Uzitrmata C©#rFls#Aras~. lio#sow~ and Ltrtdrse cvvtnant and agn~t as follows: ~ ~ C~ "~ ~ t
<br />Y. ~ said StNereat. t3arrower shall promptly gay when dot tl E~ cn pal of and interest an the
<br />evis,'etrted ~ the Ps'ott, t atad late charges as provided in the Nate, and the principal of and inttrtst
<br />oa ~Y y!'t„tturt Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />1. tt Etre'A'msaa awl ]htattrwer. Sathgrxt to applicable law oir to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower al#all pay
<br />to Lest w# the day rtsonthiy intasllrtstnts of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Nate is paid in : ".
<br />a s#u#t tharefa "Funda"l egttai to atse•twtl[eh of the ytariy texts and assessments which may attain priorsty over tt:~is
<br />Morig»C, aatd ground ratty oft the Property, if any. plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plus Qtly-twelfth of yearly premi#tm installments for mortgage insurance, it any, ail as rcawnably estimated initially and from
<br />tittle to titre by Le#3der on the bass of atts~sments .end bills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />'[3ro Fetrrda shall rte held in an institution the deptssin or accounts of which are insua+ed or guaranteed by a Ftdrral or
<br />aloft agency finclitdiag Lander if Leru3er is such an instiautionD. lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, as~astrtents,
<br />itfauraaoe premi#ttfta and gro#rrxi rctus. '4.rndtr may nos charge for so holding and appi;ing the Funds, analyzing said acctstmt.
<br />or vttrit(ying atad compiling said as~ssrrtents and bills, unless Leader pays Borrower interest on the Funds atsd applicable taw
<br />permit Lender to main such a charge. Borrower and t.tnder may egret in writing at the flint of execution of thin
<br />Mortgage that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrnwtr, and unless such agrttment is made or applicable law
<br />t~t#ltvs. such itttstirsz to be paid, i,ender shall nai bt required to pay Borrower any in#erest or earnings on the Funds. l.eadar
<br />Mall give to ®orcower, wsthout charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits io the Fut#ds aced the
<br />ptarpose for which each dthit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional sectaity for the slams satnrcd
<br />lay this Martgagts.
<br />If ilx amount of thr Fuada bold by lxndcr, together with the funtrc monthly instaiirttents of Fundx papabFe prior to
<br />the dtas tfates of taxes, assaasmentn, inmurance premiums and ground rcnta, shall excttd the arrwunt required to pay said taxes,
<br />strtts, ittsurattet premiums arrct ground renal as thtp fail :foe, such txs:tss shall be, at Borrowrr's option, tither
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower ~ craiittd to Borrower .m monthly snstallments of funds. ]f the amount of tint Funds
<br />hold by Lender shall not bt sutFicirttt to pay taxes, asttrssteaents. insurance prcmncros and ground rents as they fal! due,
<br />Botrottrer shall pay to lender any amount neceszen to make up rice drltc:cucy within 30 days from the daft notice is rnaiiad
<br />by Leger to Borrower regtaesting payment thereof
<br />Upcwt payment is full of ell swr~ srs:ured isy this Mortgage, t_cnder shall promptly refund to Borrower any Futsah
<br />bald by Linder. ]f utxks paragraph It3 hereof the Prapenv i, ,old or the Property is wherwix acgwrcd by Letsder, lender
<br />than apply. tw ]stir than ir>amcdia#efy prror [o the ~ of rise Property or its acqus#ution by f.endrr, any Fut#ds field by
<br />i,optler at the time of alapliration as a crrtiit agaatsstt the sum's secured by this Mortgage.
<br />a, eft~iieatllew rot P'~+ eataaa, t3nkss applrcaldr law pmvre9es otherw€sr, all payments rrceivtd by Ctr€der uadrr the
<br />Nou sad puagraphs i as#d 2 hereof shall bt sppiscd by t.srp3tr first rn tsa}ntcnt of amounts psyable to Lender by Borrower
<br />under paragraph 2 httrasf, than to rntrrex: p•ayabk on the `wc. then to the principal ul !rte Note. and then w interest and
<br />pnttcipal on any Future Advatscas.
<br />!. L'~t Uses, Bortawcr shall pay alE taxes. ,rsFtxusseuts a.rd whir ~hargcs, fiefs and irnpusiuons attnbuaabte to
<br />thr tstopatty which taay strain a prronty aver thrs airxtmatt~t. atsd teasthold paYtnenta or ground rents. if soy. in the tttaxutar
<br />peovidad under paragrapr€ ~ hereof cN', tf nut peal in sus:h manssrr. by Burrower making payment, whim due, JtraUy to the
<br />payee iltereof. 1lorrvw+ar shah pranptty turtusfi tv t.easrltr all rwtrs:es at amounu€ due under thss paragraph-, and is flee event
<br />Btszcawrr shall :teaks payment dirtaaiy, l3urruKrr ,hsit# a+ra,ntptly turrr+bfi to Ltntkr rec.a~eip#s rvtdttx+ng a+xh paymtats.
<br />Berrower shall promptfY simchuge say tern which has prwtrty truer thss Martgagr; provided, that Btsrrosrer sha11 nd be
<br />€etlwrrd #as dischsrgs say such Ifcn sa tsang .as :isaif ogres us .vrutng to aht paytrsent ut the cabisgatis~st s+ecural by
<br />such tiep to a tttaarner actxptatde to I..ersskr. cu 'halt crs ttc'iw taxlh contest such lira i,y. ur ihstrnsi entorcertsrnt of sstsh !laws :&,
<br />#tgal i'~ arhieh wrp€rate to presers# tt~ cnfcrc->=tt#erre „t the iron or iurla€#utc at the Proper~y or any part th;i.
<br />S. !~N iwasttawra. t3txrvwrt shall krvp flee :tapnsverwwents now es€sung ar hetsaatrr rrc~ted as thr 1'rsrprrty cnsutrsl
<br />aga#Mt loan b7' frs, hszxtrtistnchtJ,ad waltam the term "eateralcd cuserage'-. and sttcls txher hraarsts as l etxier may' rc~u€ra
<br />anal su ua:h asaest°,n#a aac3 for soh pcrtcrds as t enter `,ray r~utrt, pra,vrekJ. ttta# i trteier ,hail nw rtyutre that €ht an~wnt ut
<br />such cuvrrsgo eacotd that asswunt W cuveraae rcgwtcxi to pa} tier .uttrs .svurrd by thss Mustgagc.
<br />11`h0 taHtrtasr.' carttsr pnuvidin; the- sxtsuraawce +hal! be ihusen by ]laxruwcr subyt€w:t to approval by f etrltr, pruvxkd,
<br />that such tspproval atoll! cwt lac unreasxrahwy wsihhskf .elf prtmtuens an tnsurarn:r pults:tta shall t!e 1'anl u€ the mattntr
<br />pi~i~ uiitlat patagtrwph 2 tsurcax or, if nsr# paved to sticA mwusaer, hY Bwsrrover tnaiitag pxytaettt,. whet# si#ae, dirra;ily to rise
<br />iaatsra>$cs csrriar,
<br />AB iatuuat~e paltc a~3 t+wrrl5 ther~t >s€is.i E.€ car firs ~.,cpt:Let to i-cwrtt~r ,rtxl etsaLt in4iur~ a ,4at~tactl awowtg
<br />c;-•,~ ~ fa,rot zd ; ;a f= as :.. Lam. 3 cif _±~_u h rise t__t.::.. sr•~.w ,~ _~-- -°.t :~.-- ~' ::~~'°
<br />awl t'srw:st sett ~xi1~F turn +a? l~ alit r>~= ram ~~ It r»rpss ear drat asa~r~neiaasn tar tt~ .=mss ut ~?za.
<br />m`wtiLv~ ~ nil p~c i r'cnrc iti .-~ ,.gyar gvkg y~r{`teSi _ i Ci#1!&4 - F_Fr14i+YE _lSAF t?lily C44i4)r o r IS]Ai 21 rILAl f{{~y'y{ ;ry4!!iPS1Y
<br />lav linrrtr,e+er•= _ _ .
<br />i?atlswts i.astsa'sar +utd l~rsrrsires 5etiisrwrsa al{rsss m wristrtg, ussauatr.:s; pttks.ai3 else!! tat apHliesf tie wsvs4sraticxs +rt retsa#r of
<br />flee ~y ~* ,>~-'"n'~+.t _ss:.t3 :alt .tsar :~ :;,pear :s s;;srs.3rts~aliy iosts ::€kl :hs ~::rrtt} ~u thcs M~;irrtlg;ti~ as
<br />not tltataby iespis€tnd. if vetch rraluratwsvs or raptor a srs+t cianssrnsiahy teassbk ar t1 the sswurrty ut thin Mcxtgaye Ksxsld
<br />btr twfptsYr~i, i8a ityuratarx prsrcaasia shall be appitrsi to the swsWLr sex:urw!si by then Mortlpy{e, Kith test exctvn, of :soy. peal
<br />m BtKroarw6t. !f the Prtrprr[y as abaudwrrse.i M Burrower, ar ii baatssvwcr taciti to saspvrssl tiz f.r~er vrstl!sraa 3tt datia trs~ttt #ha
<br />data tsutics is n#ailai by Loarkt to Borrower that €hs irWSrtussss .artier afltttx tar set#ic a clar€n fur ttssuratat:r tsaayefits. 1 ers:kr
<br />~ ua rs~ai at#s3 airy t~ e~turaa~~ pry at Lr`w°.~r ~ rs~iua tstltet to t~taunitws~iw at rtt~-.r at tttt ~x.p~iy-
<br />ur• tee tt3s tiuass tax:urad bye tlsta ~.
<br />Ueiutt l.attaw atad Butmwer othstwnr ajrass to wrusag, any nu.h applua#iaast ut prwxcasia to prus;tpal shalt clot extet€d
<br />#x ihn r ds4n of #ha m,wthly +~raallraauts rcfart~d to to F.srsgtspha t anal ? hsrera# ur :haty~ env ai#i4rwlrtt r?t
<br />uteh, iaattsilnsaaaas. !l uawiar ps;alttaplt i A ]straxs# the l"rcrperty to ,utyurst:i by, all tiglst, zrtls arni sntersat ut llixrawcr
<br />:~ nib` t,`s say wt~urtussa;t prriiic'i~ au:'s to araaf iv rr`MC pa.rc:rsests tiearasro'w reauitcug horn damage ro the Froparry pstur to the seta
<br />oil s#:QtMatttou shall pW to k,stsdatr to the +suteui s+t ttt+e Buns, sxaurwl by this ~iortgrda :nuewwttsttig pw€ar tt~ srnh sale t!r
<br />~_ ~.
<br />tL ~~ aa~ ~ test#. t - i< ratsti ~ llst' ilo_=rusvs:r
<br />rsiAall #ha Pts~trsy to tt' r~jrtxr t nu# ittAYtriii wa6te ur parrrttt ur#parrsaen# w afetetwtatsc»r el tfsa Prs~ratl}
<br />fled 3!>a~ k With tits ui uuwy laser it thss Mpr#gagt sx o€# a IaaaaMrid. !f this Mtutgwtge n tau .€ unst an a
<br />stti to st p~ unit lie<t##sptitcrst, 'dstrxuwa# sissril parfiunt sit of But rowers .rblsgrti.»sa undo the clwtitasatcam
<br />- •~-__~-~ -~ - ,.... -~ _ #_~ ~;~ _ ~ lR'~ ;tea ~ §
<br />,y tom= :..r. ;u, at~i ~d~r :w:u.:.~~.a !€ s a.,.:~-t;rt.sua ~sr ply _ t,i„ -~-n~*~t
<br />tidswt s ~ lap lliutrvad and #eu:t.~#lrri tom#hrr Ksth flea Mcutgs~, #hs ~uvts~atssn alai r#r~sr#:o a.,t .sscis ri~€t
<br />t h! ~ i atxl s~stl srtsearwi attd ehtt crtvenririts acrd al thrs Afa~#gat~ as :t flea rw+~- r
<br />+a~-
<br />7. PMrMYse~iee alt Lasmlis~a dlaetsslgy. !f f4ortowar !ads :o perlurm thwt woveusasts aaxi agraemen#s .tm#a€sstai vn fhrn
<br />. ter i€ ~ a}r rt ea# 'tvita~ raa~fy al#t~ts Candor`,` iuter~# in rt#a ~~rry,
<br />l#sa tsfkt ~ w. dti6tttAartt mss, iwstaslvy. tiaatis €^nitHtirH, ~*# ari~ar#,~£tt#etrt! ear prer'.s°td6tsgs inruhRss~ a
<br />411ai€t+l ~ Jizt, tkwta i..asAss rat Laasiar'r opraun, uptm euKne to Borrovrtr, t3usy males ssu;h appesram:ssr, dtatsutse su:li
<br />wt~t yawl ittttas stMl# aw6tlut# as nt tttratwsary w ptuen:t tsatdur'F ingest, :erniusltng, tsar trot litnsted ua, dwsrssststrstesrt t+t
<br />ratty wNtessagy'a ttstd artery tiptart the i~rtr~tetty tv revels r+:parrs I! heassinY #+~uitcd nsurtgaga instuattc°r as a
<br />plod at ~ 9~+s Ip~n s~vrtrl 1'y fly. ~• ~~t-_TMstr Ali ply ti!a leis. ::~m;rat to rr>:eutwe:s a:::l:
<br />lame ~ a°~S:t utit~ ~Fs as the . fa; cassrrstt~ ttrreitsates :n acyc~raiatti~ with ~CrrTtiwer` ~ anal
<br />