d ®~Y ~ ~ 8 ® .d. L
<br />9. 7°tae asartgagesr a~venanta sad rgre~x that of !sx rhs## fail to pay reed indethtedne~ or any part thereof whrtt
<br />tl~. er shalt fail to perfartrt any aocenana or assent trf this ettse~atmrnt or the prtmsiseory Hate excured herrhy, fltae!
<br />lira isdehtedtse~ t:er~e#ty eecared rhsil imneediatefy become dur payable, and co#tertiblc without notice, at the
<br />rCatasm eC the mortgagee or aereignr, regardfera of maturity, and ¢he mortgagee or hie aceignu may before ar after eats;•
<br />reli raid properly wiehoot apprairemxnt (the mongagar having waived and aeesigned to the mortgagee ail rights of
<br />spgrraherarstt)
<br />f s) sl judieirb ask pess+ttaant to the provirionr of 28 li.S.Q:. 2(10# f a) : or
<br />(tt; et the spti~ aC ttss° mortgagee, eitCti+er by auettiaa or by rotieitatians of sealed hidr,•Cor the highest sad
<br />ha~H bid s~sytying with the tarrew ¢sf arts ratd zetaarmmr of payment rpeciSed is the gauADished twti¢x asf aa9a.
<br />giving four weeks' notice of the time, terror„ and ptaer of each rale, by advertiaemeat Hat leer than onex
<br />during eac@t :;S emsd four wteks in a newe+~apxr publinc~+! or dirtribeated in the coun¢g iu whkh raid }sroparty
<br />it edduate¢#, al# athrr tttrYicz being lterxby watved by the mortptagor (and said mortgagee, or any pet»os en
<br />1eU of raid may bid with the osapaid itsdehtmtressa mideaced by rand rtete)• Said sale rhall be
<br />held at or om the property to be soul ar at the Federal, rattaty, ar city e¢wrtbonae for the coun~y ist which the
<br />property is leested. °l`bc mortgagee is ber,s8sy authorised ¢o r.~tecote Cnr and oe behalf of the mortgager sad to
<br />dcFsver to the ~ at such srk a sui~Cisnai coavayaarx of said property, which coaweyaaee shall esmtrias
<br />teci'.slr m to the happessiag of the deefaott tspea which the esretstion of tote p®wer of wk herein graated
<br />depewda; sad the seed taart~er heresy em~itatcs and appi<iats ¢he meetgagae ar any agee~t or attorney of the
<br />Magee, the agcst sad attorney in fact of raid mortgagor to make rush recitata ssad to eatacnte raid
<br />eoareyasRre wad: hereby covesarts and agrod that the recitals ro made .hall be cffeetuat to her SJl egaity or
<br />rust of ~ haeaxatamd, dowror, rs~d ail ether cxxmptiosa of ehr, nsortKagar, all of which err hereby
<br />axprraw#y +vaivad awd z~nvayad w flee moz~x: or
<br />ftstl take say other appsr-priate aetiatt purraaa/ to state ar Federal datute either in mete or Faderat
<br />rersrt ear ekhcrwiae for tlse dispnritsosi oC Ihx propxrty-
<br />fa the ct~t of a wte ar hcrxiaabave peosided, ibe mrutgaytor ar ab71 {ptraar it parrrarian under the aa+u4Xs{tar ~al#
<br />thaa tresgeseie sad be teteaessu hu~inp[ arxr swd rttati tarthwstlt citliver paaaerian to tttx purctswrr st recta r3tc esr ha
<br />aaassrsariiy daoparaera.ed, in urardaarc with flee psavtrsana ui taw apptirahle to tenants haldin~t over. The power
<br />a~~~' her.Fs* .rd are r~sated with as itttemHC and are irrevocable by death w otherwise, and are ipranted
<br />a essvaulative m the rxaaedixa Car err#teetiau aC raid indebtedaer provided by law.
<br />$ ' pscseaeir of tt®y sale of asid prtpasty un aares^darne with the prragaplr ahaA be sp{tlied ~tst
<br />m pay then caltr astd ~ of raid aaia. the aspawrsa ia.rrrrc9d ai the rsertgs~ea far tiro parpara ed ps~rteetimg ar m+risF
<br />taiming raid property. and rxawvaabGr attorneys° fees: raeassdiy, to prr tits iadrbtee~Jsswar rxcure+l hxrebr; sad thirdly,
<br />to pay any rw:~lor ,ar rsr~n to t~ p+srrsm +rr ~ iegm:iy xattitlad grata.
<br />5, i¢t the e-vaest acid prepertyta usld at s jwdscia3 fareialar`ure sale at purauaesi to for pews: of aaLs #~e
<br />a~aaaro ~' --~gstx~t;t' ~~ _ ~~ -
<br />'~ ~ _ - -
<br />d !~ t~ ~illt[ ¢D8 ~~SSf~?gg+r ibis t~ v r9T reir&~ ~ _ ="sA"se, Ar eucA-t ~+s ~~•., :;~..e:x~ .mss ~,.:....~, ,.,,+ .-.,-.
<br />issdabtalstas xvid+t by said parts, rulrjart to tics cease ¢erspa sad cunditiun.. It the ~ shalt per ,~
<br />dlaolsartpe she ;pdebtsdtr,rss rvidxorr~t try paid pramar+rfy awia, sad .hall parr sssch waaar sad rhatl dirchar~.+ all tasrvs
<br />turd Bear sad tfgr tivrrir, Isear, apd rrpmiws ut rrsarisat, enfurciarg, coal Kaacs.tsug than usarr¢ga~, then hair ~sigaga~
<br />rhatll liar cadaawlyd atsnl s+reroadeered,
<br />y, 1`~o epvsaab itar~ eaesatatred rh+dT[ .mod tsa~efst~s sad advassttgsse rliull scare to Qlioa r.w+
<br />sand astigas SaC Mier ttes+~ea. 'Mtflir~evar uasd. tilra att~le-s' ~ riall the yal, t#a F tlra
<br />terra e~ ~ ttrr atC arr~ gsraes rirall kreiw~t aii
<br />t4 xair of emy aavaa~t ar tip ~at rax.•sts+ed ~v ritetll as asst' tiara rEftm ba isesld
<br />firs a rrtr~aar o~ ~ta4 tersras lfaraaf ar of the wrrtraad beFrakrv.
<br />,~~,~.t~.~,a tit.;idi ~t~ Vitae ~ the ~tsabrerra i~ i3
<br />. , , . i ~» ,~..~ s ~ ~ -~.~„~_~ ssa#a,:,~~ ~ ad ;ate ~ Fri .
<br />d; a+r~~, oa "3tt i~ of tb€ia # istra~d ~
<br />ers}fereesc sfta#l ref iss art' wap iuytser ez gart+eh~r tlsn eMf+rrpt1194iRt of ttte airelt preaviaESas or t~ eC
<br />d~-
<br />i~u urR a i
<br />rra rr,s. ran 4s~. r
<br />