page 627; 165, page 6282 165 page 76; 156 page 268; 158 page 695; and Warranty tamed <br />Document No. 76-002733. All is recorded in the offiee of the ~gister of Deeds, Hall <br />r„4.~,-.,_ uot_,ra_QYa_ +tmis mortna_ae d__nes not cover: a tract. of Land cotttprising a part of the <br />NE#SW~, NW#SE#, SttSW#, S#SE# and NE#SE# of Section Five (5), Township Ten (10), North, <br />Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, mare particularly described <br />as fallaksz ~ginniny a:3 a t~ir:t 360 feat North of ±-he Southeast corner of Section Five <br />t5), thence Westerly parallel `c the South line of said section FiveiS) and along the North <br />.line of Argo Second and Tturd Subdivisions, a disiance of 2,65,,".03 Feet, to the Northwest <br />earner of Lot 11, Aryo Second '>ubdivision, thence Northerly along the West line of I,ot 11, <br />a distance 10 feet to the tdorrh,;ast corner of ;,at Five (5), Argo Second Subdivision, thence <br />Westerly along the worth line .~± r'+rgo Sec:and Subdivision and parallel to the South line of <br />said Section Fivo, a di~,tanc€ ~;. ,_'<4.°7 °a~c to LhM bast ?ins of Saturn Street, thence <br />Northerly slang the East, lute ^f Sat~~rn street, a distance of 827.53 f;:et, thence Easterly <br />parallel to t:~e "earth i;ne ref said Argo Second Subdivision a di-ra;:c~ :a: ':i~.=:7 _~et, <br />ti7enCe,; ._f .•.o .-., ~.+,., riu::l..g .1r3rt.l.'rl{ a_u.i; -.sue -a t :i.~^ o[ .S;o Fift,] <br />St~livision any uis ;izcs~ =x~1er=xdE3 ~-:~ tii~ .,ortn line :>f the ~:L:'.Sx:}i, <br />toestlur wish alt tht c-retments ar[di apt>urtertances thereto belonging, ail the rents, issues and pratits titercof, and alt <br />eatsttts, rights. rnva.#tits. trtincrai, ell and gas rights xnd profits. water, water rights, and water stock. and includityt <br />all Matting, plumbing, rofrigeratxm, lighting, rttuiprrttnt and ail fietures ei every de~cripnan t+eienging to the <br />t?ttlrtxtr3r ttx~w tx Mr~ft+rr atr~h~ rl~~: ter us€v' in ~:tnnE}..~ , ,with ;ht: pret~ti3~ herein d~ttrzhed ant itt iiitm <br />41lgEtV l-K IV3{V`I[~( itC2\.t 14.~.~J F`i ijp';riici ~+,,,~,, u, a° u„u ,,.o,• ~ s -s v.~r..w .a .•w ,+n. ~iw -a'+..w ai jm+`: i.. ..... .~..9Gj. w.r. <br />as cas-,n `~F t[~ ?~~ua " [~ i,~ ii"x 3s'~"ira~~_z i'~F... ,.Rt~'t (t t :...,-..~. !-trt~ ' ..~...o++~ s~ncx <br />To have afld to bald cite saint unto the 4iorigaYee, as herein provided: <br />Tim mortgagor is lawfully seized arxi poz~ssessed of and has the right to sell and convey saki property; thai thr` <br />same is free from alt encumbratnes except as hereinabovc recited; and that Mtxtgagar coverqutts eta watitt-nt ttzid <br />defend the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof against the claims of all persona vritofiasaever, <br />Phis instrufl~rst is given to ~cttrc the payment of a protrtissory note dated S ter~rar R$. ~ <br />in the prirn~ipal sum of 5..15~0~?t?.r.0~~.__._.__....__.__..__..~..rit{tted by _Anit:a Ante t~flttaan <br />itt behalf of ..__._._.__,.._.__.~tr.s?;~.._....~...___..... . -.....___ _ ---__...__ ~.~....._....__ <br />also, as sisc'.h a ~ a >.~y frtmt titrte €o titrse ttfi~d, rtt~wed or etttettded in writii~ <br />to the eveflt the title to saiai rani estate is transierrcd, ar contrit+;.ted to ha tratteftrrred, frpra the ~..~#Il~i<.~. ~_ ~•, <br />raettstut ~ by stay method whatx7ever, the efltire pritttdpal sum afld accrued iflit:resi shall ai oflix 4ttc~r d1e! ~ ~ <br />paytiFal+e at ties eitetiett of fife ttt7idrr hf, t'viirrte fa rrese ini;< trgticlrl C+t66Ciu df trfcr CFA ~ ~6WE iit•{R{ <br />iri, vt~e iei5iaia~ -3iwiril tts,t Cv'imuiiite a '~w.trr of ti3; f pct' i iu tia~rv~.~b~'slia nH.Tac i:i i`ua" ~cu~t a°a~ i{t'i,7 ~«Ci+~ s+Ct- r~ - <br />). The t~zvt aRd agrees as IgilOws; ;i - <br />~, ~' <br />a. T pt~ly pa}r the :t w~tar! ~rit#~ by saki prorttis~ry trots at Ettr titrpe~s alai it€ tl~ t <br />(~telfl pt!rnitied. <br />b. Tea psty ail tsatas. aaaessments, water rates. and ether goverrunental or municipal charge's, fitter, or <br />impx'sitiotts, for wisirh provision has nu been made herrsnbefore, and wilt prc2mptty driiver the atYiciat rew~eipty <br />teLor is t)at mid atrntgag~. <br />c: To pay ssx;h expenxt atnd t+e a may t4r irteurrtixi in ttsc prattsaiitn and rnaintettance tit ~ax~i l-r~~prrt~~. <br />itseitta Sisr iii tat GttY attotnrY emlv'tovcd t`=!~' the mrsrttaaee fat the .zsiteation .~f atts ur all of the i;sdebtctfnrss <br />heretxy secured. ter irtrz4.~ianurr by rtac~rtgagee`a pie. i,r scar: trro..°rrdina~. ,ar apt am .~tirc: i;:~i;otd,m :„ txacc~au,~ <br />artt~:tittg caixi prtatwtt~, <br />