<br />- 4. Thaf should he fail to pay any sum or keep `any coveriant"provided for'-in this
<br />Mortgage, theh the Mortgagee, at its 'option,-may pay°or"perform the. same ,: and-all
<br />expenditures so`made,shall be added to the principal sum-owing on the above-note-, shall
<br />be secured hereby,'-.and shall bear interest at_the rate set-forth in the Said note,-until
<br />paid.
<br />5. That he hereby assigns; transfer's and sets over to the Mortgayee, to be applied
<br />toward the payment of the note and all sums secured hereby in case of a default in the
<br />performance of any of ttie terms and conditions of this-fortgage or fhe said note, all
<br />the rents; revenues and income to tie derived from the mortgaged premises during such
<br />time as the mortgage indebtedness-shall remain unpaid; and ttie htortga9ee shall have
<br />.:power to appoint any agent or agents. it may desire for>ttie purpose of repairidg aid
<br />premises and of renting the same and collecting the rents,.."revenues-and income, and it
<br />may pay. out of said incomes a7 expenses- of repairing said premises and necPSsary -
<br />commis-s ions'and~-expenses incurred ih. hFnti=ny and managing the sar:e and of col]ectin,
<br />rentals- therefrom; i:he balance remaihirrg, if any, to be applied toward the discharge of
<br />sai"d mortgage. indebtedness. '
<br />6_.- That-he will--keep the .irnproyements_ now existing or hereafter erected on the
<br />mont_gaged protierty;-insured as may be required from time to time by the Mortgagee
<br />against loss: ey fire and other-hazards, casualties ar:d contingencies in, such amount>
<br />and for such periods as may.-be required by_ i'ne Mortg.~g2e and_will_pay promptly, when. due,
<br />-..any premiums on such- insurance provision for payment of whrcli has-not been made herein-
<br />--before. All:--insurance sha-ll- be carried in--compare-ies--apprroved-by- he htor-tgagee and-the
<br />policies and`_renewals thereof shall tie"held by the Mortgagee`and have attached thereto
<br />-loss payable clauses in favor of and in form acceptable to the Mortgagee. Iri event of
<br />loss P1ortgagor• will gi-ve immediate-notice by mail to the !Aor-tgaaee, ~,,ho may ma4:e pr-oof
<br />of loss if riot made..promptly by Mortganor, and each'`i~siirance cenipany concerrizd is
<br />.hereby authorized and `directed to-'make oayinent for such loss directly to the Fortgagee
<br />instead of to the Mo,rtgagorand~the Mortgagee jointly; and the insurancz proceeds, or -~
<br />any part thereof, may-be applied by -ffie Mortgagee-=at its option either to the reduction
<br />- of :'thei~rtdebtedness her-eby secured or- to the rest6ration or repair of the prroerty
<br />- damaged.-In event rof foreclosure, of this mortgage or other transfer of title to the
<br />mortgaged prooe;rty in extinguishment of the indebtedness secured hereby, all right,
<br />title and interest of the Mortgagor in and io any insurance policies then in force shall
<br />`_ pass to the purchaser'-or grantee.
<br />7:` That as additional- and collateral security for the payment of the note described,
<br />and all sums fo;becorne due under this mortgage, the Mortgagor hereby assigns to the
<br />ortgagee all `pri)-fits, revenues, royalties, rights and benefits accruing to the
<br />Mortgagor under any ahd all oil ahd gas leases on-said premises, with the right to
<br />__ receive and receipt for the same and apply them to said indebtednessas well as after
<br />_'defaul'£ in the .conditions of this ,mortgage, and the Mortgagee pray demand, sue for and
<br />recover any'Such payments when due and payahle, but shall nut be required sn to do.
<br />" This assignment is. to terminate and"heconie,null and void upon release of this° mortnage.
<br />8: 7haf the Mortgagor will keep the buildings upon sai d. premises in good-repair,
<br />and neither commit nor permit.-waste upon said land, oar suff_er_' the said prom}ses to be
<br />used for any unlawful purpose.
<br />9: That if the premises; or any;part'thereof, be coirdemned under the power of
<br />.-eminent domain, ar acquired.-for a public use, the dau~ages awarded, the proceeds for• the
<br />taking-af,.-or the. cansiderati:oh for such acquisition, tc the extent of the full amount
<br />Of indebtedness upon-this mortgage and>the note which is given to secure remaining unpaid,
<br />are hereby a§signed 6y the Mortgagor tq the Mortgagee, and shall 6e paid forthwith to
<br />said.MQrtgdgee to be applied 6y the latter on account of the next maturing installment
<br />of such indebtedness
<br />-.The covenants i}erein contained shall bind, and the benefits and advantages shall
<br />inSUCQ tp, the reSpeGtti,ve heit-S, executors, administrators, successa•s and assigns of
<br />ttre parties hereto. t7henever-used, the singular number shall include the plural, the
<br />plural the singular, and- the use of any gender shall be applicable to all genders.
<br />The f4reg41ng co[ldi,tions,--,all and singular, being performed according Co their
<br />natural ahd legal import, this conveyance shall be void and said premises released at the '
<br />expense- of- ther_Mor-tgagar;=-otherwise to be and-remain i=n full- force and effect. _ --
<br />2
<br />