I,dA.~Ai~'TY Dl',ED L'am' j}~~ (~ f
<br />{}HCA~ G. l~i??EL~ER and G~~C~ E. itUFL~ ER, husband and c~ife,
<br />Grantor, whether one or more, ir. corsideratian of ;'linty-six
<br />'fh:~€~sand Thirty-ei~Eft Dollars ~ 55100 (~ 96,038,54 ?,
<br />receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, conveys to AidSTA ANN
<br />~iANSEN, i~rantee, the following described real estate (as de-
<br />fined in id€ab. rev. Stat. X76-201} in Hall County. Nebraska:
<br />The Narthc.ast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NEi;'4 SWI M;}, and
<br />the Northwest Quarter of r_tle Southeast quarter (NWll4 SEI/4}, of
<br />Section Five {5), Township Ten (lt)}, North, ILange Tan (1(11, West of
<br />the Sixth i'rincipal §fcridian, except those portions known as Saturn
<br />Street and Apollo Street, or any part of Argo Subdiuisian ar Argo
<br />Fifth Subdivision, according to the plats of said Subdivisions on file
<br />in the office of Register af. Deeds of Ha11 i:aur.Cy, Nebraska. And,
<br />'fhe Scut}i Half of the Southwest quarter {Sl/2 SW1/4); the South Half
<br />of the Southeast Quarter {51/2 SE1(4), and the Northeast Quarter of the
<br />Southeast Quartee (NEl/4 5E1;4) of Section Five (S), and the West Half
<br />ut the Northwest Quarter ('W l/2 NWli~) vt Section Eight (8}, all i.n
<br />'Lowns#tip Ten (lt)), North, Range 'Cen f10), West vt the Sixth P."i.,
<br />excepting also certain tracts of ground mare particularly described
<br />in Warranty Deeds 165, page 627; 165, page 628; 165, page 76; 156,
<br />page L'3v: -, page. b95: end Warranty ?e'ed Doctsnent No. 7.`s-JV2738,
<br />All is recorded frt the of:`ice of the Register vF Deeds, tial.l County,
<br />Nebraska. This description does not cover: A tract of land comprising
<br />a part of the Northeast quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NE1/'a SW1/4),
<br />Northwest Quarter of the :>uutheast Quarter (N`w1/4 SE1/k), South Flalf
<br />of the Southwest Quarter(S1/2 SW1IL}, South Half of the Southeast
<br />t}uxrter (S1/2 SEli4}, and the Northeast Quarter of the Svutheast .?u:lrter
<br />(NE1/4 SEl/~+) of Sectivn Five (5?, 1'awnship Ten (lJ), Norti~, RanHe T'en
<br />{1C1}, West of the 6th r".:•I.. in Hail Cvunty, Nebraska, axsee particularly
<br />described as follows: Beginning at a point 3bf1 Feet North of the Souch-
<br />east corner of :ieetion Eive (5}, thincc=. WesLeriy paraiie.i `co ehN South
<br />Yfne of sa ki Seetiou FivN {5}, and aivnv~ the Naettt line ut .lrga St.>cvnd
<br />and Third Suhdivisic.tY, .r diatance a]: '_',6.57.{)} Feet, to tiee Northwest
<br />Dorn€t of iat il, Ars~t; tiei and Suhdi•alsiun, ' °e_•[itz° 'ds~rthcriy =aluug
<br />rS~ ~i_L li:tn --4 -_i_ 1_i_ _ •~i-t3 as:^t i.f !tl ...--, t.L [ham !'@~)r t~s~'~aL ~~Y ntc~e
<br />ui eat ^iva 47s, ~ ~c._,. i's~ -uu3 sY ~au~, S..E S.~~ .; -<.. ~-~€_ =l:f=?-`~' v,:~.
<br />Isviceh line of :#rgOLaeCOr,u tiuut5ivisian anti }%arullel try ~„~- 3vutil lint
<br />OT sa l.t] ~$CL ltSn F1VY. (, 'iJ, a :17.St3nCe OC 1,.'Z'i.i3 i`eCt CO efie C.,3~t elite
<br />ai Saturn Street, thence Nor.ttlariv along the c,asi Iine of Saturn
<br />Street, a distans:a of 827.53 Feat, thence Fostoria parallel to the
<br />@~rth line aF said Argo Second Subd'tvisiuu, a distance cot 915.'+7 Feet,
<br />eheace defiectitli, left 9Q°i5"tl" and running llureherly along the bust.
<br />lixle of Arlo Fifth Subdivision and this line extended to ehe North
<br />litze of the Narttlesst Quarter of the Sauthea~;t quarter {Nk,l%4 ScifL),
<br />thelice Easterly alizilg the N.trth liege ci the Nor ttleast i=]uarter of t.e :iutet}7-
<br />up.t~f [~unre~x• (NF_,114 Sid1;Gl; sill al~n~ tt[~ Nc~r th Iine a]. Clle Southeast
<br />Quarter {S1wl/4} vi' Set•tlon Five (5), tv the Eavt lint;. of said Section
<br />l'd~~ {S)~ thence S;auther ly ~.'=_u=r~; t_iE~ ;~vaxt Iiue. ~=1 [he atzuti[eeivt i?uuYeer
<br />fcFt 878.6=# i~ee~t tv the p3~t+s.'o of Lo[a,Lnillu~,. Psnd :z:ltiing; tht" =tiiuving
<br />deseril+etl: Wt€>~t Half {W1i:%) of the 5nutltwest Quarter (SW I;G}, 5ectiun
<br />F~~e (5), Township Ten {it)), North, Rand3e Ten (lU}, 4."eat of ttte 6th
<br />F „~., exr: ~:.¢"rt tl'iE7S~ [.it~r tfa-ns #.tlak.`tl ~~ Saturn ,`'st re. t'.L :i[Xi Argo °CtlrCh
<br />8ubciiui.tlit>n ill arty part o[ Argo st~tritivisfotl, :~ccvrdfng to plats ~,>= said
<br />4t~3:visiari ail Ella in tht~ tlffic+~ u?` Cho Register of Deedt, a?' Hall taunts,
<br />I~.ebeaaka: A ~`iC~it~~, '€`HSRg~trAi THE Etll,l.i}tr'ING:
<br />A tra~Ct of l~n cvmgrisin~ a part of t`tta Went Iialr izi zile vurth-
<br />west I~u~irter {WlfZ Nwl/s} of s$ytian light {s}, Township 'con tla),
<br />'lrth, 'g~rt$e Ten {14}. West of the nth 1'. M., in Hall E:ounty,
<br />hra~~, *i~re partir,sl:_arty .teacri.t,ed tlt3 f~t~ilOws:
<br />