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A~ ,+tasa <br />~~~ ~~ <br />(1 } tsronttt prior tc its drat date the annual mortgage insutancr pretrrum un arder to provide sue4r harder <br />with funds to pay sorb prtmium €a rite ~tcrrtary of Housing artu tir'oan #ievelopt~.nt putsuart ir, the <br />Alatianal }iau~ng Act, as amendtd, and apptirabfe Regulations thererrndrr:,;r <br />(ti) ;f and sa i~tg as said Host of aven data axzd this instnamtnt re held by the Secrttar; of t#ausing and <br />iJrisaz€ iAwttopmtnt, a monthly charge !i» lira of a morrg~ge lnsura»ce prerrrium! which shall be in an <br />amount erlual to onatwelfth (1!i'i of arrt-half ti('} ptr cenntm of the average outstanding balance <br />dtte art the note computed withaut taking into acccalnt delinttuencits ar prea.yrnents; <br />tb3 A stem tquai to dal ground trots, if any, next due, plus the premiums that wilt ntzt btcnme due and payable on <br />ptaficies of fir[ attd oilier hazard insuranct awtring the martga}ted property. plus taxes and assessments next due <br />tm the mortgaged property /0!1 tea estimated ha' the Mortgagee/ less alt sums already paid therefar divided by t}ae <br />rtamber of months to elapse before one monttr prior to the date when such ground trots, premiums, taxes and <br />as_eessmr;nts wilt becornt delinc{utnt, su:h sums to bt held by M1iartgagtt in trust to pay saki graund rents, pre- <br />mit€ms, taxes and apteial assessments; and <br />(c) All paymrnis mentioned to slit ttvo precediae sub-wctians of this paragraph and all paynarnts to be made under <br />the note st,;uatd hereby sttatt br added to~sher, and the aggregate amount thereof shalt be paid by the !.Mortgagor <br />tack month in a single payrra2nt to fse spptRd by the Aiortgagee to tl[c inllowfng items in the order set forth' <br />(f} premium chargts undtr rho ,:antract ,rf insurance with the Secretary of Housing and urban t~velerpment, <br />or monthly chargelin lieu nfmitr7XaRe istsurancelarerrtzumi, as the case may he; <br />(!#} ground tents, taxis, asstssmtnts, fire and ,>ther tau~arJ :nsuranc• premttmas; <br />fill} interrsi on the note secured hereby; an,f <br />('tV } amQrti2.aiiun of the prineipat of said note- <br />Any deficiency in the amount of any such aggrregatr tnundaly payment shall, unless made good by [he Mort- <br />gagtar prior to the due date cat tht taaxt such paynaeut. e,ntstrtute an event of default under this mortgage. The <br />Mortgagtc maY calker a °latt charge" not to axceetl hit:r .sots 13rt1 for each dollar (51) oteach payment more <br />ttrart fifteen f t 51 clays iY, arrears to ctn~r the extra expense uavoived in handling drlinyuent payments. <br />Y. That if the total of the paytr,entr. made hp the \hxtgapur under r'•! of paragraph '! ptrcedin~ ;hall exceed <br />tote am+aunt ref payments arwalty merle b}~ the lkartAat:re for €,mvund mnt.~, taxes and ;t+;+r~,mcnt~ or insurance pre- <br />nliumw. a~ the ea.•ze msv ba•, 4uch ex~eas. rf the''=crux +s current..u the upriat of the Akxtgsgor, shall tae credited by <br />__r._.e.~-__.. . t,.. ,e.•.r., t... ,€.~ xs..~, r.,G,mind ,n rho \tnnusnnr- If_ hnwes er- [he <br />.,__ .,_~-...__ _- -awv,.a9n .~. .,,....,~ ,.~ <br />tnr nrn-,.}{aps- vn ou_ Ya.•~;d= €., ,r< ...a..~ ... .... ......~,~,....... ._......._ - -'- -'- -._----n-- --• --. <br />mnnlhla paymemt,•, masse by the 4lortgagur [ender : ! , of paragraph ' preceYltn4 shalt not lac sufficient to pity gnwnd <br />rent., taxes and asa?~;wmenl.~ err inwtrancr premium~.:c: the c:r~e map be. xhrVt the -ame shalt tx•eoma doe and pay- <br />tsbit. then v4rF ;hrrt~ shalt paQ t:r t!€~ `.iu:€ta#r•+• rant aamun€ nt•r•e~-xr} to meths up the deficvrnrp'. un ear before <br />the daf4 elten payma•nt of ~urft Trnund rant-, raxc•-, a--,.-~m==^nt- or insurance pmmiutns .-hall he due. [f at env <br />time rite Nortga{;rer =hail under €® the Hrart,sa~n>i•, in accardunce wish the prnti~ion~ of the note secured hemby. <br />fait payment of the entire indebtedrte~~ rr*pn•-soled thereby. the? \iurt~a};ee =bolt. in computing €he sm,t>unt of <ut•h <br />indffuedt~ss. reedit to the accaxrnl ar# the Mortgagor all prrmrnts made wtd.r the ixoststu,u of rul of paragraph <br />hraeref whieh the Sitttit?a~ee ham tacst bt•come nbii~+ated to pa} ru efts At•ctvtarp of lion*ine .nd i'rbun liaici,af,mcirt <br />and any balanr•e namaininz in the fund- uac rrmutated under the prat[-iun~ n( • ' n# purt};rsph ° hereof. if thtm• <br />,+ttalt etc, s defsutt under :u» of the perasi~ion~ ui thl~ matrl~+uue n•~ultlnt; in a public ~al,• of the premise- cost^nKi <br />hert:b\, or if the 1brtKa~rre :u~yutrev th,• pnspert} utherwi~i^ utter default, the \hartus}!ae :h:tU appia • at the time of <br />the t°,aremrrt°erc=nt of -uci3 p.,t~a=a•dinK=..:r .ar tht• s'tma• €h.= pr:tpe*rt: ,- .ttha~r»._,~ at•rtnir.•d. tht~ halaaat•,• then ra•m;ain- <br />inK in the furrd~ accumutatt*d undt•r - r ' of paraltruph _ pn•cedlrt=t. u- a tr,•,ilt :t}LUin~t the amount of principal then <br />remaining unpaid tarrt•r aid n,tie_ and ~hait yr..i,,•r;y :tdfa-. ta:itn: -~rt ..~:: hit i:t:, h~....,...:i:= .,:::iu, . _, <br />cf pa:~;~:~ah _. <br />a. That the 42ortgaf;, r x tt t?at get=r,taJ rent,. tasr,..i,se,° u:atet t~tr,. .rt[d other gatvrrnmrntai ire mururl}aai <br />rs:~r;=~<- beryl. _tr [na~a•>niczna. tv::s}za~t[ ^ttttt,s•?n tt„ na,t i,ren rte:,.-: h.:rr[nht•t,,rr. ,,n,f in,lrt.€ult thrrrt,f the \1or[gagrr roar <br />, ,r, <br />r~€a•?ft=. c`ur': :vnJ thst tt~ \4Urt '~_a:r -.. . ett.t_4 S cs;`IttCr tiLr _,th4 i.. _~r?}•`i, -~ r ,, :ke 3i mss. r,rz. <br />m~nta.,tttd tytali'ftnta4 lar•tettrtl ttD+rn Ital, (rtizrtgi>ar +'Y Inc tarot ,rcurrJ berths Ihttt Dort tt [etc cs[e ,.,t , . itSi i,r ntr€[ <br />rd ray taw and cniy t„ the esre,it t , s`~~~ .. , ..,:,xr ...t; -, .. =.t.~xzrs,a, v --asJ n ,~ ..-,ii t _ .---- ` _ `- <br />,rnP~agP # nn ~t.:r[ga}~e~ :at`.ta ash aFit ter ,.si..::: :.,een: ,>:, --,r ,es:. }.__ ,:.>_~, ,; -,: =: ..~km....-r ....z -.:.:... - ._[~r_ <br />taking, ur i# the Mort{.attor 1. prohiMtrJ ht ,ur} sex nou ur harcaiter rsl,urtg from pat tog the xhu(r x .toy }xutnznn a.f tfir atoll <br />sail texas. rx upset the renderitt$ of ung c,>urt decree }+rt:htfztimg the pay nrrnt h} the '.iortguttur ,u any sorb t:,xes. err tf sus: tr !ew <br />or decree Preside, Ehat ~sny seta+unt sv pawl h} the t{ortgr~art .haB ht :rrdnrzl un leer tsrortgatte debt. the Aiuttgaktrr shalt haae <br />€ttr right [aa gise Hiner} da}+' writ;rn naztire to the ,awnrr of the nt,zrtg.,grJ Prrmt,r,, reyuiring the p:,yntrnt of the mongagr <br />dtht. if such Holier sir riven, kfar :.aid debt shall frrcumr due. Pay able anJ .vilrctityr at the r sPtrstiun of saw nrnet} day, <br />b. '1'h:ai sh,>utri ter, f:eit t,z pat :my ,um tie keep ,my ,_;~; t•r.,t.: ProtrJed fi,r In this \1+rrtgagr. then stn: ifortgutter, at u, sip <br />lion, ,na} pay ur Prr#orm the wmt, anJ all rxprnaliturrs ,., rszeJe shalt tstsJJrJ to the Prirtrrpal soot owlrag on [far ah,,sr note. <br />shall hr serurrJ ttrrrb}, anJ n#sall last' inter~esi st !fx [arc Yt ?urth to the said note, until pail <br />7 fha[ he hrtrhs.:sssrylns. trast,fers aoJ set, oter t, trC ltartg;agre, to br apPhrd toward the Patnrrnt aif the note ,nJ ,all <br />5alnta srctrrrJ berths, in _a,, ,Pf ., drl_a,~it to tlae }~xrft<rtnan.:e ~zt :,nt of the term, .,tad attndittort, .if ttu, hlurlg.,t;r :zt the .s,.i <br />note, all the rents. rascnur, anJ [nrotnr t,? tx ~Jernrd f tom the taaorpWgrJ prrms,r> Jut'itai; ,uch time a, the mot t(vagr utdrhtrd- <br />nass shalt remain unpaid; and the 4turt~~c€' .hail he a, t±i,wrr to apPolm any el:ertt a, at;rnt, it foal dr,ur for the par}aosc of <br />eapaiting -.aiJ P,>:-t€rF, asJ iaf stn€i ~ th-' -.. ~ -' ~. t,ttte- t-nf for .ts, rctratarea ~s?J inc,?ntr, enJ it :€aas eta. out of ,a1J arr~ <br />Euntt> ;£11 €t<Pctasts ia# rrpairirtg said Premrsr, slur nst:r,wrs iostrltrts~i,:n. and exPrn~ ins ur-real sn ten€arakt:.n;: nsan<agrng the <br />Santa and rif aaiiacting rentals thtrei'rom; the t>;ilanrr temainmg, if ens. [e ter aPtatirJ taranrd the Jisc#targe of s:a1J mia€tgaatr <br />irakbtederrxs. <br />d. Tha€ he wilt krrP ttne imP€vsrmruts ISk,W exi~tiog •ar M;crefter record on the mortya{;rd ploprrts, msurrd as mat hr <br />tralu€ra€t trvm t€mt tt`. tame ~y rnr ~t=Ft~, C clt~i32Z]i Z4-55 F`'} tLFY SZiit irtrr r nuq:.a[i3s a~it~3}ttz, slier zi .c€rrE~,.3..3F~ ,. <br />- ~~~, ¢:..,~, i=,. ;'.'h ~ri'~±w Ni ai~w hr €wgaux-ei t+k thrt \ttu€u$aoae- arF,l tl [II }+ak it[,3n1Ptl}, wnClt ilu~. an} .rc[ittr7m4 tin ,tit ti <br />insurance trtetvir,tcwt fur paymrat of xttia:h ha. ni,t frren made tterrintafizre _\ti itt,urince ,hall hr acrrrirJ m t,jml+:nttr~ ,,ti <br />P€uvgJ h} floe \,a'atr€g~ a€€d tir€ pt,*4a:~s atki rrnrstials ttarrct~f u5att tse [arid ht the \~tirter anJ hate :;tt:achett therm„3u,. <br />Piayafrk eian3ses iya fasasr elf ant# in fc3rm a<'c-rpiai+tr to €ta 'ti#cxtter- 1n tarot of t,ns '4iiutg:tx will gita turn}rdiatr sxkii, ha <br />ttuail to ilfe Mtat~rr, what mrty make proof of lass tf nut made Pnam{rtt} by Nurtgatt,ar. and each insuranir rvmPan} ,:oo- <br />rarnad is harelip- atrtiaarei~td grad rYirrrtad to make fveyntrnt fir sus:la ft+sx ,sirr.ttp tt, the fur€g:tgre initrati atE to the y'acu t~~g,?r <br />astif iht idortgs~C ;txiterily. and the inxarant;r Pre4trl+, rn any Part tturrv€, naa} tar apPlttJ fit rise bfautga¢rr at.trs uP~uin ciihae <br />.(€a the rtaturtit}taof tl'~ indefttedatas htretay srrurrd a*r tulhr rr,uaratitjn fir [apart of the Proprtt} d:tmage~i Ire e.cnt of fzn,:.h+. <br />suss tat Lass €na:regal,•a are utt*;r transfer of title to the naurtxaged Prup-refs in rxntyiui,hmtu! of Ihr sndehtrJtar+> ,tiutrJ herrht <br />aril rigkat, title atx! in€s[rkt tat tt€r Nurtgcifa?r its :end to Duty insurance tztala,;ie, then in forte .haft pus, w the i:iart ha,, r az: gr.,ntet• <br />;':•~€ s~s „,mod€€n~.d ae,:i _a>l~!eral Ra£!i:rty fu[ t ~gaalant ref ilia nauc drgcrrt+rd, and eft sum. ttz t+e::omc Juc under the, <br />rratartgr, iii 'tir,rtg~arr tattle} sssigta: €rz t?rr fdt~t~ atf pr~tts, rrsentrt r,*yattie righ=.,_ as€ai ltet+rltt, a.Ermn~, t„ the <br />hiurtttt antler any` anJ ;alt tzil alai pa+ ler,tiri tin Salo, wt€h the rigor €,? rest e :.,rtl reteit*t ii,e t, ., ,a .'. <br />tfaam tai srri,# i€adrltirdtcaws a5 v~ell lxftitr ~~:,itcf rtafaarit ter flit rirndt€taxnr ir# [hit tattgage ..rot= rt€r \iattt~}tee ^t,tt ,rei to y- t?C <br />.: J ,.v.. ... .,.fir. , tea. _. ~ ~F;~~ h_ i :E~f' ; ~ ~ . - . "• °`- ~~c. i~h: ., . _ ._ -, . - ,~ -rr . ,mot.. <br />.mil a}ri€t atsii t'irtw it }its#+ terca,t iii !nr! mf?rte fC. <br />q„~L !1:'t 4:art" iii !V, <br />