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<br />Beginning at the northwest coraxer of said Section Eight i8); thence <br />Easterly alone the ussrth line of said Setticn Eighr {$), ~: ~tistance of <br />Utae Tho°,isa:td Three Hundred Nineteen and ti me Tenths (1,319.9} Feet, to <br />the cartaer ai said West Half of the Northwest Quarter 1W312 \67114); <br />tLaeracs° Southerly slang the East line of said West Half of the Northwest <br />Quarter CWi12 NWllb), a di5tanee of Four Hundred Fifty-eight (458.6) Feat; <br />thence Westerly pars?;1e3 to the North line of said Section Ei-ght ($), a <br />- distance of Two Hundred Thirty-six and Six Tenths (235.6) Faet; thence a <br />Se~utherly parallel to tlae Fast line of said West Half of the Northwest <br />quarter (W112 NW.114}, a distance of Thirty (30.0} Feet; thence Westerly <br />parallel tc thG ~dort'rt line of aasd Section Eight ($). a distance of Four <br />Hundred 'ltaentp--one and Fotar Tenths (421.4} Feet; thence Southerly parallel <br />to the East line of said West Half of the. Northwest Quarter (Wile NW114), <br />a distance of Five Hundred Eighteen ;and Fifty-five Hundredths (518.55) <br />Feet; ttaence Easterly parallel to the North line of said Section Eight <br />($), a distance of Si:t Hundred Fifty-eight (658.11) Feat, to the East line <br />of said West Half of the northwest Quarter (W1/2 NWlf4); thence Swtherly <br />along the East line of. said idest tLalf of the Northwest i}uarter (W112 NWll4) <br />a distance of Five Hundred ninety-eight and Twa Hundredths {598.02) Feet; <br />thence deflecting right 91444' sad running Westerly a distance of Tao <br />Hundred and Nine Hundredths (200.09} Feet; thence Soutterly parallel to <br />the East Ilne of said West Hali of the Yorthwest Quarter {W112 NW114), a <br />distance of Three Hundred Twenty-nine and Seventy-eight Hundredths (329.78) <br />Feet; thence deflecting left 90°00L rod manning Easterly a distance of <br />._l etF ,.F r1+~ <br />-L?!3e' ~t^neren tGUVx lSlj t'~eL, [-~L E4xF `L~:ast 1irLe L,i Sifiu e~cn L. LLUii va a.s.c <br />Northwest Quarter (W112 ~r'kl/4}; thence Southerly along the East line of <br />said West Half of else Northwest Quarter (W112 NW114), a distance of Seven <br />Hundred Three and 'twenty-taa~ Hundredths (703.22} Feet, to the Southeast <br />corner of said West Half of the Northwest Quarter (W112 NWli4); thence <br />Westerly along the South tine of said Northwest rjuarter (NW114), a distance <br />of Una Thousand Tszo Hundred Eighty-four and Seventy-rive Hundredths <br />(1,2$4.75) Fe+vt, to the Southwest cortxer of said Northwest t?uarce;°r <br />(NW114); thence Nareheriy along the West line of saki Seet.iun Aright (13}, <br />a distance of Twv "thousand Six Rundred Thirty-one and Yhirty-rwa Hundredths <br />(2,6"s'I. s'2) Feet co the place of neginr~irtm ,artd containing, 6`9.174 acres, <br />mere or less. <br />C$FTTIL+i+ 'TLLh:RiLFKl3lL tti~ :alL~twing :;as~enks :and filgttts of Lays: L1} <br />E?~c Tor : LSS7 uc E4;•_ __ ~?a„ ,;a tu,i 3L1_~ 11, ly"9, ane! res.ordad in lhta <br />Lxa._i vt.:s_ s i-c-~fa~~t ~. ~- ., s.~~ .... _ «.~.. .... . ,. -. ri§t !s__ Tu=tI}y ?:13 . ' l <br />~a~~'~.n%s aiaii ni.j5,hto vz ..ay clott*-`ai ij.r 21 -~1;> ,.3}, gar:d .-~~ord~d lit ;ham <br />Nall C:ounCY Lt~giQier c3 Lie t~c7r~ L~ i fie ati iirLi t:a+e:ii ~v. ~ ~ l;=:S %. ~..i <br />ivta. i+l-0x4114; (3'e Eatserat:ne anti IZi~iit o~- nay dated nisri,. ?0, 1481, ant.' <br />reec~rded in [Lae Halt t:ctutxty Ltegister of tieeda; Uft`ice. as Liocu~ent No. <br />81=004315, <br />~0 <br />A tract at` land tiaotprising a part of the West Half at` th+r SoutLtweat. <br />Quarter (Wl(`L sa.Li4) of :+ection 'r`iot: (ti}, Tcaa:nsftip 'i'ett (l0}, North, <br />image Ten (lii}, West of tLta 6ttr L'.!`t., irx tlasl i;eunty, Nehraraka, nture <br />n~srtlt~t~lt~r3.v deacrihed as tUliows: <br />he~le~iag }t tLat' suutLt~:ee,t ~'Uxiasvt _;f s.tLd _~te~ti~tLa L~'iuc (`i); thtaute <br />~Ls?xt:LirtYi~~ t.lcatag ILt;a W+'at LLn- .~t ~tz,t Sea:tiou 'r'iv€± i5), a die~tanca: LIY <br />C~cae TLicausand F.iF,hC Hundred :.iait~,•-fivt~ and Ninety-three Huudredths <br />>,1,8b5.33) Feet, Its the St~uthwast corner ti f. .irL;o Sutadivisiart; thcncc <br />masterly aluaag tLac south i,iaie e~ said ~rgt; SuLadivisit=n, a diatanLit? rst <br />~e'1`?aAd `ihree Liundred ~iit~+nLy°taa3e and EevcnHunsirc:dths (i,32i.ii) <br />ia~et tta the Waist: I#i~ rai Saturta Stre+~t; theni; Southerly along, the <br />i!7art line of said Saturn Street, a distance of tiix Hutadred L#inoty-one <br />- L~Licaet<u-swan Ht~ndradths (691.97) Fit, to th+z North line of t.ura:ar <br />tlareaaate„ t<h#ta~L Ii4~8ter lY ttlc~l3~ the i~i4rth li nr• oc saia 3.utaar r'avera>;e, ~t <br />distance of Fnur Hundred Ninety (#30.0) Feet; tha,nc<: deilarctfny~ Lezt <br />1#aE)9';30" and running St?utt~test,c*tly <iloaag t.Lte Nvrttaerly LLrte Ltt r:ald <br />