1--n ;~v~`~fl~
<br />I.etader's svtritteti agreeimctiat ar appticabk lsw. 8trrawer shah pay the amount o~ati mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />meaner p£'ortidtd ender paragraph 2 ttatraf.
<br />tiny amtwrtta diaburuti by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, slaatl ixcomt addiRional
<br />indthtsd£ttas of Borrower sectued by Shia Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender ages to other 4ertns of payment, stub
<br />aawurata aheitl eae payabtt upon t£at~z franc Lender is Harrower requesting payrntnt thereof, and shalt bear interest from tFc:
<br />dater of tila6esradtaP.nt at the rate payable fro[; time ¢a time on oatstandirtg principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />intttreat at ouch rate would bt tmiatrsry as appeicabie Faw, in which event such amounts shad bear interest at the highest rate
<br />prrmiaaibk utc+3lx applicable iaw. Noticing t:ontained in obis paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expend or take
<br />any tst:tiars hereut~er.
<br />>L ~, Lender may make ar cwtt~ to be made rtasonnbie entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that I:oisder snail give 13orrrnver ntvice prior to any such inaptctian specifying teasanable cauu therefor related to t..ender's
<br />inferrer in fhe y.
<br />~. 4~ .'t'est proceeds of any award or claim for damagaa, dirrrt or coostgtientiaf, in connection with any
<br />carsdemnat&xc or txrier faking of the Property, ar part thereof, or far conveyance in lieu of condemnation, art hereby assigned
<br />and Shall be paid to Lender.
<br />to the turn[ of a total Baking of rite Property, the proceeds shall be applitti to the sums secured by this Mortgage,
<br />with the extxae, it any, paid to tkarrawer. in the event of a par¢iaF taking of the property, unless Harrower and I.endtr
<br />tsit5ervriae egret vu writing, there shall tx applied to eke sums settii'td by this Morigsgt such proportion of the prvicetds
<br />as is egstat to that proportion wfiich ttte amount of [he sutras secured by thix Mortgage immediately prior to [he daft of
<br />caking btarc to the fair market vaiate of the Pt'optrty immtdiattty prior to the e¢att of taking, with the ttalanct of the protteda
<br />paid to 1#txmwar.
<br />Ii the Property is abaaadonal by Borrower. or if, after notice by ixndtr to Borrower that the condemnor alien to make
<br />an award ar stritlt a claim for damagta, Barrasver fails to respond to Lender within i(1 days after the Bait such notice is
<br />ttaaikd, I,trtdot >! atitisori3td to rnll~t tad app}y the proceeds, at f.endrr`s option, either to rtxtoration or repair of the
<br />Property ar to the sums secured by this MartRage.
<br />Unteaa Lessdtr and Borrtawrr tHherwise egret in writin;, any ,uch appheatian of procttds to principa9 shalt not extend
<br />or pt~ptuse test due daft of the naonthl}• instaHmcnts rekrrcd to in paragraphs I and ? hereof ar change the amount at
<br />stub itastalitsarartr.
<br />t0. Mtrroarnra' Riot RNereed. 7:attr:s+an of the ume frar payment or modiflcatitan at at»artizatian of tilt Soros stxured
<br />by this Mortgage granter by t.tesdar [a any xex:stsaor rn rntertst t,f Harrower shall oat operate to rckau. in any manner,
<br />the liaiaility of the original tior:awtr and itttrrawer's aut:cuxars m inttrtst- t.endtr -shall oat he tpeluirttt to commence
<br />proctediaga agaisa~ such successor a refuse to extend htnc Por payment r,r athtttwise modify arrxirtization of ant aurm
<br />~cuted by reels Martga by trason t+f any dmiasui matte ter the erivenal Borrower aril Borraweix succtarnrs in intertsk.
<br />Y I_ ~_,,,,_ ~., r~.,a.. M..e g w.a~., w..,< enri,eua,,..r by t [,,.ter to txtrsis;ng acv right ar rtr>btty htrettnder, ar
<br />atitersrise atiarr}ad by apglicabFe law, shalt rmi ere n wmiver c,f ..r pnxltxie zhe exercise of env such right ar remrdy.
<br />ltfle par>Lwrenaent of itunrasxx ar the payment of tarts or other iiena or ~huges lay tender shalt ern he a wais,rr of Lender's
<br />r1>Zhr ao accelerate iha tagHttrity of ti'tt mdtbttdntu secured by this Mortgage.
<br />I2, tl~u~u Cattrri~ra: All rtrtattdnees pmvrdtd .n thix Mortgage arc d'ntinct and ctamufative to env other rigtH ar
<br />rttraedrr under this F.iactga;r or :Auralyd by Faw <,r equity. and +aaay he exerctxd c<wtcurrcntly. independenity or succesaivtfv
<br />13. ltaraceaaeas attrtt Awiigs 6rrra~ !aloe wet '-Ra+'ertii Q•IaMtitYt C;aPdooa. 1'ttt cuvtnants and agrremtnes herein
<br />curstairred shalt bnul. and the ritlats hercuasdsr snail inure ta. the rtspecuve suceessan atsd asai;tas of t.encter and Harrower.
<br />utbjecf to tlec proriritsrs of paragraphs t? ittrtc*1 .41i ~ta+rtnants and agrcemtnts t,f Borrower xhall t+t joint and several.
<br />"flat +:tiprsvns anet ht:adtitga of the paragraphs or" thts ilanaagc err for canvtntence t.niv and are na€ ti e,t< :tsetf tr
<br />ineretprd ar dteArse teae ptxav~ituus hemat.
<br />Pi. PteMe+e. BxcY+pt far any taoitcc rryuirtd untkr appi~aiak lar to tee gi+~n to another manna€. tai env tscutcq to
<br />~rrtrvtr proyrf#d far in ihttr P.tart;a;e snail he ;t.cn t,y mailing ,tx h ncHict by : ertit~+i mail addressed ua Bttrreawer as
<br />the PrtvpertY Addreaa at ai retch other aJdres+ as Harrower rnaY desr;nate by rx»ict to {_entkr ar provided herein, and
<br />@i any nst to Lender shall ht ;av+an by 4trtttkd tstari. rttum r6^t:tipt requested, w t entitT's adairtVS sttstesi eaertin or to
<br />atach Decree adlrxr+a as Lter#er may dmtgnate t+y rxttice to Barri+wct as pravideai tscretn. .env n<xiet pn5vsd~i far to ebbs
<br />Martga~s shalt ire dattn:rd to trout ;sr~ ;i,rrrt to t~ts€rc„vc€ of i ertdkr when given in tt;s matstxr doaignattEtt tscrtia.
<br />~~. ~ t ~ Leas? #isr 3 2s>~ r<srm t>f srK>rt;ay.~ cx~it+#3 u~:fcc~ru c:=start:., icy nsri.i
<br />~ amri taon~unifmrart, t:.artsiattta trirh lirnnacl .utrtusns by jurt~+i.tian is btHrtuutt a arttfa€m ass:.urt£y instrunttat caveritag
<br />rat rtsr`arty. 'tlit< i~ta€te~ s~'~{i ~ ~vgrtt€d h+: .hc !xr .:3 !Ise ;r~rta:Sttinm :~ wtsitt~ 4tu isrealfeY3Y ?s its:altd~ !n litE
<br />t*rt tit a ~ ~ ~13t~ -~ rs _., tt'r<- r ~~~wr+~is ~Etts tic iaw, stt4li c€at?t~'t eiaa~ .~ a
<br />aed alts arttviala~ax al [fire Iftotttam nra¢~ ~ yid era ~~laa~ext t~• lie xa.erahle.
<br />- ` iti.~ ii[ateeraaw`a ~ rrrwat sisaH t+t rurntaheti u a°+aionraed c~ crt ~:~ utd crt €hi; hit~a .i the t
<br />c~ aaecs,Kttvt s~ a.~r h:rt~,
<br />t"lr. 7Arattlttr •Y qas eRrtrgtsrlrt Xsr~stlrtr. it all ar +tnY pars of [ire ih~ty .tr as iritratat tlrraua is aotd or traratwrad
<br />lay tRerrxsvtier wittaastt I,a€'s prit~r written catasotat. oxcist~t~ tai the cre+adicns of a 1 ar ots,;taaxisra~vt tttt>xat'xettia~ to
<br />IYttrrigaga. tbt ties ctaaatieai zsf a pun:ha+ta tsxersrv s~tntav :rtirrrtpt far hruaid ~~s. Ic£ a sra~aaftet try devrie.
<br />dte~snt cx by ataattrtian a( iaw tapws the dttsttEa of a pstu texasat ar r:l) the;root c:f any 4suariuld iuietiaet .+f tturea yetus ar lips
<br />sett ~ ~ as , I ma7, at Ls-ttgct', tt~, !a£s ail the stsssrret by eta ?4!e*tgs~s to 4vt
<br />tgttaty doe atad paya8ia. i.psdat staai3 have reeved stsr.it repai~xa to a4a~e7arate it, prior to the sate t+r trtsnatsr. l.ertSear
<br />etas! flea ptraaaaet set wtaurr trie Prtgarty a to De wt,i rx tratsstsrred rrtai.h ~rssewaent sn wMse~ char the cradtt „t aaa:is }`~rwn
<br />n aatl~rc~ry to I,~tiar and treat the iattrsst pavan cn ter .uns. sac+.fat lay th>a ttt~ eyesore ea at tuwb rtsta as Lec+dor
<br />t if i.tadar t~ waived thae optics is ~aete ptuvitipl in t~ pvagra}da i7, arffii if Bwrvwar'x stttaer~wu in
<br />iu.~n.-°ta' ~ ta..---.; a ;trttais ,.;>w. r~"'~..:w:~ :~:a<' to ;~t~ ~°.~ `ar t.r ~'° . t..ar>~ °;x'41 = °.,~r- ttt:rs :..tt
<br />asrdor ihit ltfartgyr aeS trio Naar.
<br />tf t.,asatt;r rstra'~tkh stt4:ri tsgrtwn ter ;wiviwvatar. i rttaiar shall marl 8orrart€ rwtset ,tX aestrNnuk,n rn accotxtasst:e with
<br />pares Ig brfr+§af. Sra'ri taste shsdt iwtsr:~p a at trot lees tttaxt let days trastn ttsa t rho tscrtfs~f it ttsait w
<br />srtat~ iffier fury pay tla>< t~,artxt titre tf €raver Earn ~u pay such +utt~ p€itir tz iho exp{rtst~t cvf h peeiod,
<br />I tiatrp, tultltatat fwtt~ o€etic~ ar ~ art 8orrcawtr. ~nvalse any raaaotrian t•~tn-ttta<i b'1 p~'~~ id firtftacif.
<br />e..Utrttt~rM t:;av;rt>iK ta. ffi;irratareer ar0 is~iat fsirilaar sayati atri agree as tcsttatrna:
<br />gg, aiatm. ,~ ~ iia f7 ~rart. tttrast ~ Isresasi` e[ a~'Y Berta}tree at
<br />i , ~ ~ ~ Pei' i+teast itieta ~ rw~res oatas~d t5;
<br />1wr ha aira~ trig a~ttea tr ~tt~ta+rsr ~ grttr+rf~ired is ;twntg~R t+t lttMStt s~aetQttt~ t{! ~ tttaere#t
<br />4ti tiro ato errtt- w~1t ~r¢rtta~itz t~} a siittti~ rut tea tents ~ ~ ~ da7i~ tine to tt tit+ ice,
<br />~ ratials ttarwtlt ttrtM iu eettr#t tawA Ni drat tlftrer N rraa trtala fttrars! oat ae lafasra tt)ta tflste tag is ~ saaiYtre
<br />r~ 8e_ ml' dta ttiptsr ~ ray ~It ~ gwuatiaa rig ~wtlidal ~ aeag atM at tees _
<br />' aX1F- Ices tttt~a!#r sdE tube t>~sl - tt t~ ~ t'~at ~ eta ya t~s ta±tts.~lrrsse
<br />lht ~ a# a +MS tatg +iritssr N eitarraarnr a aaveiaarfar sett tea, ~ t4 itrwrh
<br />fat att~t ets er dw dttir its tiMt trewie+; f,.tsrsiiat at 1.attrle~e ttgttiar t~ Aatttrra ar d ttttr esrra areaantg 1!3
<br />sl~iRt ~ 4 its :~aMliNtltlgr ~ rxt! p~elAe atrgya-wt fttatt+tl~r derarrad tetra! httsdrrra hs ~ ~ I.radex
<br />tiefiti~F iYt ~ w sali~ret wr oracle ~ ~ et tataaerr, tsrdteiCe~, tern rat t4riFatl epee ertla eii ~
<br />idl r-.... - tercel Ptneusr_„ rr~#is~ 1_a'r ri..*crt of tlfr sera. re~wrtasi by ttsrs tllrvttisas.
<br />~-~ arc ~~ ,~ _ a» t ~ ~ - k.. t er~.-, ~s-.~t,~~a e4isx ___. Err-rss~f~m.~ ~t s~~ try
<br />