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~~~~~.~ <br />1. '~ ~ t <br />~. ~e wil! pt't~pily day the i,udebte eviaear~a by seta prori.rary note a: the times and in tic <br />pt+aided <br />b. ~e vrill fray a~ cases, asr~aerssenls. water ratctr, r®al other govcraaretttal or mtmicipa! charpets, liner, ~ <br />~ w4rieit prasrirlow ha not been made lrereitibedore, and will prampilq deliver the a~tial zeodpts <br />t~ t~ oko said <br />r. He wil! pay each expenses and fear ae may be incurred in the protection and maintenance of paid <br />property, faeluding the fc~ o€ anv att:rrae~ ectplnycd by the mortgages for tha< co#lartion of any or a#! of <br />tkre^ indehtedtteas hereby wecurad, nr fnr fnrerlasurc by totrrtRaltee'e Bale. or canr4 proceedings, or in any othtrr <br />litigatioet or prorecrlinR a~eetinpt raid pw tuiscs. rittoreseas' fre;r reasonab#y incurred in any other way shall be <br />paid by the trrortgaftor. <br />d. For better srxurity of the indebter#rteas hereby sernrrd, upon the requmt of the mortgagee, its rttc- <br />ceasora or aaritCets. ice shall execute and deliver o supplemental martpa¢le or mortgages caveriug any additiotr, <br />improvements, or bettermrw¢a made to the property hercinahove de~rtbn# :nd all trtnpertY acquired by <br />it after the date hereod rail in form satirfaetrrrv to rrtortgagee 1. i''urtltermoro, ehauld mortgagor fait to cure <br />asrr e8rfsu#t iq the payment of a priex or inferior retrumbranre net the property described by this instrument, <br />nrarri{tsg€ss itcrcby mgreeu ter formic mc,rtsa ter cure _wurrlt .lrfavlt, lfuS mort~agre in not oblit;~~ed to do ~: <br />and such advances ehail hernmr part of ehr indehtednees wecured by thin iustnrmcnt, subject to the came <br />terasrr sad conditions. <br />e. Z'he rights orated br this raavrvsnrr Fhalt remain in full furrw amt effect during am trwtponeraent <br />ar extrtnniwt xri thF time of puvmert of t#rs endehtedness rvidrn,ri# ire satd i:ramiasoty trots ter env part thr+reof <br />secured hereby. <br />j. He will corstinerorrsle meaintain Ftasard ineuranre, of such cups ur tepee and in such amounts as the <br />nrartgat¢re may from time iu rrmc rsgnite an the improvements now or hereafter un said prn~rty, sad <br />will pry pramptiy whcrr sae say pinmitrtas ti~re€~. iawrartoe swat! sire earr~i its apt <br />t'a raresrt~re sad tlas prelseiar send weatei.rts thereat eirll ba hetd by raartgttgae and bate attar~eetl thetMar <br />lase pagabir dawn is farar of ma in form aeesptabM w the aaorta. Ia ovetrt of Tara. raartga~rr will gan <br />#~ tartism is rvdtis~ oA maart~e„ road arstrtgages mry mahaa proof ref tors if cast scads pt+rraptly b'! <br />~, ertspara v et+~c~,aad i e lter+nhy autitoriard acrd diced w trtwdttt pantrremt far ~ <br />leers rl~ra~lY ~ iraNw,d of ~ ~ arrrl ~ joatstiy. aa~ tbrr itrrtnrarrarr praerwda. or art) <br />Mara t3rarr~st, trap lts applrisd b7 tM at its option aitlsas to tiaa raaaeaias of thrr ~ 9 <br />reaatsi ar to t1r rrrearatioar nr errfiair of tba proprty daa-a~sd or daatrayad. La eiwt of foraeiaataso of ihir <br />aka„ ~ ~~ star ~ titia to s i-6y is ast~-gura~ls~ ~ thF- ~ aa«-ad L'~3. a!t <br />ri~„ Rids. road iuMrast of the ~ is and w artq irtrurasee paiiaiss tiew is f9aw elsall pars t4 iws <br />psrtt~aa~ar or osarigagx~ ~, a: tss ~ rz€ tae a~ttga mar i;•te surrrs<d~a far a reetrra~. <br />~. wi#) ltar al! i~iidurt~ other iaupravrarretrte it€i acrd praaaertt tat ~,uaeri rnpait and xittou; <br />?oil1 s?r3z~rt, ~iL ~r su~xr ,,., w--+~- surt?air8tefrL Seterurtatiim :sf said pr~~prrtt r_.r sat wart ti#sr~ro4; <br />:~ -vim= n= =_;~ ~ ~ ~~ ?~= €~ i€_.s_-_.F ~_ ~~~ ,-.:~ mid pr»i t grc€ted <br />~~ ~ ~~ - 4~ t iu ~~~ r , a':e n:~. m;i~ :xs:~ - --='--rr ~ ~ iu d~rst~ it <br />ti:sas: `as. ~v..~._. •=ssY t;~ asr.'a e--aa:-b~ -, ~ .~,.~r~ ~ t~ ~; ..~ =~:;g <br />h. lle wi#i mat voltmtarily a€arata ur permit tar be created agaiAat tine property subjest tea this martgaSe <br />any air list irrferiwr ua euprtiar ter tine lies +±f this raurt~a{te aithuut the writtaa cuaermgt vt [hu xrort• <br />Bt+ seat further, he ail! lcecp grad tsaintnitt tilde saraue tears Irraru the claim of s!1 persoe:s rape#yiezg laitwr r# <br />rttartorais far cr7ndtrrut.7rta ref soy sad s!# lily' gs or ira#arv:t:trts~t. nc~w lreittg ete<9~# yr t~; l>e rr~=tad sm <br />sand yt~nris+ar. <br />i. ! wilt taarr rant ur ateaign auy part sf teor of said rruuttgageai ptupexry or a#etraraliah, air re~wva, <br />of vrniratautiallh aitor any breildi~ withaartc thx r,rriuru current .rf the rrtartfagec. <br />j, All awart~ of +lamag+es in c+atuarxti,~+rr with anv cartydrrrrinatrrnr for public: use of ur rtrjury to auy of cite <br />may rt to tires r?r+?r'~ axe l~arxlre i~:srvl sue! -hall be uaiei to uuart ~rhst ttray ap~y tip <br />to payausat of tax ipe~titlh~r =mu r3~ uadar said rra>ta, acrd ,="••rtgag.~ tr #°rar~,r arrtiteri tit <br />ua of iwe sererigagar, t:e r;ceUte sxsd .ieiiver ~aiid ncyuittatscas ttrertuf attd to appeal frvru eery ab arxard. <br />k. '1'krr +atortgageo eha#[ lra.a the right ur rtgerpret ti„s merged prs3aaraea at arty rrasoarable tararc. <br />~. il~f~uttt ist t erf tiff a:tvt~errts us e+siitirtns of thpr i€rtsnt€nt ru c+f the uutr ar Inset agte~t:react s~+rc~d <br />~rll fire aaet~'tr right to lat~ataiai~t, tom, axed rrtjacprttrt ~f #itrt ptuprtts, as rhs .,txtu~n the <br />~ or dtis araigrra tit bciog >age~o~r+~ that the nrurtg,a)<ror ahpll hnrc such right until {Ieiault t prwt ant wci. <br />Ufa t~ ~~ gill iterr_ia t iswnrr .?f a!# of the srEute ~d pt>rfite accruing after def+r±alt as security <br />f~ flea im<labikaui'~ratr eectrrrd hrrehy, -ait}x fire right to ewtar upon said property fur tttt purp.rse of ruliectrtatt rrrth <br />rlrtrts sad prerilta `f9tia iastrtrsarut aJsa!# operaae as as asri~rsmant of say rautaks un raid propene to that eate~al. <br />