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<br />It3. ;°tsi{; the fvf€mgagar will keep tl±c bttsldin~ utt said premises in goad repair. and neisher commit nor peanut wasar^. <br />trpt!n land, nor strF: the mid ~ttsises to C+e et~d fee any unlawful purpose. _qd f,. a w, tit <br />11. "filet i€ t#se premises: or any par'- thereat, br rntedemn,ed utttler ii¢e turv:-e€ of etnir~rkt d.n'sa.t;.:;r aer~u=~= ~. <br />ttse, t~ dasta~s awarded, the prcace*ds for the taking of, ar rite ci~nnsideration for wch acaetisitian, ro the extent of lire fund <br />amattnl of ittdetztedr~r upon t#nis martga~ and rite Hate tvbiek it is given to sert:m retnatnirsg unpaid, a e hereby assigned I?y the <br />~.#~ to the ?~~, and shall lse pui:€ forthwith to said hfartgager to tx applied by the utter an arattint of ¢he next <br />~slal~tfictrts of 3ttelrih~dness. <br />l~:_ `Titz {{ fts€tbes` tees tftat shewld this mortgage a~~d rite rate secured l~reby rrsf 1~ eligible far in- <br />staratt"x tttder the €iat3onaT i~ausirtg Ac; within Sixty days from the date hereof twritten statement of any officer <br />mf t&~ ;~eta€ttt of Hottsinit aad Grhan €°xs~e?opmant ar aut~riaed agent of the 3'er:etar,~ of Housing and ClrMan <br />17evsfssptnent lured rttbsegttent to tine gay days time from the date of this mortgage. declining io insure said <br />smote ataf t~s mortgage. being deemed conclusive proof of such ineligihilityt, the 4€ortgasee or holder of the note <br />ray, at its option, declare all suttts recurred hereisy immediately due and payabl~- <br />}3, ~`3tat i€ the f~ItictgaRor Eel's to make any payments of money when the same become due, ar faits to conform to and <br />cordply with arty of the coatditiotts or agrremettts contained in this marigage, nr the note which it secures. then the entire prinri- <br />pal sum artd arcnertd interest shall at epee became due and pnyahle, at the eiecti'tn of the Mortgagee: and this mortgage may <br />theretrport be fatrecbsed i€HnediatPly for the whole of raid matey, interest. monthly payments, costs, ground rents, taxer and <br />il~ c;~t o: exiertditiRtlt,-. abstract of tit#e from the date of thin loan to the time of commencing such foreclosure suit, and a rea- <br />~c a~arttey's feA. all of which shat: be included in the decree of ~areclosure; and the contract embodied in this mortgage <br />the sued hereby, rhos[ in all resperis be governed, wnstrued and adjudged by the laws of Nebraska, where the <br />same is made. <br />"Y'#x cavettants htreitt contained xhaR bitty, ated the benefits and advantagex shall insure to, the respective heirs, executors, <br />.~ptitdstratars, rucreasors and assrgttr of the paellas hereto. Whenee~er used, the singctlar number shall include the plural, the <br />plural fhe sitt~lttlar, attsl the use a! any finder shall be appiicahle to all genders. <br />'1`hc foreEoitag eottdlitans, ail and xingtdar, being performed according m their natural and legal impart, this conveyance <br />shalt ire vend and said pretetiscs released at the expense of the Mortgagor; otherwise to he tend remain in foil force and effect. <br />€At YrlTDf E35 WHEREt7F, the Nartga¢artst ha ve hereunto set ttteix handle) the day and year first <br />above written. <br />Ia pacaence of_ <br />`~+~~- (SEAL I <br />i <br />Lt'i3Ai `-• ~'~ (tiEAL I <br />`rte ' L~~ ~`/'''l.•[~! ~ r'=l~-•~'~ I SEAL ( <br />GSi'~ .~i Lrie~~ <br />Jt}71x1. MOORE <br />itiEAL1 <br />~ 5€Al. 1 <br />j ss: <br />L'CYCif~ifiY OF l~P.% ~ <br />~= A, n, Iv~l , ~f~~e?tte= <br />~x <br />t ~ bos~t - _ ~ •. <br />itt amt €ar +aul t.°;ntnt~ , prtwnally carne <br />--~+-~~.c ai= <br />Lmn C. Hletck. a single > a€~~ J ~• ;=::z~4, a single s~z <br />_~__~ Ly t~ t~ ~r~~w~ <br />ei3 uc Z~ taste tm ~~:•-3~ ` =g== amiisa i~: iP~ suv.c' a ::~::. - <br />~.• i th_r sriei inxltauuot tlttsl t1tC <br />_ - ~~~ ~, t~ valunts~ry act and detd~ fvr rite purposes therein expressed. <br />e. _.... ___- ~ m 't~~s <br />!n [esiitnartty whereof, l have hereunto set my hand and al6zed by my ~ sexl at tlxaxsd Islam. NE <br />an rite day ala'i' dart last ab4vn wsial~r~is~r±t. ~ ' ~ i d / w <br />~M <br />~ Norar}' tk <br />Afi~C~'NE€3JftA:~KA is <br />Fippd><vr reeatti ihix ,l.,y ut A.!). 14 <br />e'<~~elt M.. and entered in IJumetical index, and <br />~ ~ of ?+iartg~er, on <br />"' Register aI [keels <br />~cr~=-~: ta3~ a-;fit <br />